The Most Violent Upgrade

Chapter 1833 Realm of the Lord

Jie's body in the center of the big hand couldn't move at all, and the nearby mountains were turned into powder under the energy released by the big hand. The trees around Jie had already been uprooted, and Jie's body continued to sink into the soil.

"This kind of power is at least above the realm of domination."

Although Jie's cultivation base is in the Supreme God, he can also resist the master.

But in the current situation, being able to withstand such pressure shows that this person's cultivation is definitely not a master, but must be a master above the master.

Looking at the big hand in the sky, all the breath in his body was locked, and he couldn't move at all.

As the falling speed of the big hand became faster and faster, cracks began to appear on Jie's body, but there was no blood leaking from his body, but a black mist in the depths, because Jie's body was already highly integrated with the shadow Get up, now he alone has received extremely serious injuries.

"No, I'm going to die sooner or later."

Jie didn't expect things to develop to such a point, he gritted his teeth and the energy in his body slowly burst out, Jie's face became paler and paler, as if something had been pulled out of his body.

"Forbidden spell, soul-leaving technique."

Another Jie appeared at his feet, and then the body of Jie appeared cracked, and his eyes became lifeless, as if he had no breath of life, and complex summoning formations appeared at his feet .

The formation of this summoning formation was very fast, but only Jie could see this summoning. Jie, who was only the size of a baby, entered the summoning formation and disappeared, and the big hand above also roared towards him.


The huge palm print was fiercely imprinted on the ground, and the edge of the entire hand print rolled directly, causing fluctuations like a magnitude 9 earthquake, and the land spread out towards the surroundings like roaring waves.

In less than a minute, there was no life left within a radius of a hundred miles. It can be seen how powerful the palm of the world master must be.

"Such a powerful enemy must go back and tell the Emperor of Heaven. It is not in vain that I escaped desperately."

Jie's mood is also very depressed, he encountered such a situation before he broke out his strength.

Jie's face was pale and he couldn't help sighing, his short body slowly dissipated in the air.


"Sovereign, what are you?" Yi Chenluo looked at his suzerain suspiciously, why did he directly attack that mountain peak, and even use out-of-bounds power.

"It's just a strong little mouse that dares to spy on me."

Yichen sneered blankly, he saw Jie's figure at a glance just now, but the speed of Jie's evasion surprised him a bit, but fortunately, he also dealt with him.

"I will leave the rest of Yichenluo to you. These elders and I will retreat first."

Although Yi Chen Wushen's cultivation has already reached the level above that of a master, his current strength is only 10 to 20 percent after ten thousand years of suppression.

So the attack he launched against Jie just now was only a trace of power. If Yichen Wushen really wants to use his own strength, at least the sky will collapse and the earth will shatter. The power of a world is unfathomable.

Yi Chenluo stood respectfully on the spot and watched the suzerain and a group of elders leave slowly. He was shocked in his heart, of course he was shocked by the suzerain's strength, because the suzerain's strength is really terrifying, even the slightest breath can However, he felt the breath of death, which was really terrifying.

"Come and gather for me the forces that we control all sects."

As soon as Yi Chenluo's words fell, he disappeared in place. After he returned to the room, the surroundings of the room were all the treasures of heaven and earth that he had scavenged in the past few days, and Yi Chenluo began to practice crazily.

Du Yuesheng was lazily lying in the hall, eating fruit happily. At the same time, he was researching how to conquer other sects, especially the two mysterious forces that suddenly appeared, which caused him a lot of difficulty.

At this time, a thin figure broke in from the outside, and when Du Yuesheng was about to make a move, he realized that it was the Jie he summoned before, and the current Jie made him laugh bitterly, because the change was too small, and only up to his calf.

"Emperor of Heaven, I met a strong enemy, and I used secret techniques to escape." Jie looked at the Emperor of Heaven with a face of reluctance. He felt ashamed, and as the number one assassin, he couldn't do anything.

"Tell me in detail." After listening to Jie's words, Du Yuesheng felt more and more that the enemy this time was unusual and might be the most terrifying enemy encountered in the realm of death. The key to Jie's strength was already at the peak of Supreme God.

Jie bitterly looked at Du Yuesheng and said slowly: "After I inquired about that mysterious force before, in the middle of the journey, a tyrannical aura rose to the sky, and I hid in a place hundreds of miles away."

"But I was far from expecting that a pair of eyes looked directly at me, and the world suddenly lost its color. There was only infinite coercion, and what came randomly was a big hand from the sky. I had no choice but to escape."

After listening to Jie's words, Du Yuesheng also felt the seriousness of the matter more and more. An enemy who surpassed the ruler's cultivation base shocked Du Yuesheng, and there was also an unspeakable emotion in it.

There are people beyond people, and there is a sky beyond the sky. Before Du Yuesheng thought that being a master was the highest level of cultivation, but now it seems that it is just a joke.

Du Yuesheng watched Jie quietly, and put his mind on the system.

"System, can you know the cultivation level of the character who attacked Jie?"


"The lowest level of cultivation of the characters who attack Jie is in the Realm of the World Lord."

"World Lord?"

Du Yuesheng was also at a loss when he heard the system's answer. What's the situation in this World Master Realm?

Fortunately, the system responded in a timely manner.

"The Realm Master Realm is the supreme existence of the God Realm, mastering the power of one realm, and containing the supreme realm power in one hand."

"Is there any way for the system to heal Haojie's injuries?"

"I'm sorry player, because Jie has a time limit, so he can't be healed. The Emperor of Heaven doesn't have to worry. After Jie disappears, he will be in a perfect state after the next call."

"What should I do next? Maybe I need to use those two hole cards."

Du Yuesheng still felt a little heartbroken. If he used one of Hongjun and one of Buddha's, his hole cards would be much less, but he had no choice but to complete the task.

"Can I summon people from the realm master realm?"

"It takes 200 billion Shinto points, and the player's Shinto points are temporarily unable to summon such characters."

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