The Most Violent Upgrade

Chapter 330 [Li Xinnan]


The only thing Du Yuesheng was unhappy about was the fighting power of the 100,000 Mingjiao followers, which was not very good.

Ordinary Ming Cult soldiers only had one calamity, and their commanders only had three calamities.

And the generals are at most one difficult to cultivate, and the top ten coaches have three difficult to cultivate.

As for the leading general, it is only five difficulties and nine ranks.

How cool it would be if all the 100,000 Ming Cultists were warriors of the fifth difficulty and ninth rank!

Du Yuesheng seemed to have watched the scene where 100,000 Mingjiao followers attacked Nanmingzong.

I'm afraid that Nanming sect will be trampled to the ground by 100,000 followers of Ming sect in minutes.

'Come out! '

'The army of my underworld.'

A purple card appeared in Du Yuesheng's hand, and three hundred elf archers were sealed on this card.

'Boom! '

'boom! '

Black clouds covered the sky, and in an instant, dark crowds appeared on the ground in front of where Du Yuesheng was standing.

Three hundred elves holding bows and arrows appeared on the ground, all kneeling on the ground one by one.

'See, God! '

'See, God! '

Three hundred elf archers knelt down on the ground and shouted in unison, their voices reverberating through the sky.

very good!

Du Yuesheng looked at the three hundred elf archers summoned and appeared, feeling very satisfied.

As for the card that sealed the 100,000 Ming Cultists, he doesn't want to use it yet.

After all, it is just a vanguard of a small sect, and three hundred elf archers are enough.

"Go, meet the enemy."

"Yes, God."

With a wave of Du Yuesheng's hand, he brought three hundred elf archers to the mountain pass of the underworld.

He is going to face the enemy here, although there is no such thing as geographical advantage.

But after all, this is the entrance to the underworld, and the meaning contained in it is different.

'Boom! '

'boom! '

A hundred meters away from the entrance of the underworld, the sound of shouts and killings echoed continuously.


"Whoever can kill Du Yuesheng, I will definitely reward you heavily, kill, destroy the underworld, and kill Du Yuesheng."

In the distance, shouts of killing could be vaguely heard, and the soldiers of the Terracotta Warriors and Horses probably retreated.

But in Du Yuesheng's eyes, he didn't care at all.


Now is just the beginning.

After a while, a large group of people finally rushed over.

"Patriarch, that young man is Du Yuesheng!" A child who left home pointed to Du Yuesheng and said to Li Qiu.


Li Qiu's attention was all on Du Yuesheng.

"Boy, did you kill my son?" Li Qiu asked Du Yuesheng angrily.

His voice was full of hatred, but also full of chill!

"Your son? Who, this emperor has killed too many cats and dogs recently, who knows which one your son is."

Which one! !

Such strong insulting words instantly made the people who left home go berserk.

"Boy, are you arrogant? Do you know how the word dead is written?"

Du Yuesheng looked at the speaker with indifferent eyes.

That's right, that person's strength is also at the peak of the five difficulties, and he can be regarded as a master.

"This emperor really wants to know how to write the word 'death', why don't you come and teach me."

"Ha ha!"

"court death!"

That person was also angered by Du Yuesheng's arrogance, he turned around and knelt down towards Li Qiu.

"Patriarch, Chen Yu asks to leave the station, and I will definitely smash Du Yuesheng's body into thousands of pieces to avenge the young master."

Li Qiu nodded, someone went to test Du Yuesheng's strength, which was considered a good thing for him.

Li Qiu is not stupid, don't look at him as extremely violent, but since he can become the head of Li's family, it is naturally impossible for him to be a brave man with only force but no brains.

After seeing Li Qiu nodding, Chen Yu stood up and looked at Du Yuesheng.

Immediately, he focused his attention on Du Yuesheng.

"Boy, come and die, let your grandpa Chen teach you how to behave and how to speak?"

Chen Yu put on a posture. In his eyes, these people in front of him are really different, except for one of the five difficult cultivation bases.

The other people's cultivation bases are so low that they are not at his level at all.

In Chen Yu's eyes, where is the need to mobilize so many teachers?

He alone is enough to wipe out everyone here, including Du Yuesheng!

"Fucking thing, you are such a dog, you are worthy of me.""

"Li Xinan, come on, kill him for me.!"

"Remember, don't kill him all at once, and keep your breath."

"Yes, Heavenly Emperor!"

Isn't that right, let Du Yuesheng take action for any cat or dog, then he is too busy.

In fact, now that Du Yuesheng looked at this group of people, his eyes were full of stars.

Damn, there are so many big and small bosses, killing them all is enough for him to have a good time.

Of course, although Du Yuesheng was very much looking forward to a big explosion, but at the same time he was very clear.

The enemy this time can be said to be the most powerful existence he has ever encountered.

Thirteen five-difficulty powerhouses, two super-powerhouses who surpassed the five-difficulties, and a large number of three-difficulty and four-difficulty powerhouses.

It can be said that this time the battle, Du Yuesheng already understood that it was not so easy to fight.

Of course, even if it's not easy to fight, you still have to fight. These are all experiences, but they are all bosses, and the bosses will send them together.

This is all upgrades, treasures, and equipment!

Li Xinnan stood up and rushed over without intending to say a word to Chen Yu at all.

Li Xinan is an armored warrior. According to legend, he is a figure with the blood of Hokage.

That physical skill is not bad at all, and it is also because of the era in which he lived, there was no chakra for a long time.

Otherwise, it is estimated that his own strength will be extremely powerful without his summoning armor.

"Hmph, ignorant junior, do you think that if you have the cultivation base of the Five Difficulties, you will be very powerful?"

"The old man wants you to know that the difference is also very big for the same five-difficulty cultivation base."

"Old man, it's not something an ignorant child like you can defeat."

Chen Yu looked at Li Xinan who was rushing over, and said disdainfully, while speaking, he also launched his own attack slowly.

He looked down on Li Xinnan, because in his eyes, Li Xinan was just a kid with little cultivation and no surprises in actual combat.

But, soon, he regretted it!

Unfortunately, no regret medicine was given to him.

Li Xinan's attack is very simple and rude, it's just boxing.

However, his speed was very fast. While Chen Yu was speaking, Li Xinan had already arrived in front of Chen Yu.

However, Chen Yu underestimated the enemy and believed that Li Xinan didn't have much combat experience at all, and even if he launched an attack, he was full of flaws.

"court death!"

Li Xinan looked at Chen Yu who underestimated the enemy, and said with disdain, his hands turned into fists and punched out.

'How can it be? your speed! 'Chen Yu looked at Li Xinnan who kept attacking.

He didn't expect that this person's speed was so fast that he couldn't stand it.

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