The Most Violent Upgrade

Chapter 1792 Just a slap

"That's right!" Du Yuesheng's voice sounded faintly, and he looked at Ronald, smiled, and said, "If you are sensible, you should really get out."

Ghost Shadow Sect is enough to enter the top five sects among the eight major sects. How could Ronal tolerate such humiliation, he was furious and wanted to make a move, but was stopped by the guardian next to him.

"Holy Son, it's not appropriate to make extravagant incidents right now."

The old man who held Ronald was the main guardian of the Ghost Shadow Sect. He leaned into Ronald's ear and whispered.

After he said this, Ronald remembered the situation in front of him. The opponent he was going to face was not the White Demon Palace with only two people, but the other two forces. Those were his great enemies. If it ruins a major event because of waste, then the loss outweighs the gain.

Thinking of this, Ronald calmed down, and gave Du Yuesheng a vicious look. There seemed to be murderous intent in that gaze, but he still suppressed the anger in his heart, but secretly planned in his heart. After that, I have to teach that arrogant kid a lesson.

Du Yuesheng glanced at him expressionlessly, if the old man hadn't stopped Naronal just now, he would have already become a dead body on the ground.

"Really, can such a small matter be resolved?"

At this time, that Mei Niang's voice sounded again, she glanced at the crowd, her tone became cold, "Our Miaoyu Sect has so much time to spend with you, as for the last place left To whom, you decide for yourself."

"let's go."

After finishing speaking, Meiniang twisted her swaying waist like a snake, and walked towards the enchantment in a charming manner. I don't know what method she used. When her body came into contact, the enchantment opened automatically. A crack opened, just wide enough for one person to pass through.

After she entered, the members of Miaoyu Sect who followed behind also walked into the enchantment without hesitation. When the last person entered, the enchantment slowly returned to its original state, as if it was different from the world. isolated.

"Let's go too."

After seeing Miaoyuzong go in, Qianling Pavilion followed closely. With supreme protectors like the Supreme God, a mere layer of enchantment seems to have no blocking effect on them at all.

When these two major forces all entered, the atmosphere in the arena suddenly became a little subtle.

Everyone knows that the holy river baptism this time is very different from the previous ones. In the past, the major forces competed fairly, but this time there were two guardians of the Supreme God in Qianling Pavilion and Miaoyuzong. Destined to occupy a place each.

Although they were unwilling, they did not dare to compete with it. There seems to be only a short distance between the supreme god and the peak of the main god, but in fact they are separated by hundreds of thousands of miles. They can't afford to provoke them and dare not provoke them. After all, no one wants to court death.

Challenge the Supreme God? That's a cruel joke.

When these two major forces entered the barrier, there were only three forces left on the scene, namely Ghost Shadow Sect, Wan Guimen, and Du Yuesheng, who represented the White Demon Palace. Among the three, only one of them was destined to be able to get married. boundary.

It's brutal and realistic.

Needless to say, Ghost Shadow Sect and Wan Gui Sect all set their sights on Du Yuesheng at this moment in a tacit understanding. Obviously, in their opinion, among the three parties, Du Yuesheng and Du Yuesheng are the weakest.

The weak, of course, must be eliminated first!

"Go away by yourself, or wait for me to clear the field?"

Ronald's voice sounded cold and ruthless in this strange space. He didn't expect that he could take revenge on Du Yuesheng's humiliation so soon. When both Qianling Pavilion and Miaoyuzong entered the barrier, he couldn't wait to speak.

His eyes were cold and ruthless, as if he was looking at a cold corpse.

In his opinion, no matter what choice Du Yuesheng made, there was only one end, and that was death! Because no matter what, it is impossible for him to let go of this kid who offended and challenged his majesty again and again.

This time, Wan Guimen also stood unswervingly on the side of Ghost Shadow Sect, which can be seen from the way they looked at Du Yuesheng and the two of them.

This is inevitable, Wan Guimen and Ghost Shadow Sect are equal in strength, and neither of them wants to watch the White Devil Palace reap the benefits after fighting each other, so no matter what, they all agree that the weak should be eliminated first.

Facing the pressure from the two major forces, not to mention Du Yuesheng, even Bai Xiaoling behaved very relaxed, as if he didn't take these people seriously. After witnessing Du Yuesheng's incomparably terrifying fighting power again and again, Bai Xiaoling would never think that these wastes could stop them.

That's right, it's trash.

After watching the world-shattering battle between Du Yuesheng and Zhu Yan with his own eyes, the current Bai Xiaoling felt that these people in front of Du Yuesheng seemed to be no different from trash.

Not to mention a bunch of little guys in the main god realm, even if the Supreme God came, it must be a slap and fly away, right?

Thinking this way in Bai Xiaoling's mind, she was not worried about the situation she was facing now.

"Are you dumb?"

Seeing these two guys, Ronald ignored him, especially when he saw Bai Xiaoling's relaxed face, he immediately became annoyed, he felt that he was underestimated by these two guys, his face was gloomy, full of killing intent out.

"I will also give you a chance to disappear in front of me within three breaths."

Du Yuesheng glanced at him indifferently, as if he didn't even have the desire to take another look.


Ronald couldn't bear it anymore, he is the holy son of Ghost Shadow Sect, a generation of arrogance, even if his cultivation is not as good as Du Yuesheng, but he is still a veritable master of the main god realm, how can he tolerate such humiliation.

"Boy, today I want to let you know that there is a price to pay for arrogance!" Ronald sneered again and again, he gritted his teeth and squeezed out a few words from his mouth, "If you offend someone who shouldn't be offended, there is only one end." ..."


When his voice fell, his body flickered, and he disappeared in place, appearing in front of Du Yuesheng like a ghost, and with a blow, his bone claws protruded out, as if he was about to pull out his heart, and a cloud of black mist appeared around the claws. There are many ghostly faces, roaring.

"Ghost Shadow Claw!"

This Ronald's cultivation is actually quite extraordinary, he is already at the seventh level of the main god. With his aptitude, it will not be difficult to break through to the realm of the supreme god in the future. The Ghost Shadow Claw he cast was already quite powerful.

Under the shadow of the ghost, there was a strange wind, and the shrill sound of the ghost's howling and howling was even more dizzying, and the slightest carelessness would disturb the mind.

Du Yuesheng remained expressionless, and only slowly raised his palm when the ghost claw was about to touch his chest.

He didn't see any movement, but with a crisp sound, Ronald flew upside down like a cannonball uncontrollably, spitting blood in the air.

"At your level, one slap is one."

Du Yuesheng looked indifferently at Ronald who was lying on the ground with a face full of shock.

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