The Most Violent Upgrade

Chapter 1803 Valley of the Undead

Just when Du Yuesheng was waiting impatiently, an old man came out slowly with a smile on his face. After the inquiry just now, the higher-ups told him that it must be sold at a good price, so he simply came out in person.

"The old man's name is Chu Ion, and he is a pharmacist here." After speaking, he still looked proud.

Du Yuesheng was a little helpless, as the old man in front of him was at the level of God's Domain, he could only be called a piece of trash, so he directly opened his mouth and said impatiently to the old man, "Just tell me how much is suitable."

"One billion, you know how precious this thing is, not only when you look at its appearance, but also when you look at its material." The old man bragged about a useless thing to the sky.

Without further ado, Du Yuesheng threw him a 100 million spirit stone. After the old man took the Qiankun bag, his face burst into a smile. He thought that the price of tens of millions would be enough, but he didn't expect this man to So rich.

The old man seemed to be a different person in an instant, and sent Du Yuesheng outside while smiling.

"It's time to get that herb." Du Yuesheng's eyes turned cold, even with the help of the system, it might not be easy to break through the Supreme God.

However, with this herb and exchange for experience points from the system, breaking through is not an easy task.

And the system is almost upgraded.

After returning to the inn, the rich vitality of heaven and earth surrounded Bai Xiaoling's body, and his aura became more and more powerful.

"The Body of Destiny is finally about to unleash its power."

In the past few days, Du Yuesheng has personally stood by her side

Until Bai Xiaoling woke up from the breakthrough state.

"Brother Su, I have made a breakthrough." Bai Xiaoling's face was full of joy, the most important point was that she was finally able to help Brother Su.

"You brat." Du Yuesheng stretched out his hand and rubbed her soft hair affectionately.

Bai Xiaoling snorted softly, his face was flushed red, and his hands kept intertwined.

Suddenly Du Yuesheng felt a soaring energy from a distance, faintly reaching the realm of the main god, Du Yuesheng smiled slightly, the secret realm was finally opened, otherwise he would rush back in three days.

"let's go."

Du Yuesheng still didn't change his current appearance, this kind of feeling of pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger is still good, Du Yuesheng and Bai Xiaoling ran towards the secret realm.

Since the news of Baishengcao had spread out before, all the sects in this area came here after hearing the news, even many people from the eight sects of the Death Realm came.

Many monks outside Baifeng City gathered towards the Valley of Death. The beams of light rising into the sky deeply attracted everyone's attention. The colorful and mysterious beams of light rose out of thin air. known.

"Hmph, it's ridiculous that a group of ants dare to rob us of the Undead Valley." A man in a black robe looked coldly at the densely packed crowd below, his eyes full of disdain.

"My lord, with you here today, this sacred grass must belong to us." Konoha looked at the man in front of him respectfully. This lord rushed over from the sect, and his strength was still close to touching the supreme mirror.

"As long as I get things done this time, my status will be one step closer." Konoha imagined a happy life in the future.

The entrance to the secret realm in front is already full of people, and many sects have almost come here. Although the current sects are all in peace, as long as the entrance to the secret realm is opened, the killing will really begin .

Du Yuesheng is now standing in the forest and looking at the people below. In his eyes, the people with the strength below are like scum, so Du Yuesheng is not in a hurry.

The colorful beams of light in the sky gradually disappeared, and the fluctuations in the void diffused out, and a layer of blue portal at the entrance gradually emerged.


I don't know who yelled, and all the people rushed in in a swarm. The person from the Ghost Shadow Sect stood there without moving, and took out a crescent knife out of thin air. seeped out.

Konoha's pupils suddenly contracted. He is the strength of the main god now, and he feels cold all over his body, cold to the depths of his soul.


As soon as the voice fell, the crescent moon sent out an afterimage and rushed towards the people below. Where the crescent moon went, heads fell one by one. The frightening thing was that the scimitar absorbed all the blood from their bodies.

The mummies one after another made people terrified, and the people who were not affected by the rear fled towards the outside with horror on their faces. As for the secret realm, they no longer dared to have any thoughts.

"Follow me in."

The black-robed man made a hoarse voice, holding a smooth half-moon scimitar in his hand and walked towards the entrance of the secret realm. Konoha behind him was a little scared and looked at the black-robed man in front of him. He swallowed hard, moved his feet and walked away go in.

Du Yuesheng and Bai Xiaoling came out of the woods at this time. What Du Yuesheng didn't expect was that only one person from the Demon Shadow Sect came this time. went.

Under the attention of the rest of the people, Du Yuesheng and Bai Xiaoling strode into the secret realm.

The endless desert appeared in front of Du Yuesheng. Not far away, a dry white bone stood on the hill. On this white bone, there were many tiny insects gnawing on the white bone. In just a few seconds, this All bones were eaten away.

"Brother Su, this is the legendary soul-eating insect. Don't be afraid of one, ten god-slaying emperors, a hundred slaughtering gods, and a thousand slaughtering gods." Bai Xiaoling didn't expect such a thing to appear in a secret place left by a mere god.

"Maybe there are other things in this secret realm." Du Yuesheng looked at Bai Xiaoling with a faint smile. There was a blue portal on the edge of the desert in front of him just now, which should be the entrance to the next floor. .

The soul-eating worms hidden in the desert hindered the pace of many people. Fortunately, these soul-eating worms appeared every time less than half a hundred. Otherwise, these gods would not be able to move forward. As for some people who are master gods, they have already entered to the next level.

When Du Yuesheng and Bai Xiaoling walked almost to the blue portal, they didn't meet a soul-eating insect. Looking at Bai Xiaoling, Du Yuesheng couldn't help sighing, the body of destiny was really favored by the heavens, and there was no danger at all.

I have to say that people are really pissed off, looking at the many bones in the desert ahead, Du Yuesheng is also very helpless, who made their luck against the sky.

Soon Du Yuesheng and Bai Xiaoling passed this level very easily, and Du Yuesheng and Bai Xiaoling walked towards the blue portal.

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