The Most Violent Upgrade

Chapter 1790 Arriving upstream

"Silly boy, there is another remnant soul of Master left in the place of inheritance. You can see it after you go." Seeing the sad appearance of the newly recruited disciple, Tianlan Saintess felt distressed for a while, said comfortingly.


Hearing this, Bai Xiaoling's eyes suddenly brightened, but she soon thought of something again, her eyes dimmed again, and said dejectedly: "But, even the master will disappear there."

"The disciple doesn't want to go. If he goes, the master will definitely come to see the disciple. If that happens, the master will disappear from the world forever."

Tianlan Saintess sighed, but she was helpless, seeing that her spirit was getting weaker and weaker, she finally lied once.

"Silly boy, in the God Realm, there is a Tianlan Palace, and there is also a spirit of Master there, as long as you go to the God Realm, you will be able to see it."

"Really?" Bai Xiaoling tilted his head, as if he didn't quite believe it. But seeing Tianlan Saintess nodded, she immediately jumped up with joy, and cheered, "That's great, master, don't worry, the disciple must practice hard in the future, and strive to go to the God Realm as soon as possible to visit the master!"

"This is the good disciple who is the teacher. Okay, let's go."

Tianlan Saintess sent Bai Xiaoling and Du Yuesheng out of this secret realm with a smile on her face. At the time of parting, Bai Xiaoling couldn't bear to look back, just in time to see the spirit of Tianlan Saintess slowly disappearing between heaven and earth, she still shed tears in the end.

Tianlan Holy River.

At this time, three days had passed since Du Yuesheng and the two left from the secret realm. After a brief moment of sadness at parting, Bai Xiaoling regained his bright and moving smile.

She was in such a good mood that she hummed a ditty wherever she went.

At this moment, Bai Xiaoling felt that he was so happy. Not only was he the legendary Body of Destiny, but he also worshiped Tianlan Saintess as his master. When he thought that he would soon go to the place of inheritance and meet his master again, Bai Xiaoling became more and more happy. Can't wait.

Of course, apart from these, there was one more thing that made her very happy.

She didn't forget what Du Yuesheng said that day that she wanted to marry her. Now that I know that I am the Body of Destiny, and I have Master's inheritance, I should be able to catch up with him soon, maybe I can help Du Yuesheng in the future, and I won't hurt him anymore.

"Hmph, when the time comes, this girl can justifiably ask him to marry me."

Bai Xiaoling thought silently in his heart, unconsciously, a blush had already appeared on his face, looking as attractive as a ripe red apple.

"Oh, oh, how can girls think about these things, it's really embarrassing."

At this time, Bai Xiaoling secretly glanced at Du Yuesheng, and found that he was concentrating on searching for the direction with his spiritual sense, and he was relieved, "Fortunately, she didn't see him."

Bai Xiaoling muttered.

But what she didn't know was that when her words fell, Du Yuesheng's mouth also raised a faint smile.

At this time, the closer to the upstream, the more turbulent the surrounding water is, and the turbulent waves are like galloping horses, and the waves are like rushing, but for Du Yuesheng and the two, they can't stop their progress at all.

They wasted more than a day in the secret realm, and they must have been overtaken by many people, so they had to move forward at full speed. If they were too slow, the entrance would have been closed by the time they reached the upper reaches.

Therefore, during these three days, Du Yuesheng and the two dared not be careless and moved forward at full speed. During the period, they did not stop at all except for a short rest to eat and drink.

All kinds of soul beasts they encountered on their way were all slapped to pieces in front of Du Yuesheng, which did not act as a hindrance to them at all.

It is also in this situation of advancing at full speed that they can continuously surpass their predecessors, and they are getting closer and closer to the upstream under the eyes of many horrified and surprised eyes.

After about two days, they finally came upstream.

It has to be said that compared with the middle and lower reaches, this upstream is really quite different. Looking at the bright golden light in front of him, Bai Xiaoling sighed in his heart.

If the middle and lower reaches are still strange, then the upper reaches are simply heaven, and what is inside those golden light clusters are not other things, but magic weapons.

Bai Xiaoling's eyes lit up, she felt as if these magic weapons were beckoning to her, she wished she could take them all for herself.

Of course, she couldn't do that, and she didn't dare to do it. After all, in front of her, there were many covetous eyes, looking at the two of them unkindly.

"Hmph, I'm lucky that I managed to get here." The person who spoke was Ronald, the Holy Son of Ghost Shadow Sect.

He looked at Du Yuesheng and Du Yuesheng contemptuously, and seemed to feel that it was a sign of bad luck that they could get here with their strength.

You must know that there is only one river leading to the upper reaches, not only will there be major forces blocking each other, but there will also be many powerful soul beasts acting as "blockers".

Just like him, on the way here, he encountered a terrifying soul beast whose strength had reached the realm of the main god. If the guardians did not take action to eliminate it, even with his ability, he might not be able to come here safe and sound.

Compared to Ronald's disdain, the daughters of Miaoyuzong were slightly taken aback, especially that Mei Niang, who looked at Du Yuesheng with admiration.

He glanced at him meaningfully, made a seductive gesture of licking his lips, and said with a smile: "You actually managed to get here so fast, it seems that you have successfully aroused my interest."

At this time, Du Yuesheng could clearly feel that this Mei Niang had used some means, and her strength had already reached the realm of the Supreme God.

Today, no matter her status or strength, her every move is enough to attract the attention of the audience.

After what she said, everyone realized that it was not as simple as it seemed for Du Yuesheng and Du Yuesheng to come to the top in fifth place.

After all, apart from the two major factions of Qianling Pavilion and Miaoyu Sect who have the Supreme God Protectors present, it was not as easy for the other holy children to come here, and many of them even paid the price with their lives.

After Mei Niang said, everyone's eyes were cast on Du Yuesheng and Du Yuesheng, especially Du Yuesheng received the most attention, almost every look was trying to see through him, wanting to know what kind of secrets were hidden in him.

After all, reaching this upstream also means that the real competition has begun. Everyone who appears here is their competitor, and it is about their own vital interests. No one dares to be careless.

At this time, Du Yuesheng felt that the old man in the Qianling Pavilion looked at him. This was the guardian who had also reached the realm of the Supreme God.

Sensing his unscrupulous probing gaze, Du Yuesheng snorted coldly, shaking all the spiritual consciousness left on him.

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