The Most Violent Upgrade

Chapter 1802 Mysterious Stone

"What did you say? Daoist Baiyang actually attacked and killed people from other sects, and even wanted to reverse Shenghe and kill all sects."

"But it failed, and now there is a good show to watch."

"Du Yuesheng, what should we do now? I'm afraid the White Demon Palace will not be able to keep it." Bai Xiaoling's eyes almost burst into tears. Although the White Demon Palace is a giant, there are at least a few supreme gods inside, but now something like this happened , she couldn't help worrying about her father.

"It's okay, we'll go back to save your father in a few days." Du Yuesheng's eyes radiated a murderous intent, and the air nearby suddenly became low.

"What the hell, why did I feel a chill just now, it's terrible." The people at the other table looked suspiciously.

This person has the strength of the main god. Du Yuesheng's aura just happened in a flash, and it came and went quickly. He didn't find a trace of it.

After walking out of the restaurant, Du Yuesheng took a brief rest. After his investigation, it will take a few days for the secret realm to be opened, and the strength in Bai Xiaoling's body still needs to be properly digested.


An extremely luxurious inn appeared in front of their eyes. A good guest room cost dozens of crystals or pills. Du Yuesheng threw out dozens of crystals under the flattering gaze of the guards.

"The scenery from the heights is good."

Du Yuesheng held a pastry in his hand, and the whole room was made of the fur of precious monsters. Du Yuesheng lay comfortably on the clothes in the room, the moonlight was bright and the stars were shining. It had been a long time since he had such a big rest, even though he had reached his current level There is no need to rest, but this is still different.

The news of Baicaosheng's appearance spread out somehow at night, and all the people rushed towards the city at once. It is said that Baicaosheng has something to do with the legendary longevity medicine, which is not important, because this Baicaosheng can help people in the realm of the main god break through to the realm of the supreme god.

"Ah, I finally got a good night's sleep. Today is really a good day."

Du Yuesheng walked helplessly on the road alone. Just now, Bai Xiaoling said that she needed to practice alone for a while, so he was the only one left to walk on the street.

"Luoming Auction House."

The first floor is basically filled with common things, and the third floor and above are where things are auctioned. Du Yuesheng didn't pay much attention to medicine pills and the like.

Du Yuesheng sighed slightly, he really didn't have any good things at all, it's better to go back and practice hard, this city is really not comparable to the central mainland, when he walked deep inside, a pitch-black items that intrigued him.

After being taken out by the guards on the side, and after being introduced by the guards, he realized that this thing was found in the Demon Sea, but after their investigation, it has no special value. The most important point is that this thing is very hard , Even the best magic soldiers can't drop this thing to crush it.

The things that come out of the Heavenly Demon Sea will not pass without the cultivation of the main god.

Du Yuesheng squeezed this thing in his hands a few times, and he exerted a little force to no avail, the black shell didn't seem to sink in the slightest.

He probed it with his divine sense, and it was empty and empty, with nothing in it.

Now I can understand why the auction house randomly placed this thing here.

"I want you to set a price for this thing." Du Yuesheng said casually, looking at the guards on the side.

"This." The guard said to Du Yuesheng with some embarrassment: "My lord, we idiots don't plan to sell this thing, because it was ordered by our Lord Luo, and he wants to come back and take a look at this thing when the time comes."

Du Yuesheng stretched out a finger and said to the guard: "I gave him a price of 10 million, it should be right for this thing."

"You send the sound transmission to you adults, I will order this thing."

The bodyguard trembled violently, Du Yuesheng's stare just now frightened him.

"When did the god have such a strong aura?" The guard walked into the house inside in a puzzled manner, and walked very fast.

"Why did you come in, kid?"

The guard bowed respectfully and said: "My lord, there is a deity who wants to buy that worthless stone, but the lord above ordered it, so..." He then said the matter briefly.

"It's fine if I say it, you wait here." Chu Ion is the pharmacist here, and his status here is also very noble. In fact, this stone is what he wants to use. The successful smelting immediately aroused his interest.

"This stone is very unusual. The system reminded him just now that the value of this thing is very high. When he asked about it, the system ignored him."

Du Yuesheng had made a plan in his heart, and if he couldn't do it, he would force it. The value of this stone is estimated to be not simple.

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