The Most Violent Upgrade

Chapter 1800 Thousand Lotus Flowers

"Holy river?"

The scene in front of him made him feel puzzled. Immediately after he got down, he also knew that the source of everything was at the altar, and Du Yuesheng's eyes moved.

Emerald green light condensed from behind him, chains stretched out from behind him, clattering sounds came from the void, and the thick iron chains had a metallic texture, pointing towards the altar.

Du Yuesheng planned to kill the altar at this moment, this weird altar made him feel more and more bad, the thick iron chain sank into the void.


The thick iron chain appeared in front of everyone, stupefied and shocked, but their expressions dimmed. Who can destroy this altar? The power of the Supreme God is like the difference between heaven and earth.

The iron chain forcibly hit the altar, and a layer of white cover came out in response, and the strange altar began to squirm, and the power of the blood demon rose out of thin air, which also belonged to the power of Taoist Baiyang.

Without everyone noticing, the crack in the sky was blocked, and the Zhuxian sword in Du Yuesheng's hand pointed directly at the altar by remote control, and the accumulated power rushed out.

The altar arranged by Taoist Baiyang was very strong, and he insisted on taking down Du Yuesheng's attack. Du Yuesheng looked at it with disdain, and Shenghe had already started to reverse, but was blocked by Du Yuesheng's block.

Thick coercion burst out from his body, the power of Zhuxian Sword became more and more powerful, and the power of rules was blessed by him. The power attacked the altar,

There was a click.

The whole world vibrated because of this, the Immortal Jade Sword pierced through the altar directly, the pattern on the altar became unstable, and there was a violent vibration.

In less than a second, the altar disappeared into the sky and the earth, and the ground below became riddled with holes. After the loud noise, everyone went into a daze. They never thought that things would become like this. The weight of the weight is lifted from their bodies.

"Cough cough."

Everyone has only now realized that they are saved, but they have already been poisoned by Daoist Baiyang. Some elders just got up from the ground, spitting black blood from their mouths, their eyes were slack, and finally turned into bones.


Du Yuesheng smiled slightly at the corner of his mouth, and took back the Zhuxian Sword. He didn't even know that these things were done by Daoist Baiyang. His body moved and cut through the void, and stepped out with one foot.

Only then did everyone realize that the cracks in the sky had stopped, and even the holy river flowing backwards in the void had stopped.

"What happened?"

Daoist Baiyang stood on the top of the towering mountain, and the scene in front of him really made him feel very angry. The flow of the holy river actually stopped, that's fine, now the holy river is running according to the original track.

The plan that had been planned for many years was inexplicably destroyed. His daughter, with all his painstaking efforts, Daoist Baiyang's body trembled and a mouthful of blood spit out from his body, and he was furious.

"Come on, check it out for me. I want to see who destroyed the altar." Baiyang Daojun's voice spread throughout the entire mountain. Some sects nearby were quite frightened.

"If you let me find out who did it, then I will let you taste the anger of my Daoist Baiyang." A cruel smile appeared on Daoist Baiyang's face, and his gaze penetrated into the depths of the space.

In the space, Bai Xiaoling was at the last moment, the nine sacred veins were continuously merging, and the world was shaking non-stop. Du Yuesheng stood aside with a trace of tenderness on his face.

The aura of Bai Xialing's body became more and more powerful, the brilliance of his body surface flowed, and layers of hidden Taoism emerged and flowed. This was a scene that had never appeared in thousands of years. A lotus flower the size of a human head was thrown towards Bai Xiaoling.

"Thousands of lotus flowers should allow you to better integrate these energies."

The lotus leaves bloomed and surrounded Bai Xiaoling. Bai Xiaoling felt that he had returned to the age when the world first opened, and a warm and comfortable feeling came from his body.


I don't know how long it has passed, Bai Xiaoling is like a fairy, with curved eyelashes and crystal clear skin, people can't help but take a bite, Du Yuesheng stepped forward and grabbed Bai Xiaoling and said: "It's time to go, I'm afraid we won't last long here It will collapse."

Originally, this space passed through the altar, and after passing through the momentum caused by Bai Xiaoling's breakthrough just now, it will be destroyed in a few moments. Bai Xiaoling nestled in Du Yuesheng's arms and flew towards the formation.

The saint on one side was almost wiped out by the crack, and now after being saved, she ran out without thinking about anything.

Du Yuesheng's speed was very fast, within a few breaths he came to the space teleportation formation, Du Yuesheng led Bai Xiaoling to stand on the formation, and spiritual power radiated from his hands.

The formation was activated, and all the nodes on the formation suddenly lit up, and there was a wave in the space, and Du Yuesheng and Bai Xiaoling were teleported out.

"Is this formation still random?"

Du Yuesheng looked at the lush and green trees around, but there were a few more people spoiling the scenery. Looking at his clothes, he was obviously a member of the Demon Shadow Sect. Although Du Yuesheng couldn't get along with them, some of the visitors this time were not kind.

A burly man looked at Du Yuesheng very arrogantly, and said in his heart: "The suzerain is really, this is just a scum of the peak of the main god. Considering my strength as the peak of the main god, I can kill him with a little finger."

"Boy, come back with us, the suzerain has something to talk to you about."

After Du Yuesheng listened to what the man in front of him said, he couldn't help but sneered and said, "What are you, you come here to yell at me? I really don't know what to do."

Du Yuesheng was originally the kind who was not afraid of anything, and besides, his strength was comparable to that of the Supreme God, not to mention these scumbags who just entered the Supreme God.

When Dugufeng saw that Du Yuesheng had put on a fighting posture, he couldn't help laughing on the spot. Now that even ants dare to be so confident, this trick made him laugh to death.

"Myriad Demons' Silent Palm."

"Since you are so ignorant, don't blame me for making you suffer." If the suzerain hadn't told him not to hurt the person in front of him, he really wanted to slap him to death.

If he knew Du Yuesheng's true strength, he might run as far as he could.


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