The Most Violent Upgrade

Chapter 1843 Broken Clock

Where the bell rang, Ye Shen couldn't help hesitating for a moment, waved his hand to protect Ye Feng, and Yi Chen Wushen also protected Yi Chen Luo, this kind of energy fluctuation, even if the two of them are geniuses, they are not something they can compete with .

boom! !

The sound of the bell was long, and the endless violent energy swept across all directions, and the Eastern Emperor Bell was also shattered little by little. After all, the other party was also two strong masters of the realm.

Du Yuesheng glanced over coldly, the Eastern Emperor Bell is abolished today, but it cannot be abolished in vain.

He once again used his figure, Zhu Xian Sword already in his hand, berserk!

As Du Yuesheng disappeared, an afterimage instantly appeared beside Ye Shen.


He actually fought back, Ye Shen was extremely surprised, this kind of thing hadn't happened in the realm of death for a long time except for the dust left behind, and an ant-like master triple attacked him with a sword.

He was very annoyed, and the night god next to him was even more shocked. The guy in front of him actually fought back against the ancestor.

This is... crazy!

Du Yuesheng's attack was unremarkable, but he was about to reach the shuttle space. This sword was simply thrust out, causing the surrounding space to shatter into pieces, and beams of space light shot out from it.

Ye Shen was about to fight back, but he didn't expect Du Yuesheng's attack to be so sharp, but he is the world lord after all, even under such a sharp attack, he still just snorted coldly.

"Small tricks!" While speaking, a jet of black light burst out from his body.

"It's a lie!"

The ray of light absorbed all the surrounding light in an instant, and Du Yuesheng's eyes were pitch black, as if the whole world had been plunged into eternal night at this moment.

Yi Chen Wushen looked at Ye Shen who had already been recruited, and said to Yi Chen Luo beside him: "That person will suffer."

Yi Chenluo was puzzled, but he didn't wait for the next sentence. At this time, Du Yuesheng's Zhu Xian sword had landed on Ye Shen, but there was no sound.

It seemed to be stabbed in the void, there was no reaction, and it just stopped there, but after a while, a huge force surged, accompanied by the dark light, and bounced back together, Du Yuesheng secretly cursed the night God is cunning.

His figure had already been sent flying by the overwhelming attack, his palm was shattered, and the tiger's mouth was bloody at this moment.

After Du Yuesheng stood firm, he looked at the Donghuang Bell above his head, could he not hold on anymore?

If it wasn't for the Donghuang Bell protecting his whole body just now, how could he only suffer a little injury on his palm.

"It turned out to be all right after being hit by Li Tian. This is really a treasure, but why is it so dim?" Ye Shen looked at the Donghuang Bell suspended in the air, with greed in his eyes.

"In that case, I should have this baby, go to hell!" Night God struck again.

"Cover the sky!"

The entire domain of death fell into silence, no silence, no light, this song is Ye Shen's unique skill.

And at this time, he also fully used the kung fu, he decided not to hold back, and the dust beside him was always watching, if he procrastinated for too long, he was given a chance by that old thing, not because he would be pissed off to death.

"Hey, it seems that kid can't bear it anymore." Yichen sighed indifferently, his expression was full of pity, but his eyes were on the Eastern Emperor Bell.

"Well done!"

Du Yuesheng was not afraid at all, one failure is nothing, two failures are nothing, if he was so easily defeated, he would not be able to get to where he is today.

He clearly felt the strength of Ye Shen's methods, and knew that he had to withstand the attack.

This time he didn't have any reservations, all the skills, all the means exploded, the light rose, the blood flowed, Du Yuesheng didn't think about any retreat, they were just the masters, they were destined to be just a stone on the road of his conquest, he must will step on.

Du Yuesheng put away the Xuanyuan Sword, not to make a big deal, but to make his heart stronger, with incomparable self-confidence, and to make his Dao heart more refined.

At this moment, Du Yuesheng's fist exuded a strange color, and the vast brilliance gradually converged, condensing three feet in front of the fist, constantly swallowing and jetting, turning into a gray color, which looked plain and ordinary at first glance, But Du Yuesheng was overjoyed.

This is the air of chaos!

The Qi of Chaos, stronger than Jin Tie, even if he is facing a first-class treasure of Zhu Xianjian in front of his fist, he dares to resist it forcefully.

His fists were soaring, his fighting spirit was full of fighting spirit, and Donghuangzhong's defense was added. At this moment, Du Yuesheng had no loopholes.

"Bang!" This time the two sides collided fiercely, and the entire realm of death trembled.

Cracks were exposed in the sky and the earth. With the impact of the strong wind, it was blown out violently, rolling everything out, and there was no intention of stopping. The strong wind became more and more violent with the impact of the two.

The earth exploded in the distance, the sky collapsed, and everything wailed.

This is power!

Incomparable strength!

The endless darkness within the short distance of three feet was completely wiped out without being able to penetrate even a single inch, and the chaotic energy above Du Yuesheng's fist also completely disappeared, just canceling each other out.

The black air in the sky can only withstand the three-foot chaos, how can this shock be expressed in words.

Yi Chenwushen who was watching the battle next to him also frowned, not knowing what was going on in his mind, as for Yi Chenluo and Ye Feng, they could only express their feelings at this time by dumbfounded.

Ye Shen was surprised to feel the confrontation from Du Yuesheng. This little ant not only withstood his full blow, but also confronted him head-on.


Before, I was able to knock him into the air with just a little force, but now I was countered by him! What a monster!

Even if he was the master of his world, he couldn't understand how Du Yuesheng made rapid progress in front of him.

"No, he must be killed."

Ye Shen missed a hit, and immediately turned around to attack again, while Du Yuesheng looked at his fists calmly, with a faint smile on the corner of his mouth, with an air of chaos.

It's just because of this that his own Donghuang Bell couldn't bear it.

Du Yuesheng could feel the wailing from the Eastern Emperor Bell, and he suffered heavy injuries one after another, which was irreparable.

Resolving these attacks also completely dissipated the remaining energy of the Eastern Emperor Bell.

When the terrified giant bell gathered like a pagoda town, when it dissipated, it was like a passing cloud. In just a moment, the giant bell disappeared before everyone's eyes. Seeing the disappearance of the Donghuang bell, Ye Shen thought that Du Yuesheng was going to escape.

At this moment, he didn't spare any means, and the attack came out in an instant. After Du Yuesheng took a look, he showed a touch of cruelty.

"Since you are courting death, you can't blame me." Du Yuesheng said.

After hearing that, Ye Shen was even more angry: "How dare you speak so boldly when you are about to die, die!"

The attack struck again, but this time the night god's attack was so gorgeous.

Du Yuesheng didn't even have any defenses or counterattacks, and the dust beside him sighed indifferently, the genius was about to fall.

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