The Most Violent Upgrade

Chapter 1830 Resurrection of Zhu Qiang

In the White Demon Palace, Du Yuesheng looked at his own panel, thinking about how to get the Juggernaut God Core.

When Du Yuesheng heard that the system said that the only person who needs to kill the ruler can get the God Core, Du Yuesheng couldn't help but smiled wryly.

"I'm afraid there won't be anyone who dominates the realm of death." I wonder how long Du Yuesheng has been fighting. Aside from other things in the domain of death, the person who has reached the level of domination is just the demon master who was the last time to do it.

Du Yuesheng sat up quietly, closed his eyes slightly, and took out a piece of tea from the space, which was the same tea tree he got in the Martial Ancestor's Secret Realm last time, and Du Yuesheng began to practice depressingly.

"It would be great if there were a lot of people who could dominate their cultivation. The speed at which I would level up would not be astonishing." Du Yuesheng had a lewd smile on his face.

Outside the palace where Du Yuesheng lived, Elder Bai was holding the information sent by his disciples in his hand, his face was cloudy, because these silenced sounds were so strange, for a while he didn't dare to hand over the disappearance to Du Yuesheng.

Because it is written in the information that Xiaoyaozong is the core that stirs up the eastern forces, I think Xiaoyaozong was a sect that was lower than their White Devil Palace before, but now it has jumped up and become a giant. Who can believe it, who dares to believe it.

"Forget it, let Mr. Su take a look, otherwise I won't be responsible for other things." Elder Bai walked towards Du Yuesheng's room anxiously.

"Boom boom boom."

"come in."

Du Yuesheng had already got up and sat down, he knew it when Elder Bai came just now, he took the materials that Elder Bai handed over, and after reading it, Du Yuesheng began to think.

"Xiaoyaozong?" Du Yuesheng looked at the distribution of the influence of these sects in the past few months, as well as the overall influence. He vaguely felt that things were definitely not that simple.

Because there was a riot in the east before, and then in the far west, he would not believe that no one was involved.

"You go down first, I will sit quietly alone." Du Yuesheng sent Elder Bai away. The White Demon Palace is just in the center of the two riots. If there is a riot in the future, these disciples of the White Demon Palace will not be able to resist it. down.

"Fortress of War."

Suddenly, Du Yuesheng thought of this thing, and his body instantly appeared in the sky above the White Demon Palace, and after being in the sky, Du Yuesheng's body continued to rise upwards.

Du Yuesheng's speed is getting faster and faster, and the lingering qi is blowing towards Du Yuesheng fiercely from all around, but judging from this intensity, it's like scratching an itch, the vision below has become a small ball black spots.

According to Du Yuesheng's vision, the giant war fortress should not be found in the distance here. The golden symbol in his mind trembled violently under the stimulation of Du Yuesheng, and a golden light shot from his mind to the war fortress.

A stream of light flew out of Du Yuesheng's mind, and the war fortress grew bigger under Du Yuesheng's urging, and the war killer that had never been revealed for thousands of years finally showed its horns at this moment.

There is an formation left by the previous martial ancestors in the War Fortress. This formation can absorb the aura of heaven and earth to provide energy for the War Fortress, and after ten thousand years, the energy stored in the War Fortress has reached its peak level.

After careful investigation, there is a kind of attacking giant cannon in the east, west, north, south, and north. If this kind of giant cannon goes down for a mile and falls below the master's level, the monks will undoubtedly die. Imprison that side of the world, no one can escape.

There are also various small attacking cannons left, and the city of the War Fortress is inhabitable. Du Yuesheng thought that the entire White Demon Palace could be moved here, and this War Fortress could be used as the base camp of the White Demon Palace.

Thinking of this, Du Yuesheng put away the war fortress and drove towards the White Demon Palace below.

Time flies, the central palace is quiet, and a needle can make a loud noise when it falls.

In the central palace, there are more than a dozen ice coffins standing on both sides, and the people frozen inside are all middle-aged.

If you get closer, you will find that their hearts are still beating, and their cultivation has reached the realm of dominance. These dozens of corpses are all of such terrifying cultivation.

The god patterns on the ice coffin are the same as those on the chains of the sealed palace. It seems that these ice coffins have played the role of a seal. At the top of the palace, a larger ice coffin stands impressively, giving off a chilly feeling. Breath emanated from it.

The endless divine patterns flickered with a frightening aura, firmly suppressing this aura, preventing it from leaking to a distance of one meter.

"Martial Ancestor, you can't trap our Yeyue Clan. Within three days, our Yeyue Clan will come back to the realm of death."

Ye Shen growled gloomyly, for the first time in ten thousand years, he used his clan's supreme destiny reversal technique to forcibly consume until today.

He was hanging tightly in the sealed ice coffin, his whole body had already shrunk, except for one head which was still normal.

A lot of corpses were randomly scattered outside the palace. They were the corpses of those monks in White Mist City. Everyone looked terrified, as if they had seen something terrible before they died.

Each of them seemed to have been drained of blood and turned into mummies. Fortunately, the weather here is very cold, otherwise there would be a foul smell, and a large formation under the palace became erratic. Get up, it may collapse at any time.


Today is a good day for Yi Chenluo. He looked at Ye Feng in front of him and laughed happily: "I am afraid that you Yeyue Clan will be unsealed in a few days. From now on, we will fight together in the land of death." domain, no one can stop us anymore."

"Brother Luo is right. The Martial Ancestor thought that we could be wiped out by relying on formations, but unfortunately he was wrong." Ye Feng's face was a little cold. For thousands of years, he has been through endless darkness. Use his strength to protect him, otherwise he won't be able to hold on.

"From now on, the entire domain of death will be ours." Yi Chenluo patted Ye Feng's shoulder, he stretched out his hand, and a stack of white paper appeared in his hand.

"This is a document called White Demon Palace, you can take a look."

Ye Feng knew that Yi Chenluo would not pay such attention to some humble sects. Now that he mentioned the White Demon Palace, there is something special about the White Demon Palace.

"Du Yuesheng single-handedly killed more than a dozen supreme gods with the help of the main god. All of this is indeed called heavenly beauty, special summoning method?" Ye Feng raised his head and looked at Yi Chenluo suspiciously. This is the head of the White Demon Palace.


It finally came out. A while ago, some chapters of this book were blocked due to problems. I'm sorry everyone.

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