The Most Violent Upgrade

Chapter 1797 Change

"I'm doing something big."

Daoist Baiyang turned his head, looked at Ling Yun and said with a smile, but his smile seemed a little weird.


Seeing Daoist Baiyang like this, Ling Yun suddenly had a very bad premonition, she looked over subconsciously, saw the movements on the hands of Daoist Baiyang, and even saw a semi-finished building in front of him. altar.

"This is..." Ling Yun frowned, and soon she thought of something, her face changed, and she angrily said, "Bai Yang, you want to reverse the holy river?"

"The answer is correct, but unfortunately there is no reward."

Daoist Baiyang still said with a smile.

At this time, the movement here also attracted the attention of other elders. At first they were a little puzzled, but after hearing Ling Yun's words, all of them changed their expressions, and then suddenly became gloomy.

"Are you crazy?!"

These people were shocked and angry, they seemed to think that Taoist Baiyang was crazy, and he would do such a thing, what is the difference between this and courting death?

It turned out that Daoist Baiyang was planning to blow up the upstream through the altar, causing the river to reverse and flow backwards. This Tianlan holy river runs through the north and south of the mainland. Almost all sect forces are established along this holy river. Once the river reverses and reverses , when the time comes, it will be the major sect forces that will suffer.

The Tianlan Holy River is a Yin river, and the river water contains many ghosts, which are the nemesis of all kinds of formations.

Once the holy river flows back, all the gates of the major sect forces will be broken through the sect protection formation.

For a sect, without the formation, it is no different from the body without the soul. Faced with the attack of a powerful enemy, not to mention being unable to resist, even monks will suffer backlash due to the destruction of the formation.

At that time, it will be a catastrophe that will destroy the world, and even the eight overlord forces may be shuffled and replaced!

"Do you know the consequences of what you do?"

The elder of Undead Valley's tone is still so gloomy, but from his trembling body, it can be seen that he is very angry.

"Of course I know." Daoist Baiyang smiled, looked at the angry faces, and said slowly, "The consequence of doing this is that all your sects will be destroyed." After finishing speaking, his tone changed There is a touch of madness.

"White Demon Palace will also suffer!"

Ling Yun gritted his teeth and said.

"No, no, no." Daoist Baiyang shook his head slowly, and said with a smile, "Before the opening of the holy river, my White Demon Palace has already transferred its foundation to the Far West. I'm afraid you won't be able to do so."


Hearing what Baiyang Daoist said, all the elders were shocked and angry, and cursed one after another.


"It turns out that the reason you have been silent all these years is to plan this matter, right?"

"What a White Demon Palace, you really have a good plan. When the catastrophe is over, your White Demon Palace will come out to clean up the sects, right? Hmph, if you want to swallow the seven major forces in one go, aren't you afraid of biting your big teeth!"

Ling Yun sneered again and again, murderous intent flashed in his eyes. "

"Hahaha, yes, the eight major forces have been fighting for so many years, after all, someone still needs to come out to unify them, hahahaha..."

After his plan was seen through, Daoist Baiyang was not nervous at all, but laughed out loud, his eyes were a little crazy.

Hearing his almost maniacal laughter, everyone's expressions darkened, and their killing intent surged.

"Fellow daoists, you've all heard, right? This White Demon Palace wants to destroy our forces, so hurry up and kill this person!" Ling Yun's eyes were full of murderous intent, and the aura on his body suddenly released, and he shouted loudly.

"Yes, kill this despicable and shameless guy!"

"Hmph, the White Demon Palace also wants to fight against the world!"

All major forces stood on the same front as never before. The moment when the seven supreme powerhouses of the Supreme God Realm released their aura at the same time was extremely amazing. In the process of killing.

"Bai Yang, do you think that one person can defeat the seven of us?"

Ling Yun sneered, she felt that Daoist Baiyang had calculated thousands of times, and after all, he still missed a little bit. Even though Daoist Baiyang had many secrets in him, no matter what, it was impossible for him to defeat seven with one.

After all, none of them are simple people who can grow to the Supreme God!

"It really can't."

Daoist Baiyang said without thinking.

Seeing Daoist Baiyang's calm expression, Ling Yun faintly felt that something was abnormal. What kind of support does this guy have? How could he be so unscrupulous in the face of the pressure from his seven people?

"Then you still dare to do this? Are you not afraid that I will kill you?"

The elder of Miaoyu Sect, Black Widow frowned, and even her delicate mind noticed something was wrong.

"Haha, kill me?" Daoist Baiyang suddenly laughed as if he had heard a ridiculous joke. When he stopped laughing, his face became a little cold, and he said in a cold tone, "Then You just try."

The more he was like this, the more worried he became, and no one dared to act rashly for a while.

"Huh, pretending to be a ghost, today I will behead you and drink your blood!" The elder of the Ghost Shadow Sect is a violent one, and he finally couldn't bear it any longer. He shouted angrily and summoned a magic weapon to kill Baiyang Daojun .

But at the moment when he exerted his power, he suddenly felt qi and blood rolling, and spit out a mouthful of black pus and blood from his mouth. His limbs were weak, and he collapsed on the ground, unable to move.


This scene made many people's faces change drastically, and some people soon realized that they must have been poisoned. They quickly remembered that not long ago, Daoist Baiyang had taken out an item and said that he wanted them to appraise it.

It was a piece of pitch-black wood, but it had a strange fragrance. Everyone looked at it, but they couldn't figure out why, so they gave up.

Thinking about it now, Daoist Baiyang should have poisoned him at that time.


At this moment, the faces of these elders who had reached heaven and earth all changed drastically. As soon as they exercised their skills, they felt weak for a while. After spitting out black blood from their mouths, they all collapsed on the ground like soft mud.

"Aren't you going to kill me? Why are you lying on the ground?"

Seeing the severe poison on these people's body exploded, Daoist Baiyang laughed unscrupulously.

"You, despicable!"

"Bastard, Bai Yang, you bastard, this old man is going to scratch your skin and cram your tendons!"

"Shameless old man!"

These elders, whose whole bodies are unable to function at the moment, are almost no different from ordinary people except that their physical bodies are a little stronger. They can only lie on the ground, watching Daoist Baiyang laughing unscrupulously, and yelling angrily one by one.

But rushing to the heart caused the poison to spread, and made many people vomit blood again, and their faces were so pale that there was no trace of blood. Even the elder of the ghost shadow sect who had the first attack, his face had turned black and purple at this moment.

"I really want to know, what kind of poison is this? It can actually hurt the body of our Supreme God."

Ling Yun lay on the ground, looking at Daoist Baiyang expressionlessly.

"Immortal Scattered."

Daoist Baiyang smiled.

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