The Most Violent Upgrade

Chapter 1839 Threat

Definitely agree.

If you don't agree, it's not courting death.

The coercion just now was enough for them to drink a pot fiercely, and this is not the way to die if they want to die.

"Okay, since you agree, you will all have my mark on you, so don't resist."

Yi Chenluo looked at these people on the city wall indifferently, as if he knew their answers when he came.

Du Yuesheng looked up at the person named Yi Chenluo, the coercion just now made Du Yuesheng feel the crisis of life and death.

He looked at the dust falling in the sky with palpitations. His cultivation should be at the peak of dominance, and the special power he controlled posed a strong threat to him.

"Looking at this Yichenluo, it doesn't look like the suzerain of the Yichen clan. Now it seems that the Yichen clan is much more powerful than imagined."

Yi Chenluo stood in mid-air, holding it with one hand, and countless golden imprints emerged, the magical texture and the Dao pattern in it were something they had never seen before.

But they can feel what this imprint is for, it is used to control them, once their spirits are imprinted with this thing, they have no choice but to be under their control.

It's a pity that they have no other options to do, they can only absorb this imprint abruptly, otherwise they will face a dead letter.

Countless imprints radiated from Yi Chenluo's hands, covering the entire city, and the golden imprints submerged into the souls of everyone present one by one.

Of course, it is impossible for Du Yuesheng to avoid this golden talisman. As soon as the golden talisman entered his mind, the system directly swallowed the golden talisman, so Du Yuesheng was not afraid of this talisman that was similar to controlling people. print.

There is nothing wrong with the dust falling in the sky. Sometimes it is normal for one or two imprints to be missing. Even if some people are not enslaved, as long as the number is not large.

"All of you continue to move forward." Yi Chenluo continued to answer his order, but fortunately these people are all monks, otherwise I don't know how many people will die during the long journey.

"I really don't know what this Remnant Dust Clan wants to do, but I have an ominous premonition."

"Yes, this order is also strange, insisting that all of us drive forward."

Du Yuesheng mingled in the crowd and looked at it secretly. All the people from the big and small sects were gathered together. According to what Jie said, there was also a strong man at the level of the world master.

His current cultivation base is just a mastery of the third level, and now he has to work hard to improve it. The Relic Dust Clan and the Yeyue Clan are both experiences in his eyes, so just find the right opportunity to win it in one fell swoop.

Every time Du Yuesheng followed the large army, he would meet some people from the sect and they all came in together. Du Yuesheng also discovered a special thing on the way.

Many people were caught by Yichenluo from a distance, and the cultivation base of these people was basically above the realm of the main god. It seems that there are really not one left.


Everyone felt that the space vibrated violently, and the space was shattered. A waist-length man with black hair came out of the space. He inadvertently glanced down, and everyone suddenly became short of breath. Terrible, invincible thoughts appeared in the space. in their minds.

Du Yuesheng frowned and looked at the young man above, who had mastered the power of time and space so proficiently, with a wave of time, the space behind him was immediately stitched together.

Du Yuesheng observed carefully, the two of them looked at each other and smiled, and then they didn't know what they were talking about, of course it was impossible for Du Yuesheng to detect their conversation.

"Our Yeyue Clan is about the same, let me tell you, that Du Yuesheng and the White Demon Palace have disappeared, it's really strange, I haven't found their whereabouts after I returned to the clan.

"It's okay, just do the next thing well. We can ascend to the upper realm with the suzerain. The realm of death here is no longer enough for us to make a better breakthrough." Yichenluo didn't report Du Yuesheng's matter. What else to hope for.

"After three days, we will have a round at the agreed place."


Ye Feng waved the space tear with one hand, and the whole person disappeared into it.

"The child Ye Feng's cultivation has greatly increased recently, Ye Shen has trained well." Yi Chen looked at Ye Feng who disappeared without a trace and smiled.

"Yes, this also proves that the time has come for our two great clans to rise up. We have gone through thousands of years of baptism, and it is time for us to shine."

"The whole army sets off and must arrive at the agreed place in three days."

As soon as the sound of leaving the dust fell, the mighty army below started to move, and Du Yuesheng also did anything. He was also glad that he had hidden the White Demon Palace in the sky tens of thousands of meters away. No one would be able to find them now. .


After three days in a row, more and more people joined the big army. For the first time, all the sects in the domain of death were integrated, and the sects with hatred looked at each other and smiled wryly after meeting. Now they can be described as It's a family.

Under the command of Yi Chenluo, everyone drove towards the plain area. When they crossed a mountain, the mighty people on the opposite side surprised everyone. Just relieved.

After seeing the people on the opposite side, both sides became puzzled. They didn't expect such a situation to happen. The Yeyue clan and the Yeyue clan would gather all the people from the sect to such a place.

"Long time no see, Brother Yi Chen." A man in the middle suddenly appeared above the sky, his eyes were very strange, like the whirlpools in the ocean, as if they could attract people's souls.

"It's been a long time, at least tens of thousands of years. It's better now. No one can suppress us. Our two clans must unite to go further." Yichen Wushen faced Ye Shen Laughed out loud.

"How's the plan? Do I want to use all the people below?"

Yichen stared blankly at the group of ants below, exuding a murderous intent, with a bit of disdain in his tone.

"If we want to activate this formation, we must master the sacred artifacts of our clan." Ye Shen said cautiously, without the sacred artifacts, it is impossible to successfully activate this formation, although the strength of the current blockade by the power of heaven and earth It has become smaller, but it is still not enough to rely on human power.


Yi Chen's brows were wrinkled, as soon as he came out, he ran directly into the previously sealed secret realm, but unfortunately the Po Tianzhu had disappeared.

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