The Most Violent Upgrade

Chapter 809 Killing the Ultimate Matrix (Part 1)

"If you come ten days late, this world will be mine!!"

"I'm not reconciled!"

The ultimate mother looked up at Du Yuesheng, she was very unwilling, she had already evolved into the final form.

However, who knew that Du Yuesheng's appearance completely disrupted her evolution, making her completely disappear.


Du Yuesheng didn't say much, and with a leisurely movement of the Zhuxian sword in his hand, it directly pierced the head of the ultimate mother.

Everything ends at this moment.

After a long breath of relief, Du Yuesheng pricked up his ears.

With the breath of the ultimate mother body completely gone, the system rewards should come...

The system reward for killing the ultimate matrix should not disappoint him, especially the long-awaited reward.

What followed was a burst of pleasant system prompts.

"Ding, the system prompts, congratulations to the player, kill the ultimate matrix! Harvest a one-day travel card for the designated age of the earth!"

"Ding, the system prompts, congratulations to the player, kill the ultimate mother body! Gain 564895 fairy points!"

"Ding, the system prompts, congratulations to the player, the killing intent has been upgraded, the current level is level five"

"Ding, the system prompts, congratulations to the player, this time the cumulative harvest, random material treasure chests, two hundred and thirty-two!"

"Ding, the system prompts, congratulations to the player, this cumulative harvest, 1,823 random draws!"

"Ding, the system prompts, congratulations to the player, this time the cumulative harvest, random pill treasure chest, one hundred and three!"

"Ding, the system prompts, congratulations to the player, this cumulative harvest, the exclusive lucky draw for the end of the day, 5,800 times."

"Ding, the system prompts, congratulations to the player, this time the cumulative harvest, the doomsday exclusive equipment draw, 207 times."

"Ding, the system prompts, congratulations to the player, this cumulative harvest, the doomsday exclusive skill draw, 283 times."


There were bursts of pleasant ringtones, but Du Yuesheng's attention was all on the first ringtone.

The one-day trip to the earth card of the specified era is the card he dreams of returning home.

Unfortunately, the fly in the ointment is that the time is too short, only one day.

After fighting and killing for so long, it is a dream to return to the real home, but how can only one day be enough?

And this card needs to be level 1000 to be able to use it!

Du Yuesheng is only level 300.

Du Yuesheng sighed deeply in his heart, and said word by word: "Let's keep this card and use it later. Now I still have to constantly improve my strength. In the future, I will go home with my own strength!"

After making up his mind, he put the card away.

Just at this moment, another system notification came from next to my ear: "Ding, the Duotian Ranking Tournament is about to begin. The opponent is Welding Emperor Liu Xiao."

"Huh? I've been wasting three days here? Hey, it's just right, let's go now, the system, and send me to the floating island for the trial of Duotian Ranking!"

"Ding, the transmission is starting, the transmission is successful!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the scenery in front of him changed rapidly, and in a blink of an eye, he returned to the floating island.

In front of him was a arena with a radius of ten miles, surrounded by crowds of people, all of whom were powerful experts.

"Hey, today is the day for that newcomer to challenge Welding Emperor, he is quite courageous, dare to fight against Welding Emperor Liu Xiao in the second qualifying match!"

"Hehe, don't underestimate that newcomer. I heard that he was just a trick against Liu Tiancheng."

"Tch, Emperor Welding can kill Liu Tiancheng with one move. A rookie is a rookie, and if he overestimates his strength, he is looking for death. I bet that this rookie will die in the hands of Emperor Welding!"

People around were discussing a lot, but at the moment Du Yuesheng appeared, all the voices suddenly disappeared.


At this moment, everyone's eyes were directly focused on Du Yuesheng.

Many people's first impression when they saw Du Yuesheng was, is this the one who can kill Liu Tiancheng with one move? It looks unremarkable, could it be that some insidious means were used to win?

Du Yuesheng put all his aura into his body, he looked like an ordinary person, indeed a little bland.

But these people never thought that the existence of an existence at the peak of Wu Po Void looks like ordinary people, which has already proved that Du Yuesheng's methods are much stronger than theirs!

On the ring, Emperor Welding Liu Xiao sat cross-legged, with a unicorn broadsword on his back, his long hair was windless, and his expression was indifferent.


Du Yuesheng walked up, and his footsteps landed on the ring with a clear sound. Emperor Welding slowly opened his eyes, looked at Du Yuesheng, and said word by word:

"It seems that you are also a peerless genius, but you have not grown up yet, and you are far different from me. Liu Tiancheng is nothing, and you are still an ant in my eyes when you defeat him. I am not interested in killing ants. You have a way to live, you break your arms and go."

As soon as Emperor Welding said that, Du Yuesheng sneered again and again: "Let me cut off my arms? Why don't you cut off your arms and get out, so as not to waste my feelings, sir."

"Huh?" Emperor Welding's eyes widened suddenly, with murderous intent in his eyes: "You are looking for death!"

"Let's see who dies first!"

Du Yuesheng yelled loudly, and with a shake of his right arm, the Immortal Executioner Sword jumped into his hand, and the sword slashed down in the air without any fancy, and there was a crisp sound of tearing, as if the space was torn apart, followed by a huge sword energy, The sword energy pierced through the air, and wherever it went, even the stone slabs on the surface of the ring shattered.

"It's a little tricky, but unfortunately it's not enough!"

Emperor Welding raised his eyes to see the sword energy, with a look of disdain on his face, he stood up, took down the unicorn knife and waved it, shouting loudly: "Slash the sky!"

With a clear sound, a phantom of a unicorn knife that was as big as a mountain range emerged, blasting towards Du Yuesheng's sword energy.

Boom, in the blink of an eye, the sword qi and sword light collided together, making a sound like a landslide, the ring trembled, and dozens of people around the audience were blown away by the billowing air wave!

After a long time, the dust and smoke dissipated, Du Yuesheng and Emperor Welding were still in place, and the two of them fought each other with each other, and they fought five or five!

Seeing this, Emperor Welding narrowed his eyes, held the unicorn knife tightly in his hand, and said word by word: "So I still have some strength, I have to be serious!"

However, at this moment, Du Yuesheng showed a dispirited expression, yawned, and said: "I just forced out your strongest move with a single sword. It's really boring. Forget it, I'll give it to you." Go west, Excalibur Yulei Jue!"

With a low shout, the long sword pierced the sky, thunder bursts, dark clouds covered the sun, and a column of lightning crashed from the sky, directly covering the direction where Emperor Welding was standing. When the thunder flashed, Emperor Welding Liu Xiao let out a roar.

"Ah, it's impossible, it's impossible to be so strong..."

While Emperor Welding roared, he kept waving the unicorn knife in his hand, but unfortunately, no matter how many moves he used, it was difficult for him to resist that day's thunder for a moment.

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