The Most Violent Upgrade

Chapter 1793 Let's all go together



At this time, no one would think so. They were stunned by this sudden scene and were speechless for a long time.


"How can this be?"

"Even if it is the peak of the main god, it is impossible to do this?"

At this time, many people from the other side, the Ten Thousand Ghosts Sect, exclaimed. They looked at Ronald on the ground in disbelief, and then at Du Yuesheng who was expressionless, and their jaws almost fell to the ground in shock.

How can this be?

Even if Du Yuesheng is at the peak of the main god realm, it is impossible to easily injure Ronald now, right? After all, Ronald is the Son of God, among other things, there are countless life-saving means on him, but in front of Du Yuesheng, it seems that all of them have failed.

Even those defenders who are also at the peak of the main god, they all ask themselves that they can't be like Du Yuesheng.

"Bastard, what are you still doing, kill him!"

Ronald's face was pale. After the shock, he felt unprecedented fear in his heart. At the moment he faced Du Yuesheng, he felt that he was so close to death, as if that palm could kill him.

He hates this kind of fear from the heart. He is the Son of God, how could he be afraid?

He turned all his fear into anger, and roared almost madly.

"Fellow Taoists from the Ten Thousand Ghosts Sect, let's kill this son together!"

Ronal's guardian did not act rashly. As a strong man at the peak of the main god, at the moment Du Yuesheng shot, he had a deeper feeling for that power than Ronal. Feeling apprehensive, he planned to drag Wan Guimen into the water together.

If Du Yuesheng didn't make a move, the people of Wanguimen might be willing to help, but after seeing Du Yuesheng slap Ronald and fly away, they hesitated a little. No one who can come here is a fool, naturally It can be seen that perhaps this Du Yuesheng is not as simple as it seems.

"Fellow daoists, don't hesitate. If other forces also come, the quota will not be up to you and me to decide." The guardian of the ghost shadow sect is very cunning and scheming.

After he said this, many people in the Ten Thousand Ghosts Sect's faces changed, obviously because they thought that delaying it would only be more detrimental to them.

"Okay, the old man will be with you to kill this son!"

After a moment of silence, a skinny old man slowly came out from the Ten Thousand Ghosts Gate. He was blind, but his heart was like a mirror, as if he could see everything clearly. The moment he walked out, a ghostly scene appeared behind him Shadow, gloomy.

"Hahaha, with the help of the poisonous dragon fellow Taoist, this kid will definitely die!"

Seeing the old man who came out, the guardian of the Ghost Shadow Sect laughed, as if he had dispelled his previous worries. Obviously, in his opinion, if the two powerful masters at the peak of the main gods shot together, even if that No matter how strong Du Yuesheng is, he will definitely die.

What's more, the one-eyed old man Wanguimen has a lot of background. As a famous figure of the older generation, he was already famous in the realm of death thousands of years ago. His strange poison has made many strong people frightened. Too willing to provoke such an old guy.

He is the peerless strongman who became famous thousands of years ago, the poisonous dragon!

Thousands of years ago, Poison Dragon was already a peerless powerhouse at the peak of the main god. After thousands of years of cultivation, although he did not break through to the realm of the supreme god, the profound cultivation he accumulated was far beyond the ordinary peak of the main god.

"Hmph, you Thousand Faced Ghost is not easy."

Hearing such a high evaluation of himself, Du Long was naturally very proud, but he didn't show it, but laughed and cursed.

It turned out that the protector of the Ghost Shadow Sect also had an extraordinary background. He was known as the "Thousand-faced Ghost". With the power of a supreme god, the old monster escaped from hunting, so he became famous all over the world.

This kind of record can be regarded as brilliant.

Hearing these two old men flattering each other, at this moment, the young guardians of the two forces suddenly realized that the other party was actually such a famous and peerless powerhouse.

"This time, the two of the White Demon Palace are dead!"

They are all thinking in their hearts.

Although Du Yuesheng's fighting power was amazing just now, but the names of these two guardians are too big, big enough to cover up Du Yuesheng's brilliance, they will no longer think that Du Yuesheng can be in the hands of two peerless powerhouses survived.

"Boy, I will give you a chance to go out on your knees, but I will spare your life."

The old poisonous dragon glanced at Du Yuesheng indifferently, and said slowly. He looked like he was dying and old, but his eyes were still radiant, and the breath of life on his body was surprisingly exuberant.

"Why nonsense?"

Du Yuesheng glanced at him and said with a smile.

"Hmph, then I can't blame the old man!"

Du Long snorted coldly. At this time, the Thousand Faced Ghost beside him was already ready to avenge his son. They looked at each other and were about to attack, but they were interrupted by Du Yuesheng at this moment.


Hearing Du Yuesheng's voice, the two of them were a little surprised, but they also stopped their movements because of their identities. Among them, the thousand-faced ghost sneered: "Why? You don't want to ask for mercy, do you?"

"That's not true." Du Yuesheng smiled. He glanced at the two old men and said slowly, "But I think it's better for all of you to go up together, and solve it all at once to save me trouble."



As soon as he finished his words, Poison Dragon and Thousand Faced Ghost immediately scolded, their veins burst out of anger, this kid dared to be so arrogant in front of their two peerless powerhouses, it was too arrogant.

Du Yuesheng's words completely angered these two people. They stopped talking and made desperate moves. They were all thunderous moves. They obviously wanted to kill Du Yuesheng with one blow. The moves were extremely fierce.


Du Yuesheng's face also turned cold, he was not arrogant, but really found it troublesome. It is a waste of time to solve them one by one every time, and Du Yuesheng feels very impatient.

But since these two old guys brought it up by themselves, he had no choice but to make a move.

"Myriad poisonous miasma!"

With a wave of the poisonous dragon sleeve robe, a green miasma appeared in front of it. It was extremely poisonous. Wherever the miasma passed, even the ground was eroded into scorched black, and even the air was under this terrible poisonous gas. burn up.

"Hundred ghost faces!"

Thousand-faced ghost's skills are very strange, he can't see any movements in his hands, but his figure keeps moving quickly.

Every time, a grimace was left on the spot, and it didn't take long before Du Yuesheng was surrounded by hideous grimaces from all directions.

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