The Most Violent Upgrade

Chapter 1829 Riot

"Let me tell you something." Du Yuesheng pondered for a while and said: "You just investigate for me who is manipulating these sects behind, and investigate as many as you can."

"Okay, I promise to complete the task." Elder Bai became excited after hearing Du Yuesheng's words. Du Yuesheng is the protector of their White Demon Palace, and his cultivation has already reached the top level. , I'm afraid I can't beat him.

"You all disperse." After Bai Xiaoling put on the coercion of the suzerain, the disciples around respectfully left to work, "What happened to Brother Du just now?" She saw Du Yuesheng frowned just now of.

"It's just that something happened in the domain of death recently." Du Yuesheng then explained the matter to Bai Xiaoling.

"I didn't expect that there would be people who would dare to stir up all the strength of the Death Realm. It's really powerful." Bai Xiaoling muttered and looked at Du Yuesheng, and suddenly Bai Xiaoling's small hand directly pinched Du Yuesheng's mouth.

"What are you going to do?" Du Yuesheng pulled Bai Xiaoling's hand on his mouth, but Bai Xiaoling's strength became stronger and stronger, Du Yuesheng finally begged Bai Xiaoling to let him go.

In the White Demon Palace, during the few months when Du Yuesheng left, several disciples had become supreme, and Elder Bai sent them out one after another to investigate the mysterious force.

Under the command of Yichenluo, the situation in the East of the Death Zone has gradually stabilized. Of course, even if someone searches for the forces behind it, they will definitely not find the Yichen clan.

In the icy land of the extreme west, it has been covered by thick ice and snow for thousands of years. It is said that there is a legendary heart of extreme ice in the central area, which can greatly increase the attack power of those who practice ice skills, but no one can. Set foot on this place.

The power of ten thousand years of ice and snow is not so simple, but today in the central area, a vague figure strode out from it. This is a man whose whole body is completely made of ice and snow.

His whole body was as clear as snow, and his long white hair was casually scattered behind him. With his vigorous body, he looked up at the sky and murmured: "We will definitely avenge the revenge of Martial Ancestor, thank you very much, we The Yeyue Clan is about to rise."

The corner of his mouth smiled lightly, and he stroked the air casually with one hand. The air was like a white paper being torn apart. A crack in space appeared. The young man strode into it, and the space closed immediately. .

After he left, the land covered by ice and snow for thousands of years trembled, and countless ice and snow began to shatter. Fortunately, there were no monks here, and a formation under the shattered ice covered the entire land of the extreme west. stand up.

In the land of the extreme west, in the city of snow and fog.

"You have heard that there has been a huge change in the land of the extreme west. Some people have seen a palace rising from it, as if it is the legendary Ice and Snow Race." Almost fine wine, explaining to the people nearby.

"Brother, according to what you said, wouldn't it be that there is a secret place, and we can all seize the opportunity." Heihu's heart suddenly became eager.

"Haha, I see it too. Is it true that the real dragon secret realm was the same last time? Could it be that the day of our Xuewu City monks' rise has come."

Many monks agreed, and of course the sudden appearance of the secret realm made them eagerly happy. After all, their cultivation had greatly improved after having the secret realm, and the disappearance spread very quickly, within a few hours. Afterwards, basically all monks in Xuewu City knew that this had disappeared.

There was a little white mist in the land covered with ice and snow for thousands of years, and outside the white mist, a group of monks who were cultivated in the realm of the main god stood here.

"The speed of the disappearance spread is really fast. I didn't expect all of you to come." After Li Peng learned the first-hand news, he also gathered his brothers to rush here. The monks are here.

"Li Peng is a big piece of cake, you can't swallow it alone." Wang Bing looked at Li Peng contemptuously and cursed. The two of them have never dealt with each other all year round, and the people around them have long been used to it.

"There has never been fog here all year round. I didn't expect thick fog to appear today, but let's go in quickly."

Some powerful rogue cultivators spoke out, and everyone nodded to each other. After all, the other secret realms they met before were all snatched up by some big sects, and they would never be able to participate.

These monks set foot on the land covered by ice and snow for thousands of years with excitement, thinking that it was a secret place, but they didn't know it was an abyss.

A quaint palace slowly floated in the shattered ice and snow zone in the central area. Hundreds of chains were tightly wound around it, and there were mysterious and powerful symbols on the chains. The palace seemed to be surrounded by iron chains. It's like it's sealed.

A huge hand above the palace slapped on the iron chain, and the divine pattern on the thick iron chain dimmed a bit, but it was not wiped out by this big hand, and the big hand suddenly shattered.

"Hey, it's still close, but it's going to be soon. Ye Feng, this kid, has already been released by me first. Martial ancestor, you can't suppress our Yeyue clan."

A silent divine thought emanated from the palace, and warriors formed of ice and snow crawled up from the snow, each with the cultivation level of the main god, suddenly a crack slid out of the air, and many ice and snow The formed warrior slipped out of space.

These fighters are all people with supreme cultivation. After they fell to the ground, within a few quarters of an hour, Du woke up, holding a big mace made of ice and snow in his hand, and the sharp spikes showed The power of pure ice and snow.

A frightening team formed in the blink of an eye, these ice and snow warriors slowly spread out around the palace, their eyes were like dead objects, without the slightest fluctuation.

"Bring me all the things with vital signs within a hundred miles, no matter whether they are dead or alive." A voice containing infinite killing intent came from the palace.


Three days later, Ice Mist City was completely shrouded in a dense fog. According to those who escaped, a group of warriors formed of ice and snow completely destroyed their Ice Mist City. Unable to withstand their blows.

The Realm of Death, on the fifth day of the 31st year of the Shang Dynasty, was the most turbulent moment in the Realm of Death. A mysterious force from the east swept across the east. Many cities in the Far West were captured by ice and snow warriors, and things became blurred. stand up.

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