The Most Violent Upgrade

Chapter 329 [Private package]

'Ha ha! '

'I, Wu Song, want this kind of treasure.' A pair of Kong Wu's powerful palms appeared on the screen, smashing countless palms in an instant, and tearing towards the red envelope.

'roll! '

'Wu Song, don't even think about it.'

‘I, Huarong, want this red envelope, haha’

'Boom! '

In an instant, Wu Song and Hua Rong collided fiercely, and the two palms on the screen kept fighting and colliding.

'hiss! '

"Fuck, system, are you sure this is the power that the characters in Outlaws of the Marsh can have?"

Du Yuesheng looked at the monstrous fights that broke out in the 3D screen, and his two pairs of arms were like shaking mountains and seas.

Even Du Yuesheng could feel the terrifying power erupting from it through the screen.

This completely surpassed the scene of the "Water Margin" TV series he knew.

However, just as Wu Song and Hua Rong were fighting, some snatchers also stopped.

It wasn't that they didn't want to grab it, but that the aftermath of the battle between the two of them was so strong that they had to stop.

However, a pair of palms appeared quietly, turning into light and grabbing the red envelope instantly.

"Ha ha!"

"Wu Song, the Hua Rong red envelope belongs to me, Wang Longmao." He grabbed the red envelope with both palms and quickly evacuated.

"Tianxuanxing, you are looking for death" For a moment, Wu Song and Hua Rong who were still fighting.

They looked at Long Maoli who was grabbing the red envelope and leaving, the two of them were so angry that they rushed towards Long Maoli one after another.

It's a pity that their actions were still one step late, and Long Maoli grabbed the red envelope and directly exited the group.

However, when he finally left, he threw a red envelope at Du Yuesheng.

Long Maoli looked at the shining 'Emperor of Heaven' name, and said to himself: "Although I don't know who you are, I won't let you suffer."


"The red envelope time is up"

Du Yuesheng watched his red envelope being snatched away, and was about to check which character snatched it away.

The system reminded him that the red envelope time was up, so he immediately exited the red envelope group.

'depressed! ’ Du Yuesheng watched and closed the red envelope group, but this time he didn’t even grab a single good thing.

Last time I got a card that summoned the 'Ruthless Emperor', but this time I got nothing.

Big loss!

However, when Du Yuesheng looked towards the corner of the 3D screen, he saw a shining thing.

'Hey, what's that? ’ Du Yuesheng looked at the thing that appeared on the screen?


"The system prompts that the player has received a private package from Tianxuan Star King Longmao, do you want to claim it?"

"The system prompts that the player has received a red envelope from Lu Chang, the secret star. Do you want to accept it?"

'What? '

'Private package.'

Du Yuesheng heard the system's prompt sound resounding, and he became happy in his disappointed mood.

'receive! '

'The system quickly opens two red envelopes. '

'Ding! '

'The red envelope is opening'


"Congratulations to the player Du Yuesheng for opening the red envelope of Tianji Star Lu Chang, and got a bottle of Jiuzhuan Zhenwan, ten bottles of Nourishing Qi and Activating Blood Pill, and ten bottles of Zengyuan Pill."

Elixir: Jiuzhuan Zhenwan

From: Cultivation World

Description: Auxiliary ammunition for cultivators crossing the catastrophe. Taking one can reduce the power of one time crossing the catastrophe.

Elixir: Nourishing Qi and Activating Blood Pill

Description: Healing supplies, used to restore certain injuries.

Elixir: Zengyuan Dan

From: Cultivation World

Description: Taking it can increase the cultivation base of a person who has been under nine or nine kalpas by one realm, and lasts for one hour.

'Grass! '

‘It’s all pills, can I have something reliable? '

Du Yuesheng took it, really took it, there are ten pills in a bottle, that is to say, Du Yuesheng took back a total of 210 pills of various kinds.

Moreover, they are all useful pills, but such a red envelope is actually a red envelope that those guys are too lazy to grab.

Alas, each of them is a local rich man!

I don't know, in the eyes of those guys, this red envelope is considered small, what kind of red envelope is the big one?

I don't know what is the private bag that Tianxuan star Wang Longmao gave him to Du Yuesheng.

"System, open the private bag of Tianxuan Star King Longmao."

"Ding, the red envelope is open."

"Ding, congratulations to the player Du Yuesheng, you have obtained a card for using the Tianxuan Star King Longmao experience, you can summon the Tianxuan Star King Longmao for half an hour."


half an hour!

Du Yuesheng was stunned, paralyzed, it was really interesting, you know, he got the experience cards of Monkey King, Red Boy, and these guys, it took only a few minutes, and he walked away without saying a word.

But Tianxuan Star King Longmao can actually summon for half an hour, although it is definitely worse than a great god like Monkey King.

But it's definitely an awesome character.

This can be regarded as giving Du Yuesheng a hole card to save his life.

Moreover, since it is said to be a big red envelope, how could there be only such a trial card.

The sound of the system rang continuously.

"Ding, congratulations to the player Du Yuesheng, who has obtained a thousand Heavenly Crystal Swords from Legend of the Divine Weapon."

"Ding, congratulations to the player Du Yuesheng, who has obtained the qualification to forge weapons for the master craftsman Mo Xie and his wife once."

"Ding, congratulations to the player Du Yuesheng, who received a free medical treatment from Hua Tuo, the medical fairy."

"Ding, congratulations to player Du Yuesheng, who has obtained the qualification to enter Magic Beast Mountain once, and comes with a January tour experience card on the designated date of Mercenary World."

"Ding, congratulations to the player Du Yuesheng, who has obtained an imitation torch token."

"Ding, congratulations to player Du Yuesheng, who has obtained a ghost order."

Well, this shit, Lu Chang, that guy is really an iron cock.

Oh my god, it's just grabbing a red envelope. If you want to be so exciting, it will scare people's hearts out.

Isn't it too big to play.

Sky Crystal Sword!

A thousand!

This is one of the top ten magic soldiers in the legend of magic soldiers.

Sister, do you think you are a toy sword sold at a roadside stall? There are a thousand of them when you come.

The full special code is Jiebao!

Not so scary!

And this, imitating the Holy Fire Order, can actually summon 100,000 Ming Cultists to come out to fight for themselves.

This is 100,000 people, what a dog!

It's really a fucking dog, can't you pack Zhang Wuji for me together!

Ghost orders!

Unexpectedly, the task of collecting cards in the underworld can be completed in the form of red envelopes.

With the ghost order, he can arrest the soul, and then use the judge's order to judge?

Of course, only those who can be killed by oneself can do it, which is also cool.

Whoever dares to provoke us in the future, we will destroy him, and we will also capture his soul and torture him to relieve our anger.

The matter of finding general Mo Xie to build weapons can only be kept, and a lot of conditions must be required.

However, looking for Hua Tuo's free medical benefits can be used at any time, so forget it yourself.

But if one of his subordinates is injured in the future, shouldn't he be sent for treatment?

There is also the experience tour of Mercenary World, although it is a designated date, but at least it takes a month, so I don't know how many phantom beasts we can get.


Very cool!

The cool Du Yuesheng didn't want to say anything.

A thousand Heavenly Crystal Swords, what the fuck, whoever takes them out will be called a local tyrant!

From now on, our disciples in the underworld will each have a standard equipped Jiebao, the Heavenly Crystal Sword, if you say it, you can scare a person to death!

PS: Chapter 1

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