The Most Violent Upgrade

Chapter 1902 The great catastrophe of heaven and earth

Du Yuesheng saw Qiu Shitian preparing to run away, how could he let him do so?

"Well, Du Yuesheng, you are so cruel and forced me to use the method of disintegration of the demon. You are the first one. Just wait, I will make sure the people around you die!"

Qiu Shitian, who had transformed into a spirit state, stared at Du Yuesheng and said fiercely.

The method of disintegration of demons requires the cultivator to abandon his physical body, and then convert his lifelong cultivation into a shield outside the soul, and then find someone to take it away and be reborn in an instant.

"What if I, Du Yuesheng, let you run away today? I'll write my name backwards!" Du Yuesheng snorted coldly.

Apply the space rules immediately.

"Space confinement!" Du Yuesheng used all his spiritual energy to lock all the space within a kilometer radius to see where Qiu Shitian could run.

"Jinbao, I'll leave the rest to you!" Du Yuesheng said to Jinbao.

Garuda is an ancient god, especially sensitive to souls. This Qiu Shitian is a master of the Half-step Rule Realm, and his soul is also extremely powerful. Now that Du Yuesheng has blocked the entire space, Jinbao is still trying to catch a turtle in an urn when he finds this Qiu Shitian!

Qiu Shitian was also angry and itchy in his heart, and at the same time he was filled with regret.

I had listened to the provocation of the other two domain masters and asked me to go meet this Du Yuesheng for a while. I had not taken this seriously at first, but now it has become like this. Not to mention that all my cultivation is gone, and the entire Demon Domain is in trouble. To be destroyed.

"I will definitely come back after a thousand years."

Who would have thought that it was the fluctuation of this thought that allowed Jinbao to discover Qiu Shitian's location.

Jinbao screamed, quickly rushed in front of Qiu Shitian's soul, spread his wings, and then activated his own magical power, causing the entire area to glow with golden light.

Qiu Shitian's soul was instantly exposed.

"Oops!" Seeing that he was exposed, Qiu Shitian immediately turned around and ran away.

Can you run away?

the answer is negative. Jin Bao used his sharp claws to lift Qiu Shitian and put it into his mouth.

"Congratulations to the host for successfully killing Demon Ancestor Qiu Shitian, gaining 8,000 experience points, and successfully advancing to the first level of the Overlord."

And just when Du Yuesheng was about to release the joy in his heart. The color between heaven and earth suddenly changed!

I saw a crack suddenly opened in the sky!

Spiritual energy began to drain away instantly, the rules of the entire space were instantly broken, and destruction began to fill the entire world.

Du Yuesheng was shocked, why did this happen?

Although the God Realm is not the most advanced world, it is still a high-level world. Its internal rules are self-contained and integrated, and even the peak ruler cannot damage this world in the slightest. But now the world feels like it is about to fall!

The originally blue sky instantly turned blood red, earthquakes exceeding magnitude ten began to occur, bottomless cracks appeared, rivers dried up, and animals screamed.

An endless sigh exploded in the minds of Du Yuesheng and others!

"The gods have fallen, their wills have collapsed, and the gods' tombs are approaching. If you have a chance, you can get a chance to survive!"

"This! This is the will of the world!"

Du Yuesheng's expression changed, and the will of the world told the news to all the creatures connected to the aura of heaven and earth before it collapsed, not just the human race, but also the dragon race, high-level monsters, etc.

No one knows what happened, the world suddenly began to collapse!

The gods have fallen! In the God Realm, only masters who have gained the destiny of the entire world will be called gods. In front of the gods, everything can be used! If you become a god of one party, you are destined to prosper and suffer losses along with this world. Now that all the gods are dead, it proves that the end has come.

"Alarm! Alarm! The plane is beginning to collapse. Please ascend in time, otherwise the host will fall into the endless void." The system's voice sounded from the bottom of Du Yuesheng's heart.

Du Yuesheng was also very anxious. Such changes were so fast that people like him, who were at the ninth level of the Realm Lord Realm, could not even realize it.

"No, I have to return to the Supreme Academy quickly!"

Du Yuesheng immediately used spatial positioning and shuttled towards the Supreme Academy.

"Master, what happened?" Liuli asked Du Yuesheng anxiously when she saw Du Yuesheng appearing at the door of Meilin.

Because Liuli has practiced Yao Ji's skills, it can be said that she has a trace of the witch's connection with heaven and earth. Now that the God Realm has fallen, she is even more deeply touched.

"I don't know what happened, but this world must leave!"

By the way, God’s Tomb! Thinking of what the world's will said before it collapsed, Du Yuesheng immediately thought of this thing.

What exactly is the Tomb of Gods?

"Have you also heard about the Tomb of Gods?" Taoist Kuqin also hurried over. He also heard the words of the will of the world.

"Ku Qin, do you know what this divine tomb is?" Du Yuesheng asked Master Ku Qin.

"I have seen the introduction of the Tomb of Gods in classical literature. It seems that the divine world is actually reincarnated. Whether it is the rules of fire or the rules of water, they are all suppressed by higher rules." Master Kuqin said.

"Higher rules? What are they!"

"Advanced rules are above ordinary rules. The divine world is restricted by the rules of creation and destruction. It must constantly reincarnate, destroy and create. Under these two rules, the rules of space and time are generated. They are all high-level rules, and they have a suppressive effect on ordinary rules."

"Then what's the connection between the God's Tomb and this?" Du Yuesheng asked.

"This tomb of gods was created after the first gods discovered the continuous destruction and creation of this world, and used their lifelong cultivation and experience to create this large tomb, creating a small world within this large world. And add rules to it, in order to create a glimmer of hope for yourself and the creatures in this God Realm after destruction."

After listening to Master Kuqin's words, Du Yuesheng also knew what the tomb of the gods was for.

"This is the inner world!!" The system's voice suddenly came out, startling Du Yuesheng.

"What is the inner world?" Du Yuesheng asked the system.

"The inner world is a new world that the system uses the host's body to simulate and build after realizing the riot of rules, and uses the host's will as the will of the avenue to maintain the operation of this world. As long as the host does not perish, or The host’s will can exist forever unless it disappears!”

"Depend on!"

"Isn't this my kingdom of God?"

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