The Most Violent Upgrade

Chapter 1796 one is the beginning, nine is the ultimate

When these guardians all got up and set their eyes on Bai Xiaoling, there was a chilling feeling in the air.

Especially when the two supreme gods, Mei Niang and the old man Ling Feng of Qianling Pavilion got up, the killing intent became even more majestic.

Once the Supreme God has the intention to kill, the aura will be like destroying the world, peerless and terrifying.

This scene made Du Yuesheng's face darken, and a murderous intent flashed in his eyes.

These people dared to pay attention to Bai Xiaoling, which completely touched his inverse scales, and the momentum on his body continued to rise, exuding an even more terrifying aura.

An extremely terrifying momentum erupted from his body, and the roar of dragons and tigers resounded as thunderous as nine heavens, and roared continuously in his body, like thunder rolling from the sky, resounding thousands of miles into the sky.

The boundless terrifying aura instantly swept across the entire world, causing the space to tremble continuously at this moment, as if it couldn't bear this terrible coercion.

Under this terrifying aura, all the guardians felt a sense of oppression, and even had the urge to surrender and kneel down, as if the figure in front of them was the heavenly emperor who was born to rule the universe and all living beings.

"Do you want to destroy others because you can't see others are good?"

Du Yuesheng's words faintly resounded in this world.

The entire world is filled with a terrifying sense of chill.

There was silence, a deathly silence.

No one answered, and the guardians were all under such coercion, their legs trembled uncontrollably, and their faces turned pale.

Even Meiniang and Na Lingfeng, who are supreme gods, looked at Du Yuesheng with deep fear.

But when the two sides were about to fight, there was a roaring sound from the sky and the earth.


The momentum was like thunder roaring, shaking the sky.

Among the horrified gazes of the crowd, the nine pulses above Bai Xiaoling's head represented the supreme aptitude of Tianmai, but changed at this moment. Seeing the nine pulses getting closer, everyone realized that These nine pulses seem to be slowly merging.

"How is this going?"

Someone exclaimed.

What's going on here? Could it be that this Tianmai is going to dissipate like this? Impossible, there is no sign of dissipating at all. But when these nine pulses are fused together, what's going on?

All things in the world, one is the beginning, nine is the ultimate, and the often said nine five is the principle, what else is above nine?

Almost everyone present found it difficult to understand, is there a stronger talent above Tianmai? This doesn't make sense, Tianmai is already the strongest qualification. Even Du Yuesheng didn't quite understand at this moment.

He looked at the sky, and suddenly his face changed, and he stared at the sky firmly.

Seeing that the nine channels of energy were slowly merging, at this moment he felt a coercion that even made his heart palpitate from above the sky.

The coercion is vague, but it gives people a feeling of getting closer and closer, as if it is about to come.

At the same time, Mei Niang and the other two Supreme Gods also seemed to feel something at this moment, and they raised their heads to look at the sky, their expressions fluctuated, and in the end they turned pale, and both spit out a mouthful of blood from their mouths.

Their eyes showed deep fear.

That kind of aura, sacred and noble, seemed to come from the nine heavens, and it actually gave them a feeling, as if the whole world, the whole world, would prostrate and worship under that breath!

"What the hell is that?"

Meiniang was extremely shocked, but after she suffered once, she dared not use her spiritual sense to investigate again. At this time, she seemed to think of something, and looked at Du Yuesheng meaningfully, and found that he was looking at the sky, but his face was still calm.

"How could he not be affected?"

Mei Niang was shocked, the breath was getting closer and closer at this moment, the whole world was under this pressure, and those guardians with weaker cultivation could not help but knelt down on the ground , Even when she tried to investigate, she was shocked internally, but Du Yuesheng was fine.

Thinking of this, she looked at Du Yuesheng with apprehension.

The speed of the fusion of the nine veins is very fast, and the sacred and majestic terrifying aura is becoming more and more intense, which makes everyone change color. Even the Supreme God like Meiniang can't help but think at this moment. To kneel down.

When the nine channels are fused together, a new channel is born.

There is only one meridian, but it is sacred and extraordinary, surrounded by golden light, like a golden dragon hovering, surrounded by clouds and mist, the immortal energy is thin, and every strand is extremely heavy, as if it can easily crush a world.

That kind of power has surpassed the realm of gods, it is the breath of immortals! The incomparably sacred aura spread to the world with overwhelming momentum, full of irresistible majesty, making everyone want to prostrate and bow down.

"God... divine veins?!"

As an old monster who has lived for thousands of years and the protector of Qianling Pavilion, Ling Feng suddenly remembered at this moment that there was a legend that there was an even more terrifying aptitude above the Tianmai, which was called a god. pulse!

However, the Tianmai is already rare in all ages, and only exists in legends, let alone the more ethereal and illusory divine veins. If Ling Feng hadn't seen it with his own eyes, it would be impossible for Ling Feng to believe that there would be such a divine vein anyway. etc. exist.

at the same time.

outside world.

"What kind of breath is that?"

"It's terrible. Does this old man have the urge to kneel down? How is this possible?"

"Then what?"

Outside the Tianlan Holy River, the eight elders of the Supreme God suddenly changed their colors at this moment, and even they felt the terrifying aura emanating from the ground, it was a wave that even made their heart palpitate.

How can this be?

They are already one of the most powerful monks in this world, there is nothing that even they fear, unless it is the ancient god who surpassed the realm of gods!

"Then what happened down there?"

Looking at the turbulent Tianlan Holy River, Ling Yun frowned.

These supernatural beings with great supernatural powers, all over the world, all had gloomy faces at this moment, as if they had a bad premonition, and always felt that there would be a great accident happening!

"Daoist Baiyang, what are you doing?"

At this time, Ling Yun suddenly noticed that the tall figure like a mountain of meat in the upstream frowned.

Hearing someone calling his name, Daoist Baiyang turned his head subconsciously, and when he saw Ling Yun looking at him unkindly, he laughed. It's just that his smile seems a little weird.

"I'm doing something big."

Daoist Baiyang said with a smile, but his smile didn't feel right no matter how you looked at it.

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