The Most Violent Upgrade

Chapter 1795 Tianmai

From Mei Niang's point of view, even if this Bai Xiaoling is weird, but after all she only has the cultivation base of the Godly Realm, and being able to condense two or three pulses is already very remarkable.

But what happened next gave her a slap in the face.

As if to refute Mei Niang's words, the pulse qi that had been condensed at a slow speed a second ago suddenly rioted at this moment, and the situation changed for a while, and the sky darkened.

The vortex grew stronger and stronger, and finally formed a terrifying tornado, connecting the sky!

A steady stream of pulse energy gathered from all directions and from every corner of this world.

A mighty tornado formed, the wind swept across, the momentum was incomparably astonishing, the sky and the earth changed color, and under the raging wind, the ground appeared in a mess.

This scene made Mei Niang's face change drastically, she stared blankly at the whirlpool above Bai Xiaoling's head, and found that there were seven pulses suddenly appearing on it!

"High-grade earth veins?"

"How can this be?"

"She is only at the level of Godly Exalted, how can she gather seven pulses?"

At this time, the expressions of many guardians changed greatly, and they watched this scene in disbelief. They really find it hard to understand, this Bai Xiaoling is obviously only in the realm of gods, how could it be possible to condense seven pulses?

Above the sky, the terrible tornado is still swallowing a steady stream of energy like a whale, it looks extremely spectacular, and its momentum is astonishing.

However, after a short time, the momentum slowed down a lot, and even the speed of vortex absorption also slowed down.

It seems a little underwhelming.

At this scene, many guardians were relieved.

"Although there are seven veins, they are not very stable. It seems that they have reached their limit."

"This is already very good. After all, only God Venerable has the cultivation base. If she didn't condense it all at once, she might be able to last longer."

"It seems that she is not as good as my saint."

Many protectors, including Mei Niang, were thinking like this at this moment. Comparing the seemingly unstable pulse on the top of Bai Xiaoling's head, and looking at the still majestic and majestic seven veins of his own saint, they all felt superior at this moment.

Du Yuesheng didn't quite agree with these people's comments, he smiled slightly, his eyes flashed, and he looked at Bai Xiaoling thoughtfully, as if he had expected that Bai Xiaoling would surprise everyone next.

"If the body of destiny only has the resources of the earth veins, it would be too absurd."

Du Yuesheng seemed to be talking to himself.

Sure enough, not long after, the vortex above Bai Xiaoling's head suddenly stopped, but it didn't look like it was going to disperse, instead it gave people a feeling of being ready to go. Suddenly, the whole world seemed to shake at this moment.

Then I saw that the huge vortex was slowly expanding at a speed visible to the naked eye, and under the crazily running, the devouring power seemed to be endless, devouring, crazily absorbing the energy between the heaven and the earth. pulse gas.

And the spiritual spring under her became even more riotous, the spring water boiled, as if it was about to be evaporated, spewing out bright rays of light, filled with immortal energy, enveloping Bai Xiaoling in a hazy mist.

Under the horrified eyes of everyone, the eighth pulse appeared in the sky!

Almost at the same time as the eighth meridian appeared, the rudiment of another meridian slowly appeared. Judging from that rudiment, it seems that when this one grows up, it will be even more majestic and spectacular!

Nine pulses!

"Boom! Boom!"

The moment these two pulses appeared, the whole world shook violently. The pulses rolled like huge waves, like thunder from beyond the sky, and there were rumbling and dull noises.


"Nine Dao? Is this Tianmai?!"

"Impossible! How is it possible!"

The occurrence of this scene caused the faces of many guardians to change drastically, and they cried out. They even forgot that they are still protecting their saints, so they cannot interfere with them! But the occurrence of this scene was so shocking that they forgot their identities and yelled loudly.


This is actually the legendary Tianmai!

Seeing the nine huge and majestic pulses appearing in the sky, the incomparably overbearing power, the scene so spectacular that people forget everything, everyone was dumbfounded and shocked.

It's incredible!

The Tianmai, which had never appeared before, unexpectedly appeared on Bai Xiaoling's body. This is really unacceptable, this Bai Xiaoling clearly only has the cultivation base of God Exalted Realm, how could he have such peerless aptitude?

Seeing this scene, Du Yuesheng calmed down a lot. A smile slowly rose from the corner of his mouth, as if he was very satisfied with Bai Xiaoling's performance.

At the same time, when the nine pulses are complete, the vortex that is big enough to block half of the sky completely unfolds its devouring ability, frantically absorbing the pulses and auras of the surrounding world!

That kind of devouring speed can be described as terrifying. In just a few breaths, Bai Xiaoling sucked away most of the spiritual energy in this world, and even the spiritual spring that gave birth to the Tianlan Holy River under her seemed to have dried up quite a bit.

Among the other two spiritual springs.

At this moment, both the Qianling Pavilion and the saintesses of Miaoyuzong seemed to feel something in their hearts at this moment, and they all looked up at the sky above their heads in unison, seeing that their pulses seemed to have become much thinner all of a sudden, His face suddenly became gloomy.

Tianmai is too domineering!

With the appearance of Bai Xiaoling's Tianmai, their absorption speed of the pulse energy was completely inferior. Feeling the thinner and thinner pulse energy between the heaven and the earth, their expressions all changed. It doesn't take long for the pulse here to be completely sucked by Bai Xiaoling.

More importantly, at that time, maybe with the dominance of Tianmai, they may even come to snatch the meridians gathered by their Earth veins.

If this is the case, then they have worked so hard to gather for so long this time, and they will definitely fall short.

"Elders, stop her!"

The eyes of the two saintesses showed murderous intent at the same time.

The moment their words fell, the many guardians guarding the Lingquan also reacted, and they already knew the terrible consequences of allowing Bai Xiaoling to absorb it like this.


For this holy river baptism, they are determined to win, and it is impossible to watch them being destroyed by these two guys from the White Demon Palace.

What's more, as opponents, they don't want to see the rise of a saint with Tianmai qualification!

That would be a catastrophe for other forces!

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