The Most Violent Upgrade

Chapter 1840 was discovered

Yichen Wushen began to think, Ye Shen who was at the side saw Yichen Wushen like this, he knew that the secret realm of their clan might have been set foot by someone, and now he can only look for the whereabouts of the other one, which is really impossible Just use that method.

"Don't worry, if we can't find it within a month, we will use that method." Ye Shen comforted.

"Okay, let me look for it again." There was some helplessness in his tone, even if he had the strength of the World Master Realm, he still didn't have the ability to explore the entire world, and his manpower was not as good as the sky.

"Leave the dust and send it down, let's see who of them know the whereabouts of the Potian beads." Yichen's expressionless face turned ugly, the loss of the Potian beads made him feel very bad.

Yi Chen Luo nodded heavily.

Here in the White Demon Palace, Bai Xiaoling felt that she couldn't stay any longer. If Brother Du hadn't told her not to let her go down at will, she would have gone down a long time ago.

Just now, he sensed several terrifying forces not far away, which made her feel like death. What happened in the realm of death really made people feel depressed and terrified.

"Xiao Ling, you don't need to worry about Head Du. It's not that you don't know his strength. No one can beat him in the realm of death."

Elder Bai comforted him, but he knew the strength of Sect Leader Du.

"Yeah." Bai Xiaoling nodded heavily, then got up and devoted himself to the cultivation, now only the cultivation can make him feel uneasy.


Elder Bai sighed deeply. In fact, he was also very worried about Sect Leader Du's comfort. How could he not know about such a crisis happening on the entire continent now.

the next day.

As the sun rose, the entire domain of death rioted, and countless families, sects, and dynasties began to take action.

All for one bead.

"Whoever you know about the Po Tianzhu, or have heard about the whereabouts of the Po Tianzhu, if anyone knows, I can let you join our Remnant Dust Clan and practice the supreme skills."

This sentence exploded in everyone's ears, and many people's minds became active. Joining the Remnant Dust Clan and being able to practice him, um, the supreme skill, this kind of temptation.

Many people excitedly searched carefully for what they knew, after all, the Remnant Dust Clan is considered the strongest clan in the world.

In the clan, there is a Boundary Master Realm sitting in town.

In Feilongzong, Zi Xun's face turned livid, and it was all because of that nasty thief who cut off their future.

"No, I want to tell Yi Chenluo what I know about the Po Tianzhu." Zi Xun said to the surrounding elders.

If the clues she provided were successful, she might be able to join the Remnant Dust Clan.

"Master, you can't do it. Look at this Remnant Dust Clan. He doesn't look like a good person. He might be a man-eating tiger."

Qingxuan stubbornly pulled her master not to let her go.

Zi Xun's face flashed a sliver of unswerving color, "Why did I raise a disciple like you? Is it really going to make me mad? I support a huge sect by myself. You say I can't easily easy."

She slapped Qingxuan directly, and then jumped into the air and flew towards the place where the dust left in the sky. Now she is very excited when she thinks of that broken sky bead.

base camp.

When everyone was discussing about the Po Tianzhu, she flew up alone, and everyone looked at her.

"It seems that your move is good. This person should know about the Po Tianzhu, haha, God is helping us." Ye Shen smiled at the smiling Yichen God on one side.

"This should be God's will, this is a surprise.":

Yi Chenluo looked at the woman in front of him and said in a deep voice: "Do you know the whereabouts of the Po Tianzhu? If you know, I can let you join our Yichen Clan."

Zi Xun moved respectfully and said to Yichen: "My lord, I do know the whereabouts of this broken sky bead, because just a few days ago I was going to bring the broken sky bead to your door, but someone stole it in the middle. gone."

Yi Chenluo didn't fully believe her words, after all anyone could say that he knew the whereabouts of Po Tianzhu.

"May I have your name."

Zi Xun thought that Yi Chen Luo was going to reward her, so she immediately replied: "Master, my name is Zi Xun, and I am the suzerain of Feilong Sect."

"Tell me what Po Tianzhu looks like." Yi Chenluo's eyes burst out with murderous intent, if Zi Xun dared to deceive him, he would kill him immediately and would not tolerate it.

"My lord, please look."

Zi Xun was indeed frightened by his breath, she immediately took out a bead from her coat pocket.

"Projector beads."

The projection bead can record what happened within a quarter of an hour. Zi Xun had recorded the appearance of the broken sky bead long ago. Fortunately, he was well prepared.

A trace of spiritual power was poured into it, the projection beads emitted a bright luster, and a picture was projected, which was the picture of Zi Xun opening the box that night.

The quaint box and the familiar patterns made Yi Chenluo's breathing quicken, especially the Yi Chen above the top, he didn't go down immediately, and it would not be too late to talk about it after reading the contents inside first.

The picture turned directly to the picture of Zixun opening the box, the emerald green beads, the ad hoc breath in it can be felt even through the projection.

Yi Chenluo's hands trembled, this broken sky bead was right and indeed it was, it seemed that hard work paid off, Yi Chenluo grabbed the projection bead and said to Zi Xun, "Where did you lose this broken sky bead?" .”

Zi Xun looked at the heavy face and said with regret: "It's because this happened after I took it out that night, even the space ring in my hand has disappeared."

"We live in the restaurant in Xiaofeng City, and now we don't even have a clue." Zi Xunqi's face has turned livid.

"You go down first. If what you said is true, I will agree to all the conditions I said before." Yi Chenluo waved his hand at him.

Zi Xun reported a happy mood and walked towards the bottom, her mood was really beautiful and happy, she didn't know what it was.

Du Yuesheng watched Yichenluo and Zixun talking about something, he knew it must be about Potian beads, and this matter was not good for him.

Now he is in a very dangerous situation.

"Sovereign Master, I already understand that the Po Tianzhu was lost in Xiaofeng City, and now it seems that it has been snatched away by unknown people. I guess you need to go out." Looking at the suzerain master, Yi Chenluo expressed his conjecture .

"So that's the case. It's a trivial matter. It's enough to know the place."

Ye Shen on the side looked into the distance with deep eyes, and Xiaofeng City directly appeared in his mind.

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