The Most Violent Upgrade

Chapter 1845 The towering mountain is unrespectable

In an instant, Yi Chen's expressionless face instantly became ugly.

In any case, he never imagined that one day someone would dare to talk to him like this. After all, he is also a strong world lord, and he is also the existence of the peak of the world lord.

Even in the ancient times of the God Realm, it was the supreme power of Megatron.

Today, he was intimidated by a little master. He was afraid that no one would believe it when he said it, but he hesitated when he saw the afterimage behind Du Yuesheng.

He was not afraid of Du Yuesheng, but the afterimage behind him, it was too powerful, even the former Martial Ancestor never gave him such oppression.

"Bold, rampant!" When Yi Chenluo heard Du Yuesheng tell Yi Chen to kneel down, he was instantly furious.

He raised his hand to teach Du Yuesheng a lesson, but was stopped by Yichen Wushen: "Back off."

Yi Chenluo stiffened his neck, but had no choice but to withdraw his hand.

"Little friend, I don't know why this is so?" Yi Chen's expressionless face was still full of smiles, and the anger in his heart could not be seen at all.

"Why? There is no reason. Today you have only two choices, either surrender or die!" Du Yuesheng said indifferently, his voice full of coldness.

Yichen Wushen's mind is tensed up, but he is always suppressing the anger in his heart. He is a person who knows what he should do, otherwise he wouldn't have been waiting by the side just now, all he has to do is wait and see, If you want to have a fight between snipe and clam, the fisherman will benefit.

But now the result was completely beyond his expectation, the original result of the two people's fight must be injured did not appear, on the contrary, the night god seemed to be extremely arrogant, but finally died tragically at Du Yuesheng's feet.

Being trampled on his face and dying from a headshot, in such a situation, he was inevitably a little terrified.

Yi Chen Wushen was thinking about countermeasures, but Yi Chen Luo behind him shouted again: "Boy, don't seek death, if you want the ancestor to die, you have to pass my level first."

This time he made a sound suddenly, and then jumped in front of Duchen Wushen.

Just now he bowed down to Ye Feng's submission, disdainful in every possible way, but now it's his turn, of course he will not break his promise, as a generation's pride.

It is fine to say that he is ignorant of current affairs, or that he is arrogant, but he cannot accept bowing down to an arrogant person.

"Die to me!"

He responded to Du Yuesheng with the same words, and there was only a cold snort between heaven and earth, and the attack he was about to launch disappeared in an instant.



There was a sound of objects breaking, and Yi Chenluo's body was originally bent over to attack, but from below his head, it exploded one after another.

Blood stains like powder appeared in the air, and then flew in front of his eyes, Yi Chenluo's head began to fall, looking at the bright red in the air, showing a puzzled look.

By the time he woke up, it was time to close his eyes.

He could no longer understand why his entire body was shattered by just a slight cold snort.


Congratulations to the player Du Yuesheng, who killed the Nine-Layered monster and obtained 100 billion Shinto.


Of course Yichen Wushen felt the attack just now, but he just felt it, and he couldn't intercept that level of attack at all.

The attack was indescribable, like the panic of heaven, and like a light ray of light.

It made him unable to ponder, unable to find, and even more unable to compete.

"You still have the best chance, three seconds, tell me the result of your consideration, one."

Yichen's expressionless expression became extremely ugly, and Du Yuesheng's actions told him that there was no room for retreat at this time.

Surrender to an ant who only dominates the third level? What a joke, if it wasn't for that afterimage that was too terrifying, he would go up and kill Du Yuesheng right now.

What's more, before that, his favorite Yi Chen Luo was also killed by him in a flash, turning into dust, leaving only a terrified head lying on the ground.

Such a deep hatred, let him give up so easily, what a joke.

It is even more impossible to surrender.

Yichen took a few steps forward quietly, shaking his hands non-stop, and said, "I'll think about it, think about it."

He took this opportunity to get close to Du Yuesheng. The distance between the two parties was only a few tens of meters. To them, this was the distance between an instant. If they went further, it would be more than an instant.

Du Yuesheng didn't answer, but stretched out his second finger calmly.


Yi Chen's expressionless face turned livid, and his killing intent was determined. At this moment, he would not hold back his hand, and all powerful attacks broke out in an instant.

He didn't believe that just relying on it alone, an afterimage was able to catch the attacks of the two most powerful beings in the domain of death twice.

"The dust has fallen!"

At this moment, the dustless attack was launched, and the sky was full of yellow sand. In the space that was originally filled with dust, the dust became as huge as boulders, and fell one after another, filling the sky with boulders.

It fell from the sky like a meteor shower.

Falling, continuing to fall, that vast and boundless power, falling from the sky, the ruler of the dusty and godless death domain, showed his majesty at this moment.

It's not just a simple shrinking, the appearance of a good old man, the master of a world, after all, has his absolute dignity.

Surrender is just a retreat for the weak and powerless beings. The strong don't need to back down, they will naturally go forward.

The billions of boulders fell down one after another. Du Yuesheng took a look, and was not surprised by Yi Chen's decision in his heart. Ye Feng would surrender, but he had never enjoyed such an incomparable right. .

All along, there have been two people on his head, and now Du Yuesheng is just replaced as his master, but Yichen Wushen is completely different.

His nature is constantly reminding him not to back down.

At this time, those boulders finally fell one after another, and the rumbling sound continued to reverberate between the sky and the earth, setting off dust all over the sky, and those dusts continued to change into boulders, swarming again.

It fell on Du Yuesheng.

There was a thunderous explosion between the sky and the earth, and the earth wailed again.

But it's not just that, after the boulders fell, they burst open one after another, and then reorganized, and in this instant, a high mountain was formed.

The location of this mountain is exactly where Du Yuesheng was just now.

The mountain is ten thousand zhang high, and at a glance, it actually goes straight into the sky.

The majestic mountains cannot be admired.

Yichen Wushen stood aside and laughed: "It's ridiculous and pathetic, but you still want me to surrender. The arrogant people in this world don't know how to write the word dead."

He turned his back and glanced back at Yi Chenluo on the ground: "You are also devoted to your duty, my boy, I will repay you for sure."

The world was quiet for a moment, and there was no dust left, thinking that the matter was over.

But he didn't expect that when he turned his head again, he saw the afterimage still standing there steadily.

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