The Most Violent Upgrade

Chapter 1901 Demon Ancestor

The Golden-winged Dapeng is a sacred bird in Buddhism, and it can also be said to be a mythical beast. The cultivation techniques must have been inherited.

Therefore, it requires the inheritance of faith and the power of incense to practice. Now that Jinbao has eliminated the evil ghost in the palace, everyone in the capital can see it. It is like an immortal appearing. The shock it caused can be imagined.

Part of the absorbed wish power was also given to Du Yuesheng, but Du Yuesheng did not practice Buddhist techniques, so this wish power was transformed into life force and entered Du Yuesheng's body.

No wonder in the list of gods, if a god's incense continues, he will live as long as heaven and earth.

"Congratulations to the host for successfully killing the black-robed evil cultivator and obtaining 600 billion divine points, and for successfully advancing to the ninth level of the Realm Lord."

Du Yuesheng came to his senses when he heard the system prompt and saw Jin Bao in the sky.

Jin Bao also absorbed all the evil spirits and threw himself into Du Yuesheng's arms with joy.

Suddenly, a golden light entered Du Yuesheng's mind. Du Yuesheng was startled and used his spiritual consciousness to explore the golden light.

It turned out to be Jinbao's pet contract.

Because Jin Bao's cultivation level was too low before and he was too young, he had no way to communicate with Du Yuesheng, so he could only chirp. Now after absorbing the ghost energy, he successfully opened the inheritance in his memory and obtained the method of signing the contract. , and immediately rushed to sign a contract with Du Yuesheng.

Because after signing the contract, the two souls are the same and they can communicate with each other using their spiritual consciousness.

Du Yuesheng smiled and touched Jinbao's feathers, cutting off a small part of his soul and integrating it into Jinbao's contract.

"Mommy mommy!"

Jin Bao's voice came from Du Yuesheng's mind.

Du Yuesheng didn't know whether to laugh or cry. It turned out that Jinbao had always regarded him as his mother, but he was the one who took care of it!

"Jinbao, I am not your mother, I am your master!"

Jinbao didn't understand the reason after hearing this. Since Du Yuesheng asked him to call him master, he just changed his name, so he changed his words.

Du Yuesheng had no choice but to follow Jin Bao's temper.

"Master! Black clothes, delicious! Jinbao is hungry!"

After hearing this, Du Yuesheng also knew that ghosts with negative auras were a great tonic for Jinbao.

"Now that the boss of this demonic realm has found his head! It would be against my character, Du Yuesheng, if I don't kill him."

"Let's go, Jinbao, the master will take you to fight monsters and gain experience!"

Demonic realm

"Is this good-for-nothing old man Baigui dead?"

A middle-aged man with a cold face and a hooked nose sat in the palace filled with black air and whispered in a low voice.

This person is the lord of the Demon Realm, Demon Ancestor Qiu Shitian. Just when Du Yuesheng's Jinbao killed the old man in black robe, Qiu Shitian found that the soul mark he had left on the old man Baigui was gone.

"Although the old man Baigui is a waste, he is still at the ninth level of Realm Lord after all. It is not that simple for ordinary people to kill him. I asked him to bring that Du Yuesheng over, but he ended up rushing me halfway. It seems that I still have a chance to kill him. I need to find someone again.”

"Come here, I have something to announce!"

A boy obeyed the order and ran over immediately, kneeling in front of Qiu Shitian.

"Go and call Shura over for me."

The young man accepted the order and was just about to leave when he saw a huge sword energy falling from the sky, chopping the young man into pieces and leaving nothing behind.

Damn it!

Qiu Shitian was startled. He looked up at the sky and saw that his magic palace was being torn open from above, and a man was standing in the air with a sword.

This is simply intolerable! They were all angry.

Qiu Shitian also used his skills and flew up.

"May I ask who you are? How dare you run wild in front of my Demon Ancestor!" Qiu Shitian asked angrily.

"Me? I am the person you are looking for!" Du Yuesheng said lightly.

"Did you kill the old man Baigui? Are you Du Yuesheng?" Qiu Shitian suppressed the anger in his heart and asked in a low voice.

"How is it?"

This old man with a hundred ghosts wanted to kill his own Li Shimin, and after that, he also wanted to take action on himself. If he didn't collect a little interest from his master, he would be a ghost!

Qiu Shitian narrowed his eyes and looked Du Yuesheng up and down.

It is difficult to see through this person himself, but it is not difficult to judge from the sword energy coming from his head just now. This person is very strong, at least beyond the realm of the world lord. If he tried to fight him, he might have to work hard.

"Your Majesty killed my younger brother and destroyed my palace. I think my anger is almost gone. Let's let this matter go. We have met in the mountains and rivers. How about it?"

When Du Yuesheng heard this, he sneered in his heart.

His Supreme Domain has just been established, and the other three parties are eyeing him. Now that the Demonic Domain is the leader, how can he not make some efforts to establish his prestige?

"You said everything? Then I am not qualified to make any demands?" Du Yuesheng said with a sneer.

"What else do you want?" Although Qiu Shitian was furious, this man was so ignorant that he really thought he was afraid of him!

"I want one of your arms!"

After Qiu Shitian heard this, he drew his sword and went forward. Vow to take Du Yuesheng's head!

"I think I, the Demon Ancestor, have been in the God Realm for so many years. I will not be polite to anyone who sees me. I will give you face but you don't want it. I am going to let you know how to write the word "death" today!"

I saw a burst of red light on Qiu Shitian's knife, and his other hand was instantly filled with demonic energy, and he grabbed Du Yuesheng.

Du Yuesheng was not in a hurry. He put the Zhuxian Sword at his feet and drew an array with both hands. A pattern of yin and yang fish appeared at Du Yuesheng's feet and then spread out.

In the blink of an eye, Qiu Shitian had arrived in front of Du Yuesheng and swung his knife down!

"Die! Give birth to a good child in your next life!"

Suddenly, Qiu Shitian found that he couldn't move!

"Reincarnation? I'm afraid you should reincarnate first!"

Du Yuesheng moved! Because the yin and yang polar formation is released with the Zhuxian Sword as the formation eye, Du Yuesheng does not need to release his own spiritual power to maintain it. Du Yuesheng's hand is seen pinching the magic formula, causing bursts of thunder in the sky.

The most fearful thing about demonic energy is the most powerful thing, and the sky thunder is the best magic weapon to destroy it all!


I saw the thunder array pouring down, and the thunder snakes draped over Qiu Shitian's body, causing screams one after another!

"Today, I will make your demonic domain become part of my supreme domain!"

Du Yuesheng pulled out the Zhuxian Sword, and his momentum changed instantly.

"Sword of Life and Death!"

Du Yuesheng took advantage of Qiu Shitian being struck by the thunder and paralyzing his whole body, so he seized this opportunity and used his strongest sword move to stab Qiu Shitian.

When Qiu Shitian saw that he could not dodge the sword, he immediately prepared to abandon his body and run away.

"The demon is disintegrated!"

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