The Most Violent Upgrade

Chapter 1798 Reversal of the Holy River


The three words "Shen Xian San" seemed to have great magic power. When they heard these three words from Daoist Baiyang's mouth, the faces of several elders changed drastically. They were very angry and couldn't help but cursed.

"You are so ruthless!"

"Bastard! Damn it, you bastard who killed a thousand swords!"

Only Ling Yun seemed to have guessed it a long time ago, it was too big of a surprise, as if he had accepted his fate, he sighed, and said with a sneer: "Hmph, it seems that the White Demon Palace really spent a lot of money in order to subvert other forces... ..."

What the hell is this fairy powder? Even the Supreme God changed color when he heard it.

In fact, as the name suggests, even the gods will fall apart after eating the poison. The toxicity can be imagined. This is a unique thing in the realm of death, but it is extremely rare. It only exists in the land of Mobei. It is said that even the supreme god can poison.

Unexpectedly, Daoist Baiyang actually took out all the poisonous things this time. With no medicine around them, they might have to accept their fate.

"Hahaha, you can't be cruel..."

After being insulted by these people, Daoist Baiyang was not angry at all, but laughed unscrupulously. Soon he stopped laughing and stared at a figure in front of him.

"Still thinking about tipping off the news, old ghost, don't you really think I'm a fool?"

Daoist Baiyang appeared in front of the elders of Wanguimen. At this time, he had already chopped off the arm of the elders of Wanguimen, and on the severed arm, he was still holding a sound transmission Jade Jane.

"You bastard, you kind of killed the old man!"

Feeling the pain of breaking his arm, and being stepped on by Lord Baiyang, the Elder Wan Guimen roared hysterically with red eyes.

"as you wish."

Daoist Baiyang smiled lightly, murderous intent flashed in his eyes, and a hideous look appeared on his face. He raised the knife and dropped it, and the head of the elder of Wanguimen fell to the ground, blood splattered everywhere.

Looking at the head that rolled on the ground, dying with regret. This scene made many people feel a chill.

"Does anyone else want to experience death in advance?"

The smile on Daoist Baiyang's face looked a bit ferocious.

No one spoke.

Even though they knew they must die, they were still unwilling to taste the taste of death until the last moment.

"very good."

Daoist Baiyang smiled, then turned around and walked over to start setting up the altar.

Seeing the strange altar in front of them gradually take shape, the faces of many elders became more and more ugly. At this moment, they wished to rush up and kill Baiyang Taoist Lord immediately, but they didn't even have the strength to raise their hands.

"Damn it!"

The most helpless thing in life is to watch others doing things that destroy your own interests in front of you, but you have nothing to do.

"Bai Yang, don't forget that your daughter is still inside, are you going to kill her?" Ling Yun still didn't give up, trying to convince Daoist Bai Yang, she vaguely remembered that this time the saintess of the White Demon Palace, But she is the biological daughter of Daoist Baiyang.

Sure enough, upon hearing Ling Yun's words, Daoist Bai Yang's body shook, the smile on his face disappeared, replaced by a look of gloom, he was silent for a long time, then slowly turned around, and said in a serious tone: "This Don't worry about it!"

"Hmph! Bai Yang, you are really insane. For your desire, you even want to kill your own daughter!"

Ling Yun was so angry that he sneered and gritted his teeth.

As a monk who has practiced for a long time, she has no concept of family affection, but even so, she still can't imagine that Baiyang Daoist can kill her daughter so heartlessly.

It is said that the poison of a tiger does not eat its offspring, but this Daoist Baiyang is already insane and hopeless!

"Shut up, or I don't mind killing you first!"

When Daoist Baiyang turned around again, his face was already gloomy, his face was even distorted by anger, it was terrifying, his eyes fixed on Ling Yun, shining with a murderous light.

Ling Yun shut up, she wasn't afraid of death, but she knew that a mad person like Bai Yang Daojun was hopeless, and could even kill her own child, so what else could she say?

Saying more is just a waste of words.

She gave up, because she had no way to stop Daoist Baiyang.

The moment the altar was completed, everyone's hearts tugged. It was a huge altar, and it took Daoist Baiyang three days and three nights to complete it.


"A catastrophe is coming..."

The few elders who were poisoned in their bodies, with their strong cultivation base, managed to survive until this day, but they are now terminally ill, even if the Daluo Jinxian comes, I am afraid they will not be able to save them.

The moment they saw the altar running, they couldn't bear to close their eyes.

It seems that the terrible catastrophe, the scene like the purgatory of Shura in the world, has already appeared in their minds.

"Son, daddy is sorry for you, and also for your mother."

Standing on the top of the mountain, watching the altar running slowly below, Daoist Baiyang stared fixedly at the Tianlan Sacred River below, as if wishing to cross the river, he stood silently for a long time, after talking to himself, then Turn around and float away.

within the spirit territory.

Three days have passed since the day when Bai Xiaoling activated the immortal veins.

During these three days, Bai Xiaoling's fairy veins crazily devoured the spiritual energy of the surrounding heaven and earth, as well as a large amount of pulse energy. Qi was also taken over by this overbearing immortal vein.

Seeing that the hard work that had been concentrated for a long time was snatched away, they were naturally angry and unwilling. But there was nothing he could do. Under the pressure of the terrifying immortal energy, not to mention the saintess, even the Supreme God dared not act rashly.

In the end, they were even forced to leave the Lingquan, watching Bai Xiaoling frantically devouring the energy of pulse and spirit energy of heaven and earth outside with envy. The most helpless thing is that the celestial veins seem to never be eaten, and they will never be satisfied. Even after three long days, they are still devouring crazily.

There is no sign of it ending.

At this moment, there were bursts of loud crackling noises in the sky, and immediately after that, a huge crack appeared in the sky, and this crack was still spreading out at an extremely fast speed!

Everyone looked at the crack in the sky full of destruction in horror. It was the last moment, the altar had reached the last step, and everyone couldn't help spitting out a mouthful of blood.

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