The Most Violent Upgrade

Chapter 1834 Level 703

The words of the system silenced Du Yuesheng, and 200 billion is not difficult to deal with. If you can kill someone who is in the Supreme God Realm or someone who dominates the realm, this divine way point is still possible.

Thinking of this, Du Yuesheng continued to absorb the spiritual liquid to upgrade.

After several days in a row, the entire domain of death was completely chaotic.

First of all, starting from the east, all the forces were broken and combined under the command of the Remnant Dust Clan, and slowly moved towards the central position.

Yi Chenluo looked at the army below. The sects who resisted a little these days were directly killed by them with thunderous means. Without talking nonsense, the next thing will be easier to handle. The sects behind As long as you hear their majesty, you will directly bow down to Shen Fu.

Yichen floated in the air, he looked at the forces below indifferently, "This continent will never trap me, I will finally be able to break through this cage of heaven and earth and fly to the upper realm."

Ten thousand years ago, in order to improve his own strength, he slaughtered hundreds of thousands of creatures with a cruel method. At the last step, he was rushed by Martial Ancestor. At that time, he did not use any real means to preserve his strength. , was sealed by Martial Ancestor.

"With these sects today, no one can stop me when I rush to the original place."

The aura from Yichen Wushen suddenly leaked out, and tens of thousands of people below were so frightened by the aura above that they almost knelt down on the ground.

"Uncle, what does this Remnant Dust Clan want to do? And we have never seen such a powerful strength."

Bai Mu is the young lord of the Chuyun Sect, and the most powerful person in their sect is nothing more than a supreme god, but when their ambition gradually wants to let the Remnant Dust Clan see how powerful they are, who in their sect The Supreme God has just soared into the sky.

Suddenly, a bloody flower bloomed in the air, and the supreme god in their sect died like this. 1 They did not expect this to happen.

"Surrender or perish."

These words kept echoing in his mind, his uncle's face was pale, his fingers trembled uncontrollably, and he looked around cautiously, making sure that there was no danger.

"Bai Mu, I'll only tell you about these things, don't tell others."

It was the first time Bai Mu saw his fearless uncle showing such an expression, and he nodded reluctantly.

"I read it in an ancient book. Legend has it that two most mysterious races appeared ten thousand years ago. One is called the Remaining Dust Clan and the other is the Yeyue Clan."

After finishing speaking, his uncle's brows became more and more thick, and he sighed deeply: "These two breeding pigs were sealed by Martial Ancestor for some reason ten thousand years ago. I thought this The legend was a fake, but no one thought it was true."

Bai Mu turned around and glanced at the Remnant Dust Clan. He felt very uncomfortable. These Remnant Dust Groups could survive the ten thousand year seal, and their strength was incomparably heaven-defying. I'm afraid no one in the entire continent can restrain them.

"No matter what, let's follow their request. Maybe we can survive." Bai Mu saw his uncle pat him on the shoulder helplessly.

White Demon Palace.


"Congratulations to the player with full experience and level up."

"Current level: Dominate triple."

"Level 703!"

Du Yuesheng couldn't help laughing bitterly, he had finally been promoted to the realm of the third level of dominance, and now these spiritual power liquids did not improve him so much.

"Forget it, let's take out the spirit liquid and the medicinal materials here."

At the same time, Du Yuesheng also roughly exchanged some elixirs from the system. With the improvement of Du Yuesheng's level, the price of these elixirs would be so expensive, and people at different levels would look at things differently.

Du Yuesheng got up and walked out of the spiritual liquid pool, and then exchanged for a large-capacity tripod from the system, and then countless spiritual liquids directly filled the large tripod.

With a thought, Du Yuesheng left the room and appeared on the square of White Demon Palace.

Here in the White Demon Palace, all the disciples were gathered in the central square by Du Yuesheng. He planned to let them all improve greatly during this period of time. He took out all the things in the Martial Ancestor Secret Realm, including tea trees and spirits. Power Falls, and at the same time some real treasures of heaven and earth were taken out by him.


He took out an exquisite big cauldron and placed it firmly on the ground. It was filled with pure spiritual power. Compared with the spiritual power in the air, most of the spiritual power in the air did not know. How much richer it should be.

In addition, there were several pillars of top-quality medicinal herbs on the ground, and the aroma in the air instantly permeated, and it made the eyes of these disciples become hot.

"What is the spiritual power on this thing that is so rich and rich?"

"If we get a little bit, I will be able to break through to the realm of the Supreme God."

"You haven't seen that the liquid in this cauldron is a liquid of spiritual power. According to my opinion, it has a history of at least several million, otherwise there would be no such change."

Senior Brother Wang's words revived all the disciples' minds. Seeing how to get these spiritual power liquids, Du Yuesheng certainly saw the change in the expressions of the disciples below.

"All of you are the elites left over from our sect, so the medicinal materials and these tens of thousands of years of spiritual power liquid are at your disposal. I have no other requirements, but I hope that each of you can break through .”

Du Yuesheng was very proud this time. After several days of investigation, it can be seen that the two forces of the East and the Far West are coming here, and they are constantly devouring other sects.

This is a good result for Du Yuesheng, as long as these two forces are killed, then he will directly complete the task.

Du Yuesheng didn't need to bother to conquer other sects one by one.

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