The Most Violent Upgrade

Chapter 1841 Ruin an Era

Depend on!

was found! !

Du Yuesheng watched Ye Shen look ahead, and instantly realized something was wrong.

Although he has recovered the Po Tianzhu, he believes that even if such treasures are recovered, there must be other means to find a clue.

Sure enough, when Du Yuesheng was still thinking, he saw a small emerald green bead appearing from Ye Shen's hand.

"Ye Shen, what is this?" Yi Chen asked Wushen watching Ye Shen take out a small bead from his arms.

"Yes, ancestor, what are you?" Ye Feng asked suspiciously.

Hearing everyone's questioning, Ye Shen said calmly: "This thing is an imitation of the Heaven-breaking Bead, but I spent millions of years refining it. Of course, its function cannot be compared with the real Heaven-breaking Bead, but It can sense the whereabouts of the Po Tianzhu."

As soon as Ye Shenshen's voice fell, the Po Tianzhu in his hand flew into the air.

Nima! !

Watching Ye Shen take out the Po Tianzhu, Du Yuesheng felt a strong sense of crisis in his heart, especially after listening to his explanation, he unconsciously grasped the Zhuxian sword tightly to deal with the unknown situation.


In an instant, a burst of energy was released from this imitation breaking sky bead covering all directions, covering the entire Xiaofeng City.

Every inch of land, every inch of heaven and earth is covered by light.

in a minute.


impossible! !

Ye Shen frowned, could it be that woman deceived my ancestor? Otherwise, how could there be no trace of it.

Ye Feng, who was standing next to Ye Shen, saw Ye Shen's brows tightly furrowed, and immediately asked in a low voice: "What's wrong with the ancestor?"

"How is it? Did Brother Ye find out?" Yichen Wushen also asked eagerly.

After all, it is about whether he can get out of this cage. He has already stayed in this world enough, and he misses the days of God Realm very much.

Ye Shen didn't answer the crowd, he took a step forward, and in the next second he appeared directly beside the Po Tianzhu.

"Hmph, I still don't believe that there will be no trace of it."


Ye Shen yelled, stretched out one hand to hold the Po Tianzhu forcefully, and poured endless power of the world into it.


Immediately, after being infused with the power of the world, the sky-breaking bead became more radiant and covered a larger area.

Thousands of miles, millions of miles, thousands of miles, billions of miles.

Less than ten minutes.

The light emitted by the breaking sky beads has covered every inch of land, every inch of heaven and earth in half of the domain of death.

impossible! !

But the result was still the same, no trace of the broken sky bead was found, which made Ye Shen have to doubt life.

Shaking his head helplessly, Ye Shen put away the Po Tianzhu and returned to the base camp.

"How about the ancestor!!"

"How about Brother Ye?"


Ye Shen had just landed on the earth, and Ye Feng, who was standing around him immediately, came forward and asked questions.

"Hey, maybe this bead hasn't been used for a long time." Ye Shen said with a sigh.

Ye Feng, Yichen Wushen and the others understood what Ye Shen said, and they were inevitably a little disappointed.

They were disappointed, but one person was happy.

Du Yuesheng looked at the dejected looks of the crowd, but his heart was full of laughter, and his worries were still superfluous.

However, before Du Yuesheng's smile disappeared, his entire face froze.

My day!

No! !

Du Yuesheng looked at the gazes of the crowd, and the light shining from the bead in Ye Shen's hand enveloped his feet.


Without explaining, Du Yuesheng knew that he had been discovered.

he? ?

Patriarch him? ? ?

Ye Feng looked at the ray of light appearing at Du Yuesheng's feet, and his eyes shone brightly.


Without the slightest hesitation, Ye Shen mercilessly pointed at Du Yuesheng's direction.


With one finger, the ground broke, and all the monks standing in front of Du Yuesheng turned into a cloud of flying ash and disappeared.

There is not even a chance to block it, and there are many other masters, which shows the horror of the world master realm.

Depend on!

Du Yuesheng looked at Ye Shen who was doing it, he thought that he was ruthless enough, but he really didn't expect that Ye Shen was faster and ruthless than himself.

Don't even ask a question, just do it directly, you are not afraid of killing the wrong person.

But after thinking about it, Du Yuesheng still made a defensive posture, after all, the other party was a world lord.

This is a top figure who surpasses the ruler.

Even if such characters are in the God Realm, they are probably at the top of existence.

Donghuang Bell!


A golden light emerged from the earth, accompanied by a big yellow bell descending from the sky, covering Du Yuesheng's surroundings.


A deafening sound of bells and drums resounded through the earth.

Ye Shen, who was standing in the distance, looked at the big clock around Du Yuesheng, and he also showed surprise.


He actually blocked his own blow.

You must know that his random finger just now contained one-third of his own power, and even Juggernaut Jiuzhong couldn't stop it.

He thinks that Du Yuesheng's cultivation base is at most at the third or fourth level of dominance, and he can't stop his attack at all.

That is?

Suddenly, Ye Shen saw this small golden clock floating above Du Yuesheng's head. The body of the clock was exquisite and clear, emitting a strange energy.

Ye Shen didn't make another move, but asked in a low voice, "Who are you? Is the Heaven Breaking Orb on your body?"

"Ha ha!!"

"Who am I??"

Du Yuesheng laughed, took off the disguise on him, and showed his true face in the eyes of everyone.

After seeing it clearly, Ye Feng said in surprise: "Du Yuesheng!!"

"Old Ancestor, he is Du Yuesheng, the head of the White Demon Palace, and he also controls the treasure of the Martial Ancestor."

"Sovereign, that's right!"

Ye Feng and Yichenluo said in unison.


In an instant, Ye Shen and Yichen Wushen were both shocked. They were not shocked by Du Yuesheng's identity.

What is the White Demon Palace?

In their eyes, the entire domain of death is rubbish. All the supreme sects, hidden families, and imperial dynasties are just a speck of dust.

They were shocked that Du Yuesheng was able to get the Wuzu treasure.

Maybe people in this world don't know enough about Martial Ancestor, but the two of them know him very well.

Wu Zu!

A fierce man who rose from the river sand world. In the eyes of these people, those river sand worlds are used for enslavement.

Never thought that such a fierce man would appear.

A god of destruction who overthrew the ancient times.

The two of them still remember the battle at the beginning.

Which battle can be said to be a catastrophe, the forbidden land was buried, the gods fell, and the flames of war spread to the entire God Realm.

In that battle, countless masters and world masters fell, and countless sects and families were wiped out.

That battle made the world understand that the aloof world lord is like an ant at the mercy of others.

Which battle completely ruined the civilization of the ancient gods.

One person ruins an era, and there are only a few people who can do it throughout the ages.

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