The Most Violent Upgrade

Chapter 1794 The third place


Du Yuesheng glanced at it coldly, his expression was calm, and he spit out a word from his mouth, like a musical note flying out, good at facing the wind, it turned into an extremely terrifying storm of destroying the world, blowing in all directions like destroying the world Wreak out.

In an instant, whether it was the grimace or the poisonous miasma, in front of this storm, they were instantly destroyed and disappeared without a trace, as if they had never appeared before.

Before the storm subsided, before the poisonous dragon and the thousand-faced ghost could react, they were blown thousands of miles away by the storm and fell to the ground.

"As I said earlier, it's better for you to go together."

Du Yuesheng said silently. He really couldn't understand these people, why did they have to die one by one? Wouldn't it be better to have a quick one at a time? Anyway, the ending is the same no matter what, so what else is there to worry about?


Du Long just got up, and when he heard Du Yuesheng's words, he was so angry that he spat out two mouthfuls of blood again. He glanced at the Thousand Faced Ghost next to him, gritted his teeth, as if he had decided on something, and suddenly directed at the other members of the Wan Gui Sect. Shouted in the direction: "Wan Guimen, kill this son with the old man!"

The same is true for Thousand Faced Ghost, he glanced at everyone in his sect, and said in the same voice: "Ghost Shadow Sect, let's go together!"

People like them who have been famous for a long time, although they rely on their status and care about their face, they also understand the truth more and more. When necessary, they can use all means to win the final victory.

After a short fight, they understood very well that with the strength of the two of them, they were no match for Du Yuesheng at all!

These two old fellows had a high prestige in their respective sects. Under this order, none of them dared to disobey.

"That's right, you save me trouble and I save trouble, it's mutual benefit."

Looking at the various attack methods flying all over the sky, Du Yuesheng's mouth curled into a smile.

When they saw his smile, Du Long and the others suddenly thumped in their hearts, vaguely having a bad premonition, what kind of support does that guy have? In the face of dozens of people attacking at the same time, how can you still be so flattered?

What else is he hiding?

At this time, Du Long and others suddenly realized that they seemed to have fallen into Du Yuesheng's trap.

Since these people took Du Yuesheng as their target, they are destined to have only one ending.

When Zhu Xianjian appeared in Du Yuesheng's hands, the battle was over. Once the Zhuxian Sword is released, all living beings will be ashes, and even immortals will be blooded, how can these ants be able to resist it?

When the sword light flashed, the world seemed to become silent all of a sudden, and the whole world was shrouded in a vast expanse of whiteness.

There is a pungent bloody smell all around

The blood is like a continuous river, flowing down the potholes and downhill.

"Let's go."

Du Yuesheng acted as if nothing had happened, he pulled the pale-faced Bai Xiaoling, and his figure slowly disappeared into the barrier.

After the enchantment, it is already another world.

The various magic weapons that were shining with golden light before have been scoured by Qianling Pavilion and Miaoyu Sect who arrived one step earlier, not even a hair left.

Seeing the emptiness here, Bai Xiaoling felt like his heart was bleeding.

"Those are all magic weapons. All kinds of magic weapons were taken away by those nasty guys just like that. Hmph, these guys are really ruthless.

Bai Xiaoling was full of anger, pouted his mouth, wishing he could catch up and beat up those greedy guys from Qianling Pavilion and Miaoyuzong.

But she is doomed not to be able to fulfill her wish, Qianling Pavilion, Miaoyuzong and others have already left.

Behind the enchantment, there is an altar, which looks like an ancient magic circle. Behind the stone tablet, there is a half-open stone door with various strange patterns engraved on it. come out.

People from Qianling Pavilion and Miaoyuzong naturally went to another place through this stone gate.

And this stone gate leads to the place where the "holy river baptism" is located. Du Yuesheng and the two walked into the stone gate without hesitation.

Behind the stone gate, there is another scene.

In front of me is a vast plain, full of red flowers and green grass, and the Yingying Yanyan makes people feel at ease. It seems that the Tianlan Saintess seems to have a special liking for flowers and plants, otherwise every place would not be so uniquely arranged.

Here is the "spiritual realm", which is the core of this holy river baptism.

On the plain, you can see three fountains at the first glance. There is immortal energy on them, ethereal like a layer of mist and light veil, and the water surface is sparkling, which is extremely extraordinary. At this time, a figure appeared on the two fountains on the right.

Around them, there are many Dao protectors deployed to protect the Dharma.

The ones in the fountain are the two saintesses of Qianling Pavilion and Miaoyu Sect. They have already begun to accept the "baptism of the holy river". Above their heads, a huge vortex like a funnel appeared.

Continuously absorbing the aura of the surrounding world.

"It's Qianling Pavilion and Miaoyuzong!"

Bai Xiaoling said in a low voice.

At this time, Bai Xiaoling's voice caught the attention of those Taoists. When they cast their eyes over and found that it was Du Yuesheng and Bai Xiaoling who came here, they were all extremely surprised.

"I didn't expect that the third place would be you. It's really surprising."

Even Mei Niang was greatly surprised at this moment, she glanced at Du Yuesheng meaningfully, and said slowly. However, she is currently protecting the Dharma for her saintess, so she cannot be distracted, and she will not hinder Du Yuesheng and the two back then.

At this moment, Du Yuesheng raised his head slowly, only to find that above the sky, what was even more spectacular was that several colorful beams of light appeared on the top of the spiritual energy vortex, which seemed to continuously input the energy of the spiritual veins in the spiritual spring Into the huge vortex.

Although these three spiritual springs don't look very big, they are the source of the entire Tianlan holy river. The three spiritual springs gathered the aura of heaven and earth, the essence of the sun and the moon, and contained a variety of incomparably rich essences of pulse energy.

Therefore, these three spiritual springs are also called spiritual veins.

Holy river baptism is actually absorbing the energy of refining spiritual veins! It's a pity that only the special physique of saintesses of various ethnic groups can have the effect, otherwise Du Yuesheng would have to soak in the spiritual spring for whatever he wanted.

On the top of the heads of the saintess of Qianling Pavilion and the saintess of Miaoyuzong, there appeared seven colored veins, and each layer had incomparably majestic spirit veins.

This represents the earth veins!

It turns out that this holy river baptism is also divided into grades, from one to nine, those with three veins are called spiritual veins, six are called earth veins, and nine are the legendary sky veins. At present, the two saintesses have both reached the seventh level. Obviously, this level of aptitude is also considered top-grade among the earth veins.

From this point of view, it's no wonder that Qianling Pavilion and Miaoyuzong took so much trouble this time. It turned out that there were two saintesses with such amazing aptitudes.

You know, in every holy river baptism in the past, it is extremely rare to be able to reach the top grade of spiritual veins, that is, the five pulses.

In the past three thousand years, even the genius of the Valley of the Undead, who was once hailed as a rare genius, has only managed to get out of the six meridian qi and reached the aptitude of the earth meridian, and he has received great attention.

But now these two saintesses have seven veins and top-grade qualifications of the earth veins. It is no wonder that their sects are so devoted to cultivating them, and they even sacrificed a painful price for the two supreme gods.

"Go in, I will protect the law for you."

After Du Yuesheng glanced at it, he was not interested in paying attention, and looked at Bai Xiaoling and said with a smile.

Although these two saintesses seem to have extraordinary aptitude, they pale in comparison in front of Bai Xiaoling. To be honest, Du Yuesheng is really looking forward to what Bai Xiaoling, the body of destiny, will show after being baptized by the holy river power.

Bai Xiaoling nodded, she turned around and fell into the spiritual spring, soaking in the spring water with majestic aura, without the slightest feeling of cold, but with a trace of warmth and nourishment, which made her feel extremely comfortable.

Soon she calmed down and began to condense the spiritual vortex and absorb the pulse energy.

The spiritual spring she was in boiled, forming a huge vortex. Under the constant rotation, on top of her head, the spiritual energy from all directions was slowly gathered. When the spiritual energy gathered to the limit, it formed A funnel-shaped vortex.

When the vortex appeared, it was like a never-ending black hole, frantically devouring the spiritual energy of this piece of heaven and earth, sucking in like a whale, and actually rolled up tornadoes, and the momentum was a bit astonishing.

Pulse also slowly gathered.

This scene caught the attention of those guardians.

"A holy lady in the realm of gods? What is the White Demon Palace up to?" Seeing Bai Xiaoling's cultivation, Meiniang frowned, seeming to be a bit worried, but when she saw the speed at which Bai Xiaoling condensed his pulse When it was very slow, I breathed a sigh of relief in my heart, "With the aptitude of the God Realm, I must be able to gather two or three pulses."

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