The Most Violent Upgrade

Chapter 1831 Robbery

"You're right. According to my exact information, his summoning method is really powerful. This person is our primary target. Why don't we wait a few days until both of our clans have unlocked the seal? This White Demon Palace will attack."

Ye Feng nodded, and the word "summoning" has not stopped in his mind for a long time, because this summoning ability was only possessed by the psychic people ten thousand years ago, and it was very heaven-defying. overlord.

"I agree. I also want to know where his summoning ability comes from. This is also very important to us." Ye Feng looked at Yi Chenluo with a serious expression.

"Don't worry, I know it well, we must figure out this Du Yuesheng."

Although Yichen Luo's current cultivation base is in the strength of dominance, the ability of summoning is very heaven-defying. If used well, it is said that it can summon power beyond gods.

At the same time, great changes have taken place in the White Demon Palace.

"What are you talking about? All of our White Demon Palace will be transferred." A disciple who was practicing looked at the other disciples in surprise.

"Yes, Master Du said that all of our White Demon Palace will be transferred to a place called War Fortress, so all the pill furnace medicinal materials in the sect will also be taken away, and nothing will be left behind."

After the disciple finished speaking, he ignored the series of questions from the disciple behind him, and ran quickly towards the place where another disciple lived.

The calm White Devil Palace was like a stone dropped from a calm lake, and it immediately moved. Some disciples were stupid and had never heard of War Fortress, but they felt very domineering.


A dull bell rang, and all the disciples gathered in the center of the square from all directions. After all the disciples below had gathered, he waved his hand without saying unnecessary nonsense.

The wall made of special crystals in the sky looks very weak under the sunlight. I have to say that this city wall still looks very beautiful.

With a thought in Du Yuesheng's mind, these crystals instantly turned gray-black, giant cannons protruded from the wall, and a huge light curtain rose from the inside of the war fortress, spreading directly towards the surroundings, directly covering the entire war. The fort was secured.

The disciples below looked at the ferocious black muzzle, and couldn't help feeling chills in their hearts. Some disciples of the Supreme God could feel how terrifying the energy contained in it was. Fortunately, this war fortress belonged to them. He didn't dare to imagine other sects.

As the battle fortress changed its shape, all the disciples below became excited about it. With a wave of Du Yuesheng's hand, the weapons and formations above all returned to their previous appearance.

"Everyone go to the battle fortress now." Following Du Yuesheng's order, all the disciples flew up towards the vast and boundless war fortress in the sky.

After discussing this issue with Du Yuesheng just now, Bai Xiaoling also knew Du Yuesheng's purpose, with the support behind the Martial Ancestor's tomb, and the current war fortress was enough to deal with the current chaotic situation.

After all the disciples went up, Du Yuesheng and Bai Xiaoling also followed up. Du Yuesheng controlled the War Fortress to fly up to the sky, and the vision below gradually became smaller.

There is really no one in the current White Demon Palace, and no one would have thought that they are now staying in the sky. Du Yuesheng also wanted to develop the White Demon Palace and prevent it from happening.

"According to the mission of the system, the most important thing is to conquer other sects. Now there are two unknown forces hidden behind the domain of death, so let's wait for a month, if they don't make a big move by then , he took action himself." A golden light flashed in Du Yuesheng's eyes.

Du Yuesheng and Bai Xiaoling arranged for all the disciples under their command. To be honest, the War Fortress is really too big, fully twice the size of the White Demon Palace. The current number of disciples is still too small.

After careful allocation, some formation control rooms and some living places were arranged, and Du Yuesheng once again entered the Martial Ancestor Secret Realm.


Du Yuesheng looked at the towering waterfall in front of him. He took off his clothes and soaked directly into the waterfall. All the water was composed of pure spiritual power. The pores on the skin were opened, and the dantian was quickly absorbed. up.

Every time he absorbs it, he can increase his experience by 10,000. Looking at the experience value that can't be seen at a glance, he can't help but smile bitterly. After waiting for a month, see if he can get some big gains, or complete the task. It is also comfortable to go straight to level 5.

Du Yuesheng, who was lying in the pool, looked at the system panel. After the system was upgraded, he could use Shinto points to summon characters, instead of using cards as before.

Now that I have a full 200 billion divine points, why not summon one to see if it can play a role in the present.

"May I ask if the player consumes 100 billion Shinto points to summon?"



"The invisible blade is the deadliest."

A cold and cold voice resounded from the void, and Du Yuesheng's heart became alive. He didn't expect that the one summoned this time would be Zed from the League of Legends, who moved like a shadow, and now even Du Yuesheng couldn't find him.

"Come out and let me see you."

As soon as the voice fell, less than ten meters away from Du Yuesheng, a figure appeared in the void, wearing gorgeous armor, holding two daggers in his hands, giving people a very ethereal feeling, there is a shadow behind Jie.

Du Yuesheng unexpectedly found that Jie was different from ordinary people. Under the sunlight, there was no shadow behind him. I think this is also a difference in reality. Du Yuesheng did not have too deep skills to ask Jie.

Summon character: Jie

Tier: Diamond

Class: Supreme God

Description: A member of the League of Legends from the ancient world, with super high assassination ability.

Note: The existence time is one day.

"Jie only exists for one day, but he can do a lot of things."

Du Yuesheng looked at Jie and said softly: "A force has appeared in the east and west, I hope you can help me investigate, and you can kill them if necessary."

"Yes, Emperor of Heaven." Jie nodded, his big body disappeared like a broken bubble under Du Yuesheng's gaze.

Within the scope of Du Yuesheng's divine sense, Jie's figure is already hundreds of miles away. I have to say that Jie's speed is really too terrifying. After all, Jie is the number one killer in the League of Legends, and there is no one who can beat Jie. Assassinated and fled.

Jie closed his eyes in the air. After feeling his speed, he suddenly stopped in the air. His body was already hundreds of miles away. The person who stopped was actually his shadow. .

If Du Yuesheng saw Jie Ying's profound meaning, the avatar would probably be so amazed that he could not make a sound. Originally, this skill of Jie could release a shadow of a clone, and then quickly exchange positions with the shadow, but the distance now is really terrifying.

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