The Most Violent Upgrade

Chapter 1789 The Body of Destiny

Seeing the bewildered faces of Du Yuesheng and the other two, Tianlan Saintess quickly understood.

It seems that they don't know this saying anymore, but she smiled and explained:

"There are many special physiques in the world. Generally, we call them spirit bodies, but on top of this spirit body, there are three primitive physiques that coexist with the heaven and earth, which are rare in the world."

"This little girl is one of the three primeval physiques, the Body of Destiny. Perhaps you may mistake it for a divine body, but in fact, only in the God Realm can the power of this Body of Destiny be revealed. "

After the explanation by Tianlan Saintess, Du Yuesheng finally understood that he had always thought that Bai Xiaoling was a heavenly spirit body, but in fact he was one of the three original physiques, the body of destiny.

According to Tianlan Saintess, this Destiny Body is much more heaven-defying than the Heavenly Blessed Spirit Body.

The so-called heavenly favored spirit body is just blessed by the heavens, and it is only extraordinary in treasure hunting.

But the Body of Destiny is much more powerful, it is completely born of destiny. Simply put, no matter what she does, it is in accordance with the destiny.

This is amazing. In this realm of death, you may not be able to show your power, but it will be completely different in the God Realm. Others need to overcome calamity, but she doesn't need it; others need to practice, but she doesn't need it; Wait for the obstacles in cultivation, she has none of them!

Whether it's refining medicine, formations, refining weapons, etc., she can learn it without a teacher!

Especially if you don't need to cross the catastrophe, it's too heaven-defying. You know, the biggest threat to monks in the God Realm is no longer the enemy, but the small catastrophe of one thousand years and one catastrophe of nine thousand years The catastrophe!

There is even a legend about a catastrophe that destroyed the world in the first era!

No matter how powerful a monk has reached, the catastrophe is always inevitable, and the stronger the strength, the more terrifying the power of the catastrophe. Even a giant in the god world may die in the catastrophe .

But Bai Xiaoling just doesn't need it!

When she arrives in the God Realm, she doesn't have to work hard like others, she can increase her cultivation anytime, anywhere, and she doesn't have a lifespan that is far beyond human comparison, how can this not be abnormal? As long as she doesn't provoke those terrifying giants, she can reach the pinnacle in just a few days!

This is the body of destiny!

According to legend, one of the three giants in the God Realm is the Body of Destiny.

The three giants have undergone two cleanings and two replacements, but that one is the only one still standing, isn't that against the sky?

If it wasn't for the identity of Tianlan Saintess, Du Yuesheng would have suspected that the Taoist priests of the rivers and lakes were bluffing here.

Du Yuesheng was envious of this body of destiny, he couldn't help but think of his trash physique, and suddenly realized that people are really pissed off compared to others...

"Little girl, what's your name?"

Seeing Tianlan Saintess's kind face, Bai Xiaoling didn't seem to be able to react yet. There were too many changes before and after, and it was difficult for her to recover for a while.

This feeling is like someone telling you suddenly that your father who is working as a cleaner is actually a super rich man worth hundreds of millions. How could you believe it all at once?

"Bai Xiaoling."

Seeing Bai Xiaoling's still dull look, Tianlan Saintess smiled slightly. She thought this girl was really cute, and asked, "Xiaoling, do you have a teacher?"

"No, no."

Bai Xiaoling shook his head.

"Then are you willing to be my disciple? Will you inherit my inheritance?"

Tianlan Saintess said impatiently. This is the Body of Destiny, and it is perfect to be her disciple, how could she just watch this promising disciple leave like this.


Bai Xiaoling didn't seem to have reacted yet, he was stunned.

"Hurry up and pay homage to your teacher."

Seeing Bai Xiaoling's dazed look, Du Yuesheng smiled, patted her on the shoulder, and said.

At this time, Bai Xiaoling suddenly realized that when she thought that she was about to inherit an inheritance that surpassed the realm of gods, her eyes lit up, she knelt down and kowtowed, and said respectfully: "Disciple Bai Xiaoling, pay homage to Master Tianlan!"

"Guys, hurry up and get up."

Tianlan Saintess was about to burst into laughter. Regarding this disciple, she was really afraid of melting in her mouth. She quickly helped her up, took her hand, and looked up and down. Seeing that she was so well-behaved, Really happy.

"Master Tianlan, do you have any greeting gifts for the disciples?"

After being quiet for a while, Bai Xiaoling finally couldn't help showing her true nature. She clearly remembered that this Tianlan saintess was most proud of her alchemy skills, and she looked at her with shining eyes.

"Uh..." A look of embarrassment appeared on Tianlan's face, she smiled, took a cyan jade pendant from her waist, and put it in Bai Xiaoling's hand.

"I'm really sorry, the thing I'm most proud of in my life as a teacher is the art of alchemy, but it's a pity that it's left in the place of inheritance, and I really have nothing to show for it."

"How about this, you hold my token, you can go to the upper reaches of the holy river, and after passing the test, you can use this token to open the place of inheritance."

A look of disappointment flashed across Bai Xiaoling's face, but she quickly returned to her smile. Anyway, she was going to go up there and lay down there anyway. Since she already had the method to open the land of inheritance, there was no need to worry La.

"Disciple, thank you, Master."

Tianlan Saintess pulled Bai Xiaoling, and the two chatted and laughed immediately. Maybe women always have a lot of common topics.

Anyway, one of them told the story, and the other listened to it in a daze. Only Du Yuesheng was left enjoying the scenery boredly.

However, Du Yuesheng understood the reason why Zhu Yan was suppressed here from the words of Tianlan Saintess.

It turned out that before the Tianlan Saintess ascended, she refined the legendary Supreme Pill, which claimed to be able to break through the realm of the Supreme God, but when the pill was completed, she was stolen by Zhu Yan. In anger, he was imprisoned here.

And this Zhuyan, after stealing the supreme pill, also broke through from the main god realm to the supreme god realm, and after a long time, its cultivation base has also reached the peak of the supreme god, if it hadn't been suppressed here, I'm afraid this Tou Zhuyan has already plagued the realm of death.

That's the context of the whole thing.

As for why Tianlan Saintess kept Zhu Yan, there was another reason besides her inability to kill Zhu Yan back then.

She just couldn't bear it, after all, this Zhu Yan was a pet she had raised since she was a child.

Bai Xiaoling and Tianlan Saintess hit it off right away, if it wasn't for the huge age gap between the two, Du Yuesheng would have felt that the two of them were likely to marry Jinlan and be called sisters.

He had never seen anyone who could talk for so long.

The two chatted for a full day and night. During this period, Tianlan Saintess told a lot about her own experiences and what she saw and heard in the world around her.

And Bai Xiaoling actually told her about his "travel in the Jianghu", even how she and Du Yuesheng met.

Of course, it was unavoidable to add oil and vinegar in this process, and Du Yuesheng was always convinced by saying how smart and powerful she was Bai Xiaoling.

It wasn't until later that the remnant soul of Tianlan Saintess was no longer enough to stay in this world, and the two girls reluctantly bid farewell to each other.

"Little Ling, my teacher will disappear soon. Before I leave, I will send you out for my teacher." There was a trace of sadness in the tone of Tianlan Shengnv.

Bai Xiaoling's eyes were already red, she was reluctant to look at the Tianlan Saintess whose body became more and more transparent, tears almost welled up in her eyes, and said, "Master, will this disciple see you again?"

"Stupid child, Master is no longer in this world, you should practice hard in the future, and don't ruin Master's reputation."

Tianlan Saintess is full of maternal brilliance at this moment. She strokes Bai Xiaoling's hair and smiles.

"But the disciple is reluctant to part with you, is there no other way?"

At this time, Bai Xiaoling looked at Du Yuesheng helplessly.

Du Yuesheng sighed deeply and shook his head.

If this Tianlan Saintess were someone else, Du Yuesheng might still have some ideas, but this is a supreme existence beyond the realm of gods, even Du Yuesheng is powerless.

What's more, the Tianlan Saintess has been dead for many years, and I'm afraid there is nothing she can do.

Moreover, his system was being updated, so he couldn't use the system at all now, otherwise Zhu Yan would be able to run wild in the future.

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