The Most Violent Upgrade

Chapter 808: The Island Country Is Falling (Fifth Change)


"Emperor, I haven't killed enough, why did I retreat!"


"Emperor, let us level this place."

Galen and Jianhao kept wielding their weapons to kill zombies and islanders, venting the killing in their hearts.

This is not only true of Galen and Jianhao, but also of Lu Bu, Zhao Yun, and Juggernaut. They have been imprisoned in the Kingdom of God for too long.

Haven't killed like this in a long time.

Let them have to think about relaxing.

"Okay, come back and hear about your performances in the future." Du Yuesheng looked at the people who were still killing, and shouted loudly.



Galen, Lu Bu, Zhao Yun. . When the people came back from the battle reluctantly, they could also see that this small island country had already undergone a chain reaction under Du Yuesheng's sword, and it might sink at any time.


Du Yuesheng waved his hands, and a beam of light sent Galen, Zhao Yun and others back to the Kingdom of God again.


The big cleaning seems to be ready to start.

The top of Mount Fuji.

Du Yuesheng calmly overlooked the world in front of him.

Mount Fuji is beautiful, but unfortunately, such beauty will no longer exist after today.


Du Yuesheng climbed up to the sky with one step, and the Shuguang floated above the void, he jumped lightly and landed firmly in the Shuguang.

"The Shuguang launched a 'nuclear bomb'." Du Yuesheng stood in front of the screen of the Shuguang

"Boom!" Mian said lightly.

"It's the master!"


After two bangs resounded through the sky, two devastating 'nuclear bombs' quickly fell from the sky.

Island time, twelve o'clock at noon.

Capital, Kyoto base!

Suddenly, a loud voice sounded.

The huge waves soaring into the sky directly made this small island country tremble continuously.

A mushroom cloud suddenly rose.

The powerful shock wave plunged the entire capital into despair!

Nuke attack!

It turned out to be a nuclear bomb attack!

However, some people questioned that this is not a nuclear bomb. First of all, they did not detect any abnormalities.

Secondly, there is no radioactive material in this attack!

However, apart from nuclear bombs, what else could have such a powerful attack power!


"Why are there nuclear bombs??"

"Isn't this thing destroyed long ago?"

For a moment, everyone looked at the huge mushroom cloud that appeared between the sky and the earth, and couldn't believe it was real.


All this stuff failed at the moment of the end of the world, and there was no threat at all.

However, the surviving humans in all the island countries are now terrified when they see the huge mushroom cloud rising.

Countless humans ran around on the street, but before they could take a few steps, a huge wave directly swallowed everyone.

"Continue for me!!" Du Yuesheng looked at the ground standing in the sky and looking at the disappearing land below.

"Ha ha!"

"Little bastards, you also have today. The Dawn will continue to launch 'nuclear bombs' to completely destroy me."

Du Yuesheng remembered which Chinese world in his previous life, the human crimes in this country.

Kill my countless Chinese martyrs, and oppress my countless Chinese men!

Oppress my country, oppress my ancestors!

"All disappear for me."


Another nuclear bomb went off.

In an instant, the entire island country was completely covered by the mushroom cloud, the sea water poured into the mainland, and countless human beings died.

Even the zombies are completely annihilated.

Less than ten minutes!

The entire island country that was originally erected on the sea disappeared without a trace, and what was left was only the endless sea.

"Dawn, let's go!"

"Next target!"

After Du Yuesheng looked at the island country that had been completely wiped out, although there was still no ultimate mother in this laboratory.

But after sinking the small island country, Du Yuesheng was still in a good mood, and then he drove at full speed and went straight to the South Pole.

There is the last laboratory of the ultimate mother body, and it is absolutely impossible for him to give up.

Soon, the Dawn appeared over Antarctica.

Du Yuesheng leaped down in one step, and a cold wind blew like a knife for a moment. Du Yuesheng put his hands behind his back and looked coldly at the laboratory that covered thousands of miles.

However, the moment Du Yuesheng appeared in the laboratory, a female voice echoed between heaven and earth.

"Human, I didn't expect you to destroy two of my laboratories one after another!" The mother's voice came out, full of deep unwillingness.

"Give me another ten days, give me another ten days, and I can rule the world!"

"At that time, I will be the god of this world!"

"The Supreme God!"

Suddenly, the ultimate mother let out a piercing wail, and with her wail, countless mutant beasts.

Crawled out from the ground, sea, and under the ice, and the zombie army even came out from the laboratory, covering the entire ground.

And when he looked up at the sky, the flying mutated beast that covered the sky and the sun also rushed over.



Du Yuesheng has lost the patience to talk to the ultimate mother, and he also understands the truth that changes come sooner or later.

With a wave of his hand, the Immortal Execution Sword appeared, and a sword fell from the sky. The huge sword light was surrounded by a hurricane composed of sword lights.

This sword is countless times more powerful than any previous sword. Not to mention the huge main sword light, even if the small sword light wrapped around it falls to the ground, a sword mark with a depth of 100 meters will appear immediately!

When this sword goes down, no matter whether it is in the sky or on the ground, it will be affected. Even if it is not touched by the sword light, it will be directly torn into pieces by the undulating momentum.

The mutated beasts and zombies that were overwhelming just now were directly wiped out by the power of the sword.

"Give me another ten days..."

Seeing this scene, the ultimate mother's voice directly turned into despair.

"Don't sigh, I'll send you on your way!"

"Zhu Xian!"

"The strongest sword!!"

Du Yuesheng's gaze was icy cold, and he swung out his sword, the sword energy howled vertically and horizontally, smashing and killing everything he saw in front of him.

Even the land at the South Pole was split inch by inch, divided into small pieces, and sank, and the laboratory and the desperate ultimate matrix in the laboratory also disappeared.

"Give me death!"

"The ultimate matrix!!!"


Du Yuesheng walked into the already dilapidated laboratory with Zhu Xianjian in his hand, and saw the ultimate matrix lying on the ground.

"A woman!" Du Yuesheng watched as he was looking for the very close ultimate matrix, which turned out to be a woman.

And she's still a woman as beautiful as a fairy, if it wasn't for the system reminder.

Du Yuesheng couldn't believe that this woman would be the mother of zombies all over the world, the difference was too great.


Today's update is a bit late!

It should have been uploaded in the morning, but the tortoise was dissatisfied with the writing, so it was deleted again, and it took a long time to rewrite it.

The doomsday dungeon is finally over.

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