The Most Violent Upgrade

Chapter 814 Seeing Injustice on the Road and Roaring (Part 1)

Du Yuesheng paused for a moment, then said with a hearty smile: "It's just right, if there are no missions, there will be no restrictions, and you can go wherever you want!"

After saying that, he jumped forward, his figure was like a swan goose, and he was wandering forward in the mountain stream. In addition, he was wearing a long gown and carrying a sword of killing immortals. From a distance, he seemed to be floating like a fairy, which was very in line with the world of cultivation. !

He had just walked out of the mountains not far away when he came across a mountain village, but when he walked into the mountain village and took a look, his brows were tightly frowned.

Most of the houses in this mountain village are made of mud, and the roofs are also covered with thatch. One can tell that it is an extremely poor mountain village.

But in this impoverished mountain village, there is no peace like before. From the beginning to the end of the village, there are ragged corpses, and there are many corpses inside and outside the houses.

These dead villagers did not have the slightest trauma, and no blood flowed out. When many died, they were still holding a broken earthen bowl, and they even kept their smiles when they were alive.

In other words, they suddenly encountered some accident, and the whole village died suddenly at the same time!

"Senior Brother Teng Long..."

Just when Du Yuesheng was puzzled, a cry sounded suddenly, not far away.

Du Yuesheng frowned, took out the shadow cloak and put it on his body, completely covering up his breath and figure, and gently touched the source of the sound.

Soon he came to the ancient well in the middle of the village, only to see two men in white clothes, fair faces, carrying swords floating like immortals.

The two stood together, but one stood proudly with an arrogant face, while the other nodded and bowed with a flattering face.

The nodding and bowing man said anxiously, "Brother Tenglong, let's go, there are quite a few sects around here, let them know that we have Longyang flowers in our hands, I'm afraid they will kill people to seize the treasure, the two of us are golden elixir Peak cultivation, it is very difficult to escape!"

The proudly standing Tenglong snorted disdainfully, and said, "Huang Qi, you are too timid and too stupid. If you count the time, it has been ten years since Grandpa retreated to the realm of fusion, and there is no news about it." The news of the failure of the closed-door retreat means that the possibility of grandpa succeeding in breaking into the physical body is very high, with my grandpa here, what are we afraid of?"

"Ah?" Huang Qi, who nodded and bowed, was taken aback, and asked, "Since Brother Tenglong, you are not afraid of leaking the news, why did you slaughter this village?"

The disdain at the corner of Teng Long's mouth grew stronger: "It's nothing, it's just that there is a boy in this village who doesn't know you and me as cultivators, and dares to laugh in a low voice when the whole village is kneeling down!"

The whole village was massacred just because an ignorant child laughed in a low voice, these cultivators are so careless about human life!

Hearing this, Du Yuesheng couldn't bear it anymore, pulled off his body, and shouted angrily: "Hmph, two inhuman bastards, today the Emperor of Heaven will slaughter you and make you suffer all the suffering in the world. The people in the village pay for their lives!"

As soon as he said a word, Zhu Xianjian seemed to have self-awareness, humming the sword, rushing into the sky with a whistling sound, circling in the air, the sword light shining all over his body, and hesitant sword energy, as long as Du Yuesheng had a thought, It's going to kill people through the air!

"Huh? There is a magic weapon to hide your body?" Du Yuesheng appeared. Not only was Teng Long not afraid, but a gleam of joy appeared in his eyes: "Hey, boy, give me your treasure of hiding your body, and your sword Give it to me, and I will spare you the capital crime of disrespecting me just now!"

"The death penalty for my disrespect to you?" Du Yuesheng couldn't help laughing up to the sky, but suddenly, his face darkened suddenly: "Arrogance, take your life!"

call out!

A sharp and ear-piercing howl of swords came out suddenly, and the fighting spirit Zhu Xianjian fell from the sky like lightning, so fast that people couldn't react, and went straight to the Tenglong.

"System, can you torture his soul!" Du Yuesheng asked in an extremely cold voice.

"Ding, the system prompts that the player can use the underworld to take his soul, and let the judge torture this person's soul, making his life worse than death, and he wants to die even after death!"

Although the system's voice was the same as usual, it sounded so cold at the moment.

"Okay, then the system, you let the judge of the underworld torture this kid!"

The conversation between the two was completed in an instant, and at this moment, the Immortal Execution Sword came crashing down, piercing through Tenglong's chest.

Poor Tenglong, he didn't even have time to react, so he was stabbed so heartbreakingly.

"You... how dare you... shoot at me?" Teng Long couldn't believe his eyes.

Huang Qi beside him looked at Du Yuesheng as if he had seen a ghost: "You... who are you, do you know who Brother Tenglong is!"

Du Yuesheng sneered again and again: "If you don't want to change your name, you don't want to change your surname, that's true for Du Yuesheng. As for your senior brother Tenglong, so what if he is the king of heaven?"

"The ignorant are fearless, and the ignorant are fearless!" Huang Qi trembled all over his body: "Senior brother Tenglong is the young suzerain of Fengtianzong, his father is the suzerain of Fengtianzong, and his grandfather is the ancestor of Fengtianzong, how dare you kill senior brother Tenglong?" , You are looking for your own death, no one in Tiannan can save you!"

The more Du Yuesheng listened, the more obvious the smile on his face was, but the more chilling his tone was:

"Why do I need others to save me? You Fengtianzong is amazing, so I will swear here that I will break your sky, slaughter your Fengtianzong, and avenge the people of this unnamed village!"

As soon as the words fell, the sword of Zhu Xian turned around, and a flash of sword light shot down, and Huang Qi's head and body were separated directly, flying several feet high.

To the end of his life, he couldn't figure out why Du Yuesheng dared to make a move after knowing the name of Feng Tianzong.

"I am Feng Tianzong... I am one of the top ten sects in Tiannan, you are dead... you are dead!"

Surprisingly, Tenglong, who had been pierced by a sword long ago, was not dead yet.

Du Yuesheng took a closer look, only to find out that the delicate jade pendant on Tenglong's waist actually emitted a faint light. The light flew to Tenglong's wound, and it actually stopped Tenglong's bleeding and saved his life!

It seems that the exquisite jade pendant is a good magic weapon!

"The fourth-tier region is indeed much stronger than the third-tier region." Du Yuesheng was not upset, but the corner of his mouth curled up, and with a thought, the Immortal Execution Sword moved again, sweeping a sharp sword energy, intending to chop off Tenglong's head.

At this critical moment, the jade pendant on Tenglong's waist suddenly burst into dazzling light.

Du Yuesheng's heart trembled, and he took a closer look, only to see the phantom of a towering old man suddenly appear, blocking in front of Tenglong;

The phantom of the old man just raised his hand and pressed it lightly, and saw the Zhu Xian Sword seemed to be pressed down by Mount Tai, and fell to the ground with a clang!

"So strong!" In an instant, Du Yuesheng's vigilance was raised to 100%. This towering old man was the strongest enemy he had encountered so far.

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