The Most Violent Upgrade

Chapter 1868 Little girl

Supreme Academy.

In a valley, a large army appeared and was rushing forward.

The leader was a woman, and she kept urging everyone behind her: "Hurry up, speed up a little, the Supreme Academy is ahead."

Her expression was full of tension, which was an emotion that could not be concealed from the heart.

And her brows tightened even more, with unrelieved worries attached to them.

She sped up her flight and murmured: "Master, I don't know if you're back. Liuli is rushing to the Supreme Academy now, and I hope I can save one or two."

That's right, this person is Du Yuesheng's maid Liuli.

Originally, she had been cultivating in the Xinghe Ruins, but the chaos in the God Realm put her in danger there, but fortunately, the masters left by Du Yuesheng were in charge, so she was not injured.

Du Yuesheng who came from the Supreme Academy had already sensed the aura of this group of people, and was in a hurry.

Doesn't seem to be the one who wants to take the opportunity to do something.

Involuntarily slowed down.

But even so, his speed was still very fast, and when he was about to see what system reward he had received this time, he had already arrived in front of that group of people.

He saw the group of people clearly from a distance.

When he saw that Liuli was the leader, his expression changed, why did this little girl come here.

Thinking of this, he walked like flying before the team.

"Whoever blocks the way, you can't find death."

Seeing someone blocking the way behind Liuli, one person jumped out immediately.

This person actually dominates the seventh level of strength, which is considered pretty good in the God Realm. After Du Yuesheng glanced at him, he ignored him.

Instead, it appeared directly in front of Liuli.

At this moment, Liuli's eyes were full of tears, and the moment she saw Du Yuesheng, she couldn't express the emotion in her heart.

Du Yuesheng hadn't seen Liuli, the little maid, for a long time. The two had a very good relationship. After being separated for so many years, they had thousands of words in their hearts when they met again.

The person who blocked the way before saw Du Yuesheng actually walked in front of Liuli, and he knew that the relationship between them was very unusual just by looking at it. , I even guessed in my heart that it had something to do with the man in front of me.

His face couldn't help but become even uglier.

Seeing that Liuli and the others were silent, he immediately moved closer and asked, "Who is this person? Why haven't you mentioned it before?"

The master Qizhong intentionally got closer to Liuli, hoping to show his relationship with Liuli.

It's just that he didn't expect that Liuli noticed this, looked at Du Yuesheng very nervously, then subconsciously approached Du Yuesheng, and introduced him first.

"Master, this is Wuge. Since you left, Wuge has been taking care of me." After she introduced Wuge, she said to Wuge, "This is my master. I mentioned it to you."

Na Wuge has long heard that Liuli has a mysterious master, who is said to have the talents of the world, and the strength of the world.

He always thought that one day he would be able to bring Liuli into his family, but he always thought that the so-called master would need to appear. It has been ten thousand years. He thought that after helping Liuli this time, he would be able to get her completely. I think this so-called master has appeared.

Wuge's face was gloomy, and he said in a very unfriendly tone:

"Oh, it turned out to be him, but I didn't expect that he was still a child. How can such a brat be your master? How can he be worthy of you?"

This person was so ignorant, he was angry when he opened his mouth, and he couldn't see the disappointment in Liuli's eyes at all.

Du Yuesheng is her master, although she has a good impression of Wuge, but with the master in front, Wuge is nothing at all.

Du Yuesheng didn't speak, he was just an ant, he didn't pay attention to it at all.

"Let's go, since you're back, come take a look with me." Du Yuesheng took Liuli and prepared to leave.

As for the people behind Liuli, he was not interested in knowing, nor did he want to know who they were.

Wuge's expression was extremely ugly at this moment, and Du Yuesheng actually put his hand on Liuli's.

His face was full of anger. He had been looking forward to Liuli's hands for thousands of years, but he never expected to be preempted by such a brat.

"Stop!" He flew in front of Du Yuesheng and blocked his way.

Du Yuesheng glanced at him, and then said, "Get out of the way."

Seeing Wuge blocking the way, Liuli immediately panicked. These people were supposed to be reinforcements, but it seemed that they wanted to cause conflicts.

She hurriedly said: "Master, this is the reinforcement I brought. It is from the West Sea God Palace. His father is the ancestor of Tianlong, the pinnacle master of a generation of world masters."

Liuli first showed that the other party was a friendly army, so Du Yuesheng didn't treat him indifferently, but just recovered his expressionless expression.

Na Wuge thought that after Du Yuesheng heard his father's name, he was stunned, and his expression was involuntarily a little more arrogant.

The waist became even more straight for no reason.

"You're not bad either. You've already dominated the Nine Layers, and you're higher than me. But even so, you still can't fight me, haha."

When Wuge was talking, all his subordinates came over.

When I was in Xihai, I heard people say that this glass has an owner, but I didn't expect it to be like this. It's just that it is really surprising to have the strength to dominate Jiuzhong.

"Oh." Du Yuesheng smiled lightly, it was really speechless, he turned around and said to Liuli: "I'm leaving now, are you going to stay with me or not?"

He doesn't like to force, if Liuli already has a plan in mind, then he doesn't need to waste time at all.

Liuli saw Du Yuesheng's impatience, and hurriedly said: "Of course I want to go with the master."

She said and turned to look at Wuge: "Brother Wuge, please go to the Supreme Academy to rest for a while."

The atmosphere was rather subtle. Seeing that Du Yuesheng ignored him, Na Wuge thought he was being underestimated, but on second thought, maybe he was frightened when he knew that his father was the world lord.

He didn't dare to continue talking, and his heart became even more proud. Although Liuli said to go back with Du Yuesheng, he didn't think much about it, just pretending that he was going to go back to catch up on the old days.

"Okay." After agreeing, the group got up and returned to the Supreme Academy.

It took only a few hundred kilometers to arrive at the Supreme Academy in a blink of an eye. Wuge and his group had all seen the tragic scene on the road.

As for the people of Haotianmen, they didn't see any of them, Wuge felt strange.

But he didn't want to pay attention to Du Yuesheng, so he didn't ask.

Instead, several of his subordinates kept talking curiously.

When they finally arrived at the Supreme Academy, everyone fell down one after another.

Seeing Du Yuesheng leading people over, it was natural that elders came to receive them, but at this time, the Supreme Academy was dilapidated everywhere, and there was no way to talk about receiving them.

As a result, Na Wuge felt more and more neglected.

Then chatted with the elder.

Only then did I learn that Haotianmen had been repulsed.

He subconsciously shouted: "Impossible, relying on you alone, you can still defeat the Haotian Gate, that is impossible if you have a world master master."

Don't talk about him, even the subordinates behind him have the same expression, the expression that you are teasing me.

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