The Most Violent Upgrade

Chapter 1832 The Ancestor Is Born

Three days later, a dark beam of light shot up into the sky from the Far West, and the clouds in the sky disappeared under the impact of this energy, and an extremely evil aura rose up along with the beam of light.

A strong black air spread from the palace sealed by iron chains in the center of the Far West. As soon as these black clothes touched the iron chains, the god patterns on the iron chains quickly disappeared. First, the iron clothes on the wrapped palace The chain was wrapped in black air, and within a quarter of an hour it turned into an ordinary chain. "


The iron chain made a crisp sound, and broke suddenly, and the formation below it was also shattered. The multi-faceted formation that suppressed the Yeyue clan was destroyed, and the Yeyue clan was freed.

"Haha, I, the Yeyue Clan, have finally escaped your seal." Ye Shen's withered and shriveled muscles quickly recovered at the speed of the naked eye, and the endless spiritual energy in the world gathered towards him.

Within a quarter of an hour, a strong figure appeared on his body. He clenched his fist tightly, and a gust of wind blew across it, causing the ice coffin that sealed him to shatter.

An afterimage flashed past, and Ye Shen put on clean and tidy clothes, but the tyrannical and terrifying aura on his body became stronger and stronger, and he looked at the few clansmen who were still frozen in ice.

Black mist spurted out from his hands, and those ice coffins disappeared into nothingness in his hands, "My clansman Du, wake up."

Amid his excited shouts, those clansmen opened their eyes one after another, and when they saw Ye Shen standing in front of them, they knelt down in awe.

"Long live the Yeyue clan, long live the Yeyue clan." Amidst the shouts of the clansmen, Ye Shen looked up at the sky and couldn't help laughing, no one could stop their pace without the Martial Ancestor.

The energy that burst out from the land of the extreme west soared directly into the sky, and the boundless black air swept across the entire sky. The sects near the land of the extreme west could feel the huge energy and evil hidden in the light plant, fear.

"How could it be?"

Bai Xiaoling was sitting cross-legged in the room just now to absorb the power of the tea tree, suddenly a burst of manic energy shot up into the sky from a distance, which woke her up from her cultivation, she did not expect such a situation to happen, it made her feel very It's not good.

When she walked out of the room, the spiritual power in Bai Xiaoling's body instantly permeated into both eyes, and the originally blurred vision was directly pulled away, and the faint golden light in the eyes was blessed.

"The black beam of light, the sky in the distance is filled with an evil aura." This power really made her feel scared, and it was far from what the demon lord could compare to last time, because this power Far surpassed the previous Demon Lord.

"It seems that something big must have happened in the Far West." Bai Xiaoling calmed down his mood, and at the same time, he also understood why Du Yuesheng wanted to put them in the war fortress.

When they landed on the War Fortress, Du Yuesheng had already activated the most powerful hidden formation in the War Fortress. The War Fortress was perfectly hidden in the sky, and the War Fortress was very far from the mainland below. Generally, no one would come to tens of thousands of people. meters high in the air.

The strong wind is howling here, and it is impossible for ordinary supreme gods to resist the manic power of heaven and earth, Bai Xiaoling took a deep breath, and warned his disciples not to disturb Du Yuesheng's cultivation, everything will be discussed after he gets up.

In the Martial Ancestor's secret realm, Du Yuesheng was still leisurely soaking in the pool. It has to be said that the aura here is extremely dense. Even Du Yuesheng's method of cultivation and absorption could not absorb the spiritual energy here by even 100%. None.

After all, this Lingshui waterfall was formed after tens of thousands of years of history. Even if Du Yuesheng had a terrifying absorption speed, it would be impossible.

"In order for the disciples of the White Demon Palace to cultivate properly, why don't I take these spiritual powers out?"

Du Yuesheng looked at the majestic waterfall flowing down from the sky, this scene is still rare.


In the East, the Relic Dust Clan has already broken out.

In front of an exquisite altar, Yi Chenluo knelt down on the ground, looked at the middle-aged man in front of him respectfully and said, "Congratulations, suzerain, for leaving the customs."

The middle-aged man shook his clothes and looked up into the distance, then randomly looked around and said in a deep voice, "Hey, Wan Hai's sky is unpredictable, and the whole world has changed when I wake up."

Although his tone was peaceful, there was hidden resentment and resentment towards the world in it, his eyes were closed tightly, and the air pressure on his body was released in an instant. Exposed, his body felt almost unable to support under the high-intensity coercion.

"Martial Ancestor is long gone, Yi Chenluo tell me about the recent situation in the Death Realm." Yi Chen's eyelids moved slightly, silently looking at Yi Chenluo below.

Beside Yi Chen Wushen there are eight men, each man has dense runes engraved on his forehead and body, his cold eyes and the off-white aura permeating his body make people dare not look directly at them.

"Sovereign, the realm of death is no longer as good as it was ten thousand years ago. Now the highest realm is nothing more than the strength of the ruler. As for the world master realm, there is no one." Yi Chenluo collected all the things he had recently investigated. Speak up.

"Very well, after ten thousand years all the sects will decline, and only Yeyue clan and I will be dominant, and the entire death domain will be decided by us in the future." There was a gloomy and cold breath in Yi Chen's dull eyes.

"Assemble the army in three days. I must make all the sects surrender to our Remnant Dust Clan. I don't want to be compared to that old man."

Yichen Wushen intends to kill all the sects who resisted, and the sects that attach to him in the future must be like a dog, the kind that must be obedient.

"Okay, let's go."

Just when Yichen Wushen was about to find a place to restore his strength, he stared at the place a hundred miles away with his hand, and the invisible force came to the mountain a hundred meters away in the blink of an eye.

Suddenly, the sky collapsed, and a huge mountain peak was half turned into powder under his stare, and a figure rose into the air and disappeared when the attack was about to fall.

Jie looked at Yi Chen Wushen with a solemn expression. He didn't expect that he was so far away, and his breath was covered very well, but he was also discovered by him. Just when Jie was thinking, a big hand in the sky brought a terrifying coercion. Facing the robbery, he caught it.

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