The Most Violent Upgrade

Chapter 1788 Tianlan Saintess

Just when Zhu Yan saw that he was bound to die, the Tianlan Holy Bracelet on its neck suddenly erupted with a holy and bright emerald green light.

Amidst the celestial energy, a figure in a dress floated out slowly.

It was a glamorous and noble woman, like a celestial being, she was so glamorous and charming, but it made people dare not have any selfish desires, as if she was destined to be a fairy who looked down on ants and sentient beings that day.

She was wearing a green dress, and she was stepping on the fairy cloud. The thick and thin fairy energy was like a gauze, blocking her face, but she could still feel the beauty through the haze.

"Master! Master, please save me!"

At this moment, Zhu Yan suddenly felt how kind this woman was, and she knelt on the ground with tears streaming down her face, begging bitterly as if she had grasped the last straw.

Tianlan Saintess!

Hearing Zhu Yan's title, Du Yuesheng understood that the woman in front of her, shrouded in celestial energy, was the legendary Tianlan Saintess. Facing such a person, even Du Yuesheng felt a little pressure.

Even if it is not Tianlan Saintess herself, just this remnant soul can bring great oppression to Du Yuesheng, enough to experience how terrifying the power beyond the Supreme God is.

"Evil barrier, you don't know how to repent, yet you dare to come out and harm others!"

Regarding Zhu Yan's begging for mercy, Tianlan Saintess frowned slightly. Her voice was cold, but she was extremely majestic. Before her, Zhu Yan, who was still invincible before, trembled and didn't even dare to breathe One sound.

"Master, I know I'm wrong, please help me."

After Tianlan Saintess appeared, Zhu Yan's attitude almost turned around 180 degrees. In front of Tianlan Saintess, he had no temper at all.


Tianlan Saintess snorted coldly, ignored it, looked up at the sky, and murmured: "It turns out that Eternal Night has come, no wonder you escaped, it seems that it is also destined."

It seemed to be talking to herself, after she finished speaking, she put her eyes on Du Yuesheng, looked at Du Yuesheng seriously, and then said: "Little brother, it's very good, without you this time, I'm afraid this Zhu Yan They will run out and endanger the world."

"You have achieved such an achievement at such a young age. You really surprised me."

Tianlan Saintess saw Du Yuesheng's cultivation at a glance. When she found that Du Yuesheng only had the cultivation of the main god realm, but could suppress Zhu Yan by herself, a look of surprise flashed in her eyes, "Maybe, you It is the only human race I have ever seen that can be as amazing as the one when I was young."

Tianlan Saintess smiled slightly and praised. She gave a very high evaluation, but she didn't say who the "that person" she was talking about, and Du Yuesheng didn't ask, just smiled.

"What's the name?"

"Du Yuesheng."

Du Yuesheng cupped his hands.

"Du Yuesheng, this evil bastard is ignorant and offended. I apologize to you for it, but it is of great use to me. I hope you can let him go. I can make up for you, how about it?"

Du Yuesheng had a premonition about the words of Tianlan Saintess. From the moment Tianlan Saintess appeared, Du Yuesheng knew that he would not be able to kill Zhu Yan.

Seeing that she said that, Du Yuesheng couldn't continue anymore, so he could only sigh and said: "Forget it, anyway, it didn't cause us any loss."

Tianlan Saintess gave him a meaningful look, then thanked him: "Thank you then, if you want any compensation, just ask, as long as I have what I have, I can give it to you."

"The essence of Zhu Yan."

Du Yuesheng said bluntly.

The reason why he wanted to kill Zhu Yan was not only that this guy angered him, but also because he wanted to get the legendary essence of Zhu Yan, especially after the confrontation just now, which made him feel The physical strength of the Zhuyan clan.

"Nie Yi, why don't you quickly take it out and redeem your life?"

Tianlan Saintess was quite surprised by Du Yuesheng's request. She thought that Du Yuesheng would ask her for this talisman. But he didn't expect that Du Yuesheng would want the spirit of Zhu Yan.

But since she has already agreed, it is naturally impossible to break her promise.

Zhu Yanwei was obedient, although it was somewhat reluctant, it dared not disobey the master's order, especially when it saw that Du Yuesheng was still playing with the terrible light ball in his hand, it dared not neglect it even more, and hurriedly transferred its pure yuan Half of it is refined.

"I knew it would have been better if I had given him three achievements just now, but now I'm not only losing money, but I'm going to be suppressed again."

At this moment, Zhu Yan couldn't wait to regret it. If he knew that he had just escaped from trouble, he would have given Du Yuesheng 20-30% of Zhu Yan's essence directly and generously, so that he could see the light of day again. Now, instead of stealing chickens, he lost more than half of the rice. , and continue to stay in that damned place.

Zhu Yan felt extremely depressed in his heart.

Looking at the ball of blood essence in the color of red gold in his hand, the breath of life that was exuberant to the extreme was exuded, and a smile finally appeared on Du Yuesheng's face. The energy ball of light returned to his body.

Du Yuesheng put away Zhu Yanzhi's essence.

"Du Yuesheng, can you do me a favor? Inject a little spiritual power into this magic weapon?" At this time, the Tianlan Saintess glanced at Du Yuesheng, and the Tianlan Holy Bracelet worn around Zhu Yan's neck was already flying. It came out, exuding a faint light.

"Easy to do."

Taking advantage of others, Du Yuesheng naturally would not refuse, for him this is almost a trivial matter. He flicked his fingers lightly, and a red line appeared between his fingertips and the Tianlan Holy Bracelet, pouring his spiritual power into it continuously.

Not long after, this magic weapon resumed its function again, emitting a dazzling light.

And the darkness between heaven and earth seems to be slowly dispelled by the light at this moment. When the last piece of darkness disappears in the light, the eternal night of darkness is completely over.

The Holy Maiden of Tianlan suppressed Zhu Yan to the bottom of the valley again, and seeing its reluctance, Bai Xiaoling laughed happily. She walked out of the light curtain and came to Du Yuesheng's side.

"Du Yuesheng, thank you very much this time."

Tianlan Saintess once again thanked Du Yuesheng.

This time she suddenly put her eyes on Bai Xiaoling, flickering, and said in surprise: "The body of destiny?"

Whether it was Du Yuesheng or Bai Xiaoling, they all looked confused about the words of Tianlan Saintess, and had no idea what she was talking about.

What is the body of destiny, what is it, can it be eaten?

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