The Most Violent Upgrade

Chapter 1801 Dragon and Phoenix City

The huge palm covered dozens of miles around, and the terrifying palm patted Du Yuesheng with the power of heaven and earth.

Dugufeng just wanted to oppress Du Yuesheng and let him go back obediently. What happened when he got down was far beyond his imagination.

"It's okay." Du Yuesheng gave Bai Xiaoling a reassuring look, Du Yuesheng watched the palms rising out of thin air, and the Zhuxian Sword shot out from his hand.

Du Yuesheng's expression was very calm. When the Sword of Immortal Execution was just revealed, the eyes of Dugufeng beside him shone with golden light. This sword has a trace of divine power in it. If the timing is right, it can be promoted to the ranks of the top magic soldiers.

The wind was surging, and Du Yuesheng was fine under the pressure of the Supreme God. With one hand, the Jade Immortal Sword issued a cold light and rushed towards the Ten Thousand Demons Nirvana Palm above. The huge palm contained the power of heaven and earth.

Du Yuesheng sneered, and the Immortal Executioner Sword slashed away with a burst of sword light. This blow seemed to have no power at all, and it had no waves. Once it touched the palm of Wanmo Nirvana, it was directly smashed into pieces.


Dugufeng was also frightened by Du Yuesheng's move. What level of cultivation is this? Although he only used 30% of his strength for this move, it is not something the main god can handle.

"Then let you taste my magic sealing palm."

The sky suddenly became dark, and the air gradually became solidified, a strong devilish energy rose from his body, slow Dugufeng looked at Du Yuesheng jokingly.

Du Yuesheng frowned, swiped the Immortal Execution Sword in his hand, endless killing power spewed out, Du Yuesheng rose from the ground, without being affected by Dugu Peak at all, and directly stabbed out with the sword.


Dugufeng couldn't believe it, looking at the Zhuxian sword piercing through his chest, blood slowly overflowed from the corner of his mouth.

"What's going on, this kid can actually injure Dugufeng." Their cultivation bases are basically at the level of the main god, and this time it is Dugufeng who came out to lead the team.

"Hehe, you thought you hurt me so badly." Dugufeng was surprised, and Feng Mozhang slapped Du Yuesheng with the power of Wan Qiong. It can also control the time for a few seconds, let alone this little main god.

Du Yuesheng is just the pinnacle of the main god right now, of course, his grasp of the power of heaven and earth is still not perfect, this Dugu Peak is really different from the old ancestor last time, one is the avatar, the other is the deity, there is still a little gap , The Supreme God came and killed a few.

Du Yuesheng looked at the arrogant Dugu Peak expressionlessly, and a terrifying aura emanated from his body, which shocked the sky. Du Yuesheng glanced over, and except for Dugu Peak, the rest of the people flew out directly, and the words in his mouth The blood didn't stop flowing.

Frightened, panicked emotions spread from his heart. The ant who was so easy to handle before turned out to be a tiger, a tiger that could take their birth name.

Sealing Demon Palm just landed on Du Yuesheng's sky, Du Yuesheng waved his hand, and the gray sky suddenly became brighter, "What are you, shouting like this in front of your grandfather and me."


Du Yuesheng slapped it unceremoniously, and a slap mark appeared on Dugu Feng's face, although Dugu Feng was angry in his heart.

But he couldn't move at all now, a powerful breath flowed directly from his face into his body.

Du Yuesheng looked at Dugu Peak coldly, but what is a new Supreme God, Du Yuesheng looked at him coldly, his eyes were full of disdain, what is the Shadow Sect, anyone who wants to arrest me, Really think too much.

Du Yuesheng quietly placed a prohibition on him. After Du Yuesheng left, Dugufeng thought he was saved.

Suddenly his body was washed away by a huge energy, the tendons were broken, and Dugufeng lay powerlessly on the ground.

Regret for offending the wrong person.


"Congratulations to the player for killing the pseudo-supreme God monster and gaining 50 billion Shinto points."


Du Yuesheng picked up Bai Xiaoling who was on the side, soaring into the sky, Bai Xiaoling belongs to the body of destiny, after passing the trial of space, now give her some time, no one in this realm of death is her opponent.

And on the other side.

White Demon Palace.

Daoist Baiyang was almost pissed off. Before he used the sky-reaching spell to reverse the time of heaven and earth, he found out that it was Du Yuesheng who accidentally destroyed several of his altars.

This made him angry to death, but other sects will come to besiege them, I hope Du Yuesheng can come over as soon as possible.

The power of the White Devil Palace is supernatural on the mainland, and ordinary sects dare not offend him at all, but after the failure of Shenghe's reversal, the other eight sects are ready to move. After all, he caused the other sects to lose at least a few supreme gods.

Dragon Phoenix City.

This city is the only way to go to the White Demon Palace.

After Du Yuesheng brought Bai Xiaoling out of the Holy River Secret Realm, he was teleported to the front of Longfeng City, a tall city. He vaguely felt a dark aura from inside, and this aura was nothing more than the strength of the main god.

Basically, as long as you don't meet some old monsters, ordinary people are useless to him at all. Go back to the White Demon Palace as soon as possible. The current situation is not too bad.

"My lord, come and eat, come and sit here." Although Xiaoer observed that the two people in front of him were too tall, but their strength was that of a god, his expression immediately became respectful.

"Bring me all your best dishes, it's not bad." Du Yuesheng took out dozens of divine crystals from the interspatial ring, Xiaoer's eyes stared straight away, and he immediately started calling to make meals.

"Braised crystal dragon's hoof, grilled golden dragon meat..." and other expensive foods were all served. Du Yuesheng had never eaten properly before, so of course he had to eat some properly now.

"Look, this woman is really pretty, if only she didn't wear a veil." The men who were eating at the side all exclaimed, and Du Yuesheng followed suit.

A slender young girl came out from the door. The mysterious aura in her body was faintly visible, making people attracted to her unconsciously. Du Yuesheng just glanced at it and didn't look at it again. A veil That's all, he can naturally see through the past, it's just a general appearance.

"After dinner, we will go to Baigu. It is said that there is a god treasure appearing there. We need to be fast. Although it is only a secret realm of the gods, there are herbs inside, this top-level medicinal herb."

Although these people talk with their spiritual sense, they are of no use to Du Yuesheng. Du Yuesheng glanced at this group of people out of the corner of his eye. The strongest of them already have the strength of the peak of the main god. Something else appeared.

Baicaosheng is a herb that is hard to see in ten thousand years, even here it is not so easy to see. It was good news when I saw this news in that secret place before.

Bai Xiaoling was still eating big mouthfuls, his mouth was full of oil, but Du Yuesheng looked at her very happily, as long as Bai Xiaoling was happy, other things didn't matter.

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