The Most Violent Upgrade

Chapter 1867 Dean

Billowing dust and smoke, a shocking storm.

With Du Yuesheng as the center, it was like waves rolling out in waves.

It can't be seen with the naked eye, and even if you perform exercises, you can only see it vaguely, because the area is full of dense energy.


There was no one left, and within a radius of hundreds of miles, there was no living creature except the people from the Supreme Academy.

Following this blatant blow, all the disciples of the Haotian School were wiped out.

Ding! !

Congratulations to the player Du Yuesheng, who killed the main god monster and gained 100 million Shinto points! !

Ding! !

Congratulations to player Du Yuesheng, who killed the Supreme God monster and gained 10 billion Shinto points! !

Ding! !

Congratulations to player Du Yuesheng, who killed the main god monster and gained 100 million Shinto points! !

Ding! !

Congratulations to the player Du Yuesheng, who killed the master monster and gained 100 billion Shinto points! !

Ding! !

Congratulations to the player Du Yuesheng, who killed the master monster and gained 100 billion Shinto points! !

The prompt sound of the system kept ringing in Du Yuesheng's mind.

And everyone in the Supreme Academy has been immersed in the power of this sword until now.

Everyone's eyes were wide open, and if there was no saliva flowing from the corner of their mouths, everyone would still be unable to turn around.

Only one person acted like Du Yuesheng as if nothing had happened.

He stood still and closed his eyes peacefully.

Dean Kuzhu, who was sitting on the main seat, finally recovered at this time.

His two eyes were piercing, as if they were full of electricity, and he looked at Du Yuesheng with a burning gaze.

I'm so surprised, this is simply unbelievable, one blow, just one simple blow, killed so many members of the Haotianmen.

Moreover, the Haotian Sect Master is still a world master, isn't this really a dream?

Du Yuesheng is obviously just a master of Jiuzhong, can he be so strong?

He didn't speak, because he didn't know what kind of words could express his mood at this moment.

Looking at the position under him, he had an idea.

Then he nodded slightly, as if he had made some kind of determination.

At this time, everyone came back to their senses one after another, but everyone's eyes were all on Du Yuesheng at this time, with admiration, fear, and trust.

More is incredible.

Du Yuesheng, who left the Supreme Academy, is said to have gone to a certain mysterious place.

The current strength is to dominate the Jiuzhong. Such a rapid improvement has already surprised everyone. I didn't expect that when he came back, he could already kill the world master in seconds, and even wiped out tens of thousands of people with one blow.

That is the army, there are countless supreme gods, main gods, and even many masters.

They were all one-hit kills.

This... This has exceeded everyone's imagination. Could it be that he has surpassed the existence of the World Lord?

All the emotions kept going, facing the victory, but they didn't dare to say a word.


Congratulations to the player Du Yuesheng, who killed the world master monster and obtained 500 billion divine points.

Congratulations to the player Du Yuesheng, who killed the world master monster and gained attack acceleration.

Congratulations to the player Du Yuesheng, who killed the world lord monster and gained power blessing.


Is that the difference? ?

Du Yuesheng was taken aback for a moment, killing a world lord to reveal this stuff?

This is also the shabby of the TM.


After Du Yuesheng sighed, he shook his head and walked to Kuqin, "How is the master? How is the recovery?"


Kuqin let out a cry, she hadn't recovered from the scene just now, it was really shocking.

Du Yuesheng didn't care whether Kuqin was surprised or not, called Li Muyi to the front, and said: "Master, this is one of my clansmen, and now I have received it under my command, I hope to enter the Supreme Academy, and study and understand Taoism well. "


Kuqin recovered after hearing the sound, she saw Du Yuesheng brought a child in front of her, she couldn't help observing carefully.

After just looking at it for a while, she suddenly had a feeling.

This child actually has the same aura as Du Yuesheng.

Yes, that's right, she was very sure of her judgment, and couldn't help being pleasantly surprised. With a precedent like Du Yuesheng, he knew very well what amazing effects this bloodline could bring.

At this time, everyone had already recovered. Seeing that Du Yuesheng spoke and acted without any aloofness, everyone was not so nervous.

Du Yuesheng looked at the crowd, but there was no one he was acquainted with. After seeing his appearance, Kuqin explained to him:

"In ten thousand years, you have been promoted to dominate the ninth level, but they have disappeared in time one by one. The monks are against the sky, and if they can't go upstream, they will be eliminated."

Of course Du Yuesheng understands the reason for this, and he understands it in his heart. He has already seen through life, old age, sickness and death, separation and reunion are even more common for monks.

The Supreme Academy gradually recovered, but everyone subconsciously maintained a corresponding awe, of course, for Du Yuesheng.

But at this moment, everyone had a smile on their faces, a smile of hope. After being attacked by Haotianmen for three months, they lived in fear every day.

They were suffering every day, and just before that, everyone almost died on the spot. Now that they survived, and with the master Du Yuesheng in charge, their hearts felt a little more at ease.

People began to pack up their things, one by one thinking about rebuilding the mountain gate as soon as possible.

Kuqin took Li Muyi away, saying that she wanted to concentrate on training him. She knew that she would not be able to practice further, because this time her Dao heart was damaged, unless one day she could untie this knot in her heart.

But to dominate Jiuzhong, to teach Li Muyi who is at the stage of the main god, there is still no problem.

Dean Kuzhu also handed over the remaining affairs of Supreme Academy to Du Yuesheng.

After all, he had suffered too much this time, and he couldn't continue to preside over everything in the Supreme Academy. Now Du Yuesheng's appearance was like a straw.

Moreover, Du Yuesheng's performance is so strong that even the world lord can be easily killed, and he is fully qualified for the post of 'principal'.

Du Yuesheng agreed.

Li Muyi himself has no time to teach, and there are not many people in the Supreme Academy who can take care of things.

It can also be said that there is no need for the Supreme Academy with more than 100 people to host anything.

Because he felt that at this moment, a group of people was rushing over.

He didn't want to fight near the Supreme Academy. After all, this was the pulse of spiritual energy. If he continued to fight there, the pulse of spiritual energy would definitely be destroyed.

In the future, this place will be no different from the abandoned land.

And he didn't know what the plan of the person who came here was.

The oriole is behind, or does it want to make a profit?

No matter what it was, as long as Du Yuesheng was here, he wouldn't be able to get any benefits.

With him here, even if I am the Heavenly King, I have to be obedient to me.

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