The Most Violent Upgrade

Chapter 1791 Quota

"Hmph, so it's the peak of the main god."

The old man snorted coldly, his face changed, he seemed to be a little annoyed, but thinking of the Meiniang who was staring at him, he still resisted the thought of wanting to teach Du Yuesheng a lesson.

After all, for him, it would take a lot of effort to deal with a strong man at the peak of the main god, and he didn't want to let Mei Niang take advantage of it.

However, after he said this, it caused an uproar among the others.

Only then did they know that it was no wonder that the White Demon Palace dared to send the two of them over like this. It turned out that Du Yuesheng was the existence of the peak of the main god.

But it's a pity, if there is no Qianling Pavilion and Miaoyuzong, Du Yuesheng's strength is enough to become one of the strongest in it.

It's a pity that the two supreme gods of Qianling Pavilion and Miaoyuzong will not give him the slightest chance.

"It turned out to be a main god, no wonder he dared to be so arrogant." Ronald said coldly, his tone still disdainful.

But in fact, he was shocked in his heart. How old is this guy in front of him? Maybe he is younger than himself, but he has grown to the peak of the main god in this way.

This made Ronald feel that he was hit hard. He is the most proud arrogance in the family, the holy son of Ghost Shadow Sect, and the next heir.

"Hmph, no matter what, you are only one person after all, and you are destined to not be able to overcome the storm."

Ronald thought so in his heart, he even planned whether to play one hand, or shoot two guardians to keep this kid here forever, waiting for the next soul beast.

"Strange, Du Yuesheng, why don't they take the magic weapon when they see it? Why are they just staring blankly?" Bai Xiaoling said in a low voice. She really felt a little puzzled. What's going on with these people? Woolen cloth.

"Didn't you see that there is a barrier in front?" Du Yuesheng pouted, signaling Bai Xiaoling to look forward, there was a layer of faint white light on the ground, isolating the magic weapon inside from the outside world.

"So that's the case, but what should we do? You can't just stand here and watch, right?" Bai Xiaoling thought for a while and said.

"There must be a way. Don't forget that there are two supreme gods now, but I think the reason why they haven't done anything is because they are worried about being attacked from behind by others." Du Yuesheng explained.

Only he and Bai Xiaoling could hear his voice, but for some reason, Meiniang heard it too, it seemed that she was going into the water for Radu Yuesheng, she said with a smile: "Of course there is a way, but maybe you still need Fellow Daoist Su help."

After she finished speaking, the eyes of the audience immediately focused on Du Yuesheng. There was sympathy, pity, and more threats in those eyes.

It felt like Du Yuesheng would immediately become the target of public criticism if he didn't agree.

"Tell me, as long as I can do it." Du Yuesheng shrugged indifferently, but he really wanted to see what kind of medicine was sold in this Meiniang gourd.

I have to say, this Mei Niang is really a bit difficult to deal with. If it was only based on strength alone, Du Yuesheng would be able to get rid of her by a hundred blocks, but this woman is scheming, and this kind of secret battle is much more difficult to deal with than a frontal fight.

Of course, even so, Du Yuesheng would not back down in the slightest. So what, no matter how scheming this Mei Niang is? He is confident that in the face of absolute power, he is enough to deal with all conspiracies and schemes.

"Of course you can do it." Mei Niang said in an affirmative tone. She looked at Du Yuesheng, then at Bai Xiaoling meaningfully, and said slowly, "There are only three places left here, so the extra Please help me clean it up."

As soon as she finished speaking, the atmosphere of the audience suddenly changed, and there was a chilling feeling all of a sudden, except for Qianling Pavilion and Miaoyuzong, everyone's expression became ugly.

They slowly shifted their gazes to Du Yuesheng, and there was an invisible murderous intent. It seemed that as long as Du Yuesheng dared to speak, they would immediately kill him here.

This Mei Niang is really ruthless, her meaning is obvious.

There are only three places to enter the upstream, but there are a total of five forces present here, and the conditions for her to break the barrier are very simple.

Apart from Qianling Pavilion and Miaoyuzong, there can only be one side left behind.

This is a difficult problem. After all, no one who can get here is easy to provoke, and no one wants to offend. But Mei Niang directly threw this problem to Du Yuesheng, no matter what he said, he would become the target of public criticism.

This is a game of death, this woman is too cruel.

"I can't do such a difficult thing, I think it's up to you to choose." Du Yuesheng smiled and said. He is not stupid, and naturally he would not hit other people's guns at such a juncture.

Even if his strength is enough to deal with any situation, who wants to cause trouble for himself?

"Do you really want me to choose?" A sly gleam flashed in Mei Niang's beautiful eyes, she smiled slightly, charming, she glanced at Du Yuesheng, her red lips parted, and said slowly, "If it was me, I hope that you White Demon Palace can withdraw voluntarily."

"Will you agree?"

Mei Niang's words made many people breathe a sigh of relief, and they all cast their eyes on Du Yuesheng, looking rather gloating, as if they really wanted to see how Du Yuesheng would react.

"Yes, you can agree, but I also have one condition."

Du Yuesheng smiled nonchalantly.

Bai Xiaoling next to him almost thought that Du Yuesheng was really going to agree, but after hearing what he said later, Bai Xiaoling also showed a knowing smile. Based on her understanding of Du Yuesheng, this guy seems to have never suffered a disadvantage. .


"Oh? What conditions, you want to talk about it? Could it be that you want your sister to accompany you?" Meiniang said full of temptation, she suddenly appeared beside Du Yuesheng, exhaling like blue on her face, That charming appearance made many men present goosebumps.

"That's not necessary." Du Yuesheng smiled slightly, took a few steps back, and said with a smile, "As long as you Miaoyuzong agree to leave, I, the White Demon Palace, will sacrifice my life for righteousness, and it is still possible to help others."

Bai Xiaoling couldn't help laughing at Du Yuesheng's words.

That Mei Niang's expression darkened, she gave Bai Xiaoling a cold look, and sneered at Du Yuesheng: "Hmph, I've already given a chance, so no wonder my sister is cruel."

After Mei Niang's words fell, killing intent suddenly appeared, and the area was instantly filled with killing intent.

Almost all the eyes of the audience were on Du Yuesheng at this moment, with pity, sympathy, and of course disdain in those eyes. In their view, Du Yuesheng's fate of offending Mei Niang is doomed to be a tragedy.

After all, that is the legendary "Red Widow", not to mention, she has now reached the supreme realm of the Supreme God, and is almost invincible in this Tianlan Holy River.

So what if Du Yuesheng is a strong man at the peak of the main god?

Under the Supreme God, all living beings are ants!

"Hmph, this kid is dead, he really wants to die." Ronald sneered at the side, he deliberately amplified his voice, and said slowly, "If you are sensible, get out of here, what right does the White Demon Palace have to appear here? "

After he finished speaking, the audience was silent.

Everyone seemed to agree with his statement.

Bai Xiaoling's face was livid with anger, that guy actually humiliated his sect in front of her, if he couldn't beat him, Bai Xiaoling would have rushed to give him a slap in the face.

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