The Most Violent Upgrade

Chapter 815 My monks, why should we fight

"Execution Immortal Sword!"

Du Yuesheng made a quick move, and the Zhuxian Sword that was suppressed on the ground wobbled and flew back.

"Little friend, why did my grandson provoke you and let you kill someone?" The old man was not in a hurry, but asked kindly.

Du Yuesheng frowned tightly, and said word by word: "Your bastard grandson directly slaughtered his entire village for a trivial matter, why should I kill him to avenge the village?"

"Oh?" The old man still smiled slightly and asked, "Do you have relatives in this village?"

"No!" Du Yuesheng said honestly.

"Do you have your lover? Do you have your brothers and friends?" the old man asked again.

"No!" Du Yuesheng said.

"Then why did you kill my grandson for a stranger?" the old man asked.

Du Yuesheng laughed, and said: "In my hometown, there is a saying that when the road is uneven, draw a sword to help. If the road is uneven today, I will use my sword to kill until the road is uneven!"

The old man Wei Wei couldn't help sneering and said: "Hmph, little friend, don't think that your cultivation at the first level of the Nascent Soul is very powerful. Now that the old man is in seclusion, the ray of energy left on this jade pendant has the strength of the third level of the Nascent Soul, it's not you If you can beat him, if you turn around and leave, the old man will let you go, if you still want to make an inch, the old man will kill you even if you don't want to use this ray of energy!"

Du Yuesheng couldn't stop laughing, and with a move of Zhuxian Sword, Tuntian sword came out, and thousands of sword qi roared and went straight to kill the old man.

"So what about Yuanying Sanchong, this Heavenly Emperor doesn't know what fear is!"

Swallowing the sky went fast, the old man reacted faster, I saw him raise his hand a little bit in the air, with a buzzing sound, the air vibrated, and the ground in front of him suddenly sank downwards, and thousands of sword qi turned into nothingness at this moment .

"It's kind of interesting!" Du Yuesheng grinned, and has been sweeping the opponents in the third-order area, and now he finally met a good enemy. Not only did he not get discouraged, but his fighting spirit became more and more vigorous: "Excalibur Yulei Jue!"

Rumbling, as soon as the sword was released, the sky was immediately covered with dark clouds, and a thick thunderbolt crashed down from the sky, heading straight to kill the old man.

"Boy, you have some skills, no wonder you dare to be so arrogant!" The old man's complexion was wrong, and he raised his hand to the sky. Suddenly, the dark clouds above the dragon condensed into a palm shape, and suddenly downward, he even caught the thunder and lightning. pole!

However, during the clash between Thunderbolt and Yunshou, they also turned into nothingness.

Du Yuesheng didn't intend to defeat him with the Divine Sword Yulei Jue, he just used the Excalibur Yulei Jue to delay for a while: "The earth explodes the star!"

Three black beads flew out of Du Yuesheng's hands in an instant, flying sand and rocks, and everything within a dozen meters around was instantly absorbed into it.

"What a weird spell!" The old man's face showed a solemn look: "It's a pity that I can't beat the old man!"

While speaking, the old man crossed his hands and formed a strange seal, and shouted: "The seal of the sky!"

The light shot out from his palm, a huge white seal flew out, flew towards the three black beads, and collided fiercely. The black beads had a strong suction, but the white seal was not weak either. The attackers exchanged blows, and there was an earth-shattering explosion, and dust and smoke were everywhere.

When the dust cleared, the old man kept sneering: "Boy, I see what else you can do!"

The old man expected that after casting so many powerful spells, Du Yuesheng's aura would definitely be weak, and it would be difficult to cast other spells, so his vigilance was relaxed.

"There is also a Ten Thousand Immortal Sword Formation, what do you think!"

But at this moment, Du Yuesheng's cold voice sounded again.

"What?" The old man was startled, and when he looked up, the soul of the dead froze, only to see that thousands of sword lights had condensed on the top of his head, but he didn't notice it.

"I haven't exerted my full strength yet, you are about to fall down. I said before, even if the Heavenly King Lao Tzu comes today, Tenglong will die!"

As the words fell, thousands of sword lights fell, and the towering old man hurriedly wanted to use magic defense, but it was too late, and he could only watch the thousands of sword lights penetrate his body.

"Grandson, hurry up, there are people from several other sects coming to meet you!" The old man grabbed Tenglong who was injured and couldn't move, and Tenglong flew out like a shell.

And in the distance, there was indeed a flash of sword light, and dozens of monks with swords came from afar, and caught Tenglong with one hand.

"Take care of my grandson!" The old man could only utter a loud shout, but was shattered by many sword lights.

"Don't worry, Ancestor Teng, Ziyangmen will definitely protect Tenglong with all our strength!" A monk in the distance shouted, then turned around and walked away with his sword.

Those cultivators who control the sword are the strongest and only at the second level of the Nascent Soul. How can they stop Du Yuesheng who can't be stopped by the phantom of Patriarch Teng?

"Ding, the system prompts, congratulations to the player for killing Patriarch Teng Xuying and triggering the main mission, my monks, why not fight!"

"Ding, the system prompts, the quest My Brother He Xi, a quest reminder, in this quest, the protagonist will no longer get possession cards, character cards and other auxiliary items, and the speed of obtaining fairy points will be halved until the end of the quest! "

"Ding, the system prompts that the Kingdom of God is blocked, and you need to trigger the unlocking of the Kingdom of God before you can summon characters from the Kingdom of God!"

"Ding, the system prompts, congratulations to the player for killing Patriarch Xu Ying and getting 624,200 fairy points!"

Seeing the phantom of Patriarch Teng being killed, but Tenglong wanted to escape, Du Yuesheng was extremely angry, and he didn't take it seriously when he heard the system prompt, he just yelled: "Hydra!"

Immediately, a hydra that transformed into a white horse appeared out of thin air. Du Yuesheng got on the horse, raised his sword and pointed at the group of monks who were fleeing with Tenglong, saying: "Catch up with them. If you don't kill Tenglong today, you will not be human!"

"Haha, with so many uncles protecting me, you still want to kill me? Just dream! When I return to Fengtianzong and let my grandfather go out, I will definitely make your life worse than death!"

Tenglong in the distance thought he could escape, coughed blood, and laughed arrogantly: "Don't you like seeing injustice on the road? When I recover from my injury, I will slaughter ten, no, one hundred, one thousand A mortal village, let me see what you can do to me!"

Although the people of Ziyangmen were afraid of Du Yuesheng's strength, but when they thought that Ziyangmen's skills were good at speed, ordinary people couldn't catch up with them at all, so they relaxed their hearts and let Tenglong shout.

However, when Du Yuesheng rode on the white horse and rode Juechen, and finally the hoof of the white horse even stepped into the air to chase after him, his complexion changed drastically.

Even Tenglong couldn't help but screamed in surprise when he saw this scene: "What, spirit beast, this kid actually has such a fast spirit beast? Come on, all masters, hurry up, come on again!" Hurry up, or you'll be caught!"

"Hehe, why are you not arrogant? This time, let me see who can save you!" Du Yuesheng rode Juechen, his speed became faster and faster, the distance between the two sides kept getting closer, and he could catch up within three minutes at most!

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