The Most Violent Upgrade

Chapter 1844 Afterimage of Pan Gu

Du Yuesheng stood there calmly, turning a blind eye to the attack that was about to enter his body.

There was just a cold smile on the corner of his mouth.

The surrounding air gradually condensed, and without knowing it, everything seemed to slow down, so unknowingly, even those who had broken through the speed, broke through the space, and launched an attack Ye Shen, who used means, did not notice any changes.

It was still in mid-air, but it seemed to be playing in slow motion. All the attacks stopped when they were only one centimeter away from Du Yuesheng, completely still.

"If you want me to die, you alone are not qualified!" Du Yuesheng sneered, and then his figure flashed, revealing an afterimage behind him.

The afterimage was only faintly visible, but in Ye Shen's vision, it was as if someone had hit his eyes with a cluster of lights in the night sky. He screamed, and fell to the ground so heavily.


This scream pierced the sky, his stalwart body kept rolling on the ground, but it couldn't reduce any pain at all.

Ye Feng was shocked, the ancestor just fell into the dust, the blow just now seemed to cover the sky and the sun, the majestic shore was like the sun and the moon lingering, but fell to the ground halfway.

This this……

Apart from shock, he only had shock, and he also saw the dust in his eyes. He saw the afterimage that suddenly appeared behind Du Yuesheng, but he didn't notice any abnormalities.

The moment Ye Shen fell into the dust, he realized the extraordinaryness of the afterimage, and subconsciously looked at it carefully.

It was just a vague shadow, but just standing there, there was an illusion of standing upright. Although it was already blurred, it made him faintly want to worship.

He is the master of the world!

It's terrifying to actually want to kneel down to a shadow.

Could it be that the young man was relying on this blurred afterimage? This is the afterimage of what a great existence it is.

He wiped the cold sweat from his brow, and he was very thankful that he didn't go up and get a kick just now.

If you really do that, now...

Needless to say, everything is clear.

If Du Yuesheng knew about Yi Chen's mindless thoughts, I don't know how he would feel, this is just an afterimage he summoned by spending 20 million on the divine way.

Who is he summoning?


Pangu, the great god who created the world.

If you want to summon the real Pangu, this little divine way point is not enough, even if you add all his experience, it is still not enough, but the afterimage is enough.

From this we can see how terrifying this Pangu is.

Just an afterimage is enough to make Ye Shen fall into the dust. If the real body reappears, just one look must be enough to make the master of the world explode and die.

Du Yuesheng walked slowly in front of Ye Shen, looked at the once proud Lord of the World, and then gently put a foot on his face.

"No, don't be unreasonable to the ancestor!" Ye Fengming knew that he couldn't stop it, but he still roared angrily at this moment.

There have been loyal people since ancient times, and not many people who practice are ruthless people. Ye Feng stopped Du Yuesheng's bullying today, which is just a proof. Of course, Du Yuesheng advocated this kind of sentiment, but if the person on the opposite side is himself , that's another matter.

He wasn't annoyed, he just squinted his eyes slightly, looked at Ye Feng and said, "Since that's the case, just come here and he's the one, why bother making noise."

Temptation, as the winner at this time, is completely like a shrimp playing in the water, Du Yuesheng just wants to see if he dares to come, Ye Feng's face changed several times.

Finally, he raised his head high, and walked over silently. Every step he stepped on the ground seemed like a heavy hammer fell to the ground, and it was like thunder rolling between the sky and the earth.

The rhythm of the earth kept surging, and the waves were like washing waves, wanting to slap Du Yuesheng's body and crush him into powder.

"The power of ants!" Du Yuesheng looked at the attack that was sweeping, and said lightly.

None of the piercing stabs all over the sky and earth dragons rolling all over the ground could really harm him, and they couldn't even enter a certain range.

Only endless dust fell between the sky and the earth, and a sense of powerlessness arose in his heart. He knew that he had done enough, and facing Du Yuesheng, he could only surrender.

Otherwise, the only way to go is to be exterminated, but he is not reconciled, this domain of death, he clearly knows that it is not the end, and there is still the majestic God Realm.


All the rhythm stopped in an instant, Ye Feng knelt heavily on the ground, following his kneeling, the world became completely quiet.

Even the tumbling Ye Shen was suppressed by Du Yuesheng, unable to open his mouth.

"I, Ye Feng, once again swear that I will live forever and worship Du Yuesheng!"

This is not shamelessness, not submission, but respect for the strong. He respects his ancestors, so he tried his best to attack Du Yuesheng, but he couldn't do it. Submitting to the strong is also one of the basic laws of this world.

Yi Chen silently watched what happened before him, his once mighty opponent was being stepped on heavily, while his beloved Ye Feng was kneeling at the enemy's feet.

Thinking of finding a chance of survival, he shook his head, Zhidao would no longer have Ye Shen, and he couldn't help but sigh with emotion: "Let's go, leave this place quickly."

He wanted to leave with Yi Chenluo, but Du Yuesheng's cold smile never disappeared.

"You'd better find a way to make me accept your surrender."

After he finished speaking, he landed with a heavy foot, and Ye Shen's head was like a blood bag bursting open, a sea of ​​scarlet and ten thousand spots of blood.


Congratulations to the player Du Yuesheng, who killed the world lord and gained one trillion Shinto.

Congratulations to the player Du Yuesheng, who killed the world master and obtained a Taro Ultraman Transformer.

Congratulations to the player Du Yuesheng, who killed the world lord and obtained the skill Night Curtain.


Congratulations to the player for leveling up!

Dominate the quadruple!

Dominate the fivefold!

. . .

Dominate the Sixfold

Dominate the seventh level! !

Skill: Nightfall

Description: The fetish that can transform the sky and the earth can cover the sky and the sun once it is used. Within the range of night, various attributes will increase dramatically.


Du Yuesheng listened to the prompts in his mind, although he didn't have a big explosion, it was a good thing that his level skyrocketed all the way to the seventh level of master.

want to run?

Du Yuesheng turned around slowly, glanced at Yi Chen who was about to escape, and said sharply, "Stop."

Saying these two words at this time was like a thunderclap, and Yichen Wushen who was about to get up was stunned for a moment, and then his face suddenly became ugly.

He turned his head, if he hadn't been afraid of the afterimage, he would have exploded right now.

"Do you have anything else to say, little friend?"

It was already the greatest courtesy for him to be able to clasp his fists, but what he didn't expect was that there was a cold drink.

"Kneel down to this emperor!"

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