The Most Violent Upgrade

Chapter 816 Killing You (Third Change)

"Hurry up, hurry up!" Tenglong was already frightened, he never expected that Du Yuesheng could catch up to him in front of the Ziyangmen who are good at speed:

"Masters and uncles, my grandfather is about to leave the seclusion soon, you must keep me, or you Ziyangmen will not be able to afford it!"

Hearing this, many cultivators of Ziyangmen looked at each other in blank dismay. Indeed, the news that Patriarch Teng was about to successfully merge had been announced to the world, otherwise they would not have saved Tenglong.

But if it is true that Teng Long is not rescued, I am afraid that the Ziyang Sect will be destroyed in a fit of rage by Patriarch Teng!

Thinking of this, more than a dozen Ziyang monks came out directly, all of them are the first and second level of Yuanying, and they are the mainstay of Ziyangmen.

After more than a dozen Nascent Soul cultivators came out, they immediately blocked Du Yuesheng's way forward and said loudly:

"Fellow Daoist, why do you chase after him like this? It's just a village of mortals who died. Ordinary people are like worthless people. If you die, just die. Don't risk the disgrace of the world!"

"Mortal people deserve to die. Didn't you come from mortal cultivation? Seeing injustice in the road means risking the displeasure of the world?" Du Yuesheng's murderous intent was like a rainbow:

"Hehe, if this is the case, then even if I am against the people of the world, I will kill that bastard Tenglong!"

To be an enemy of the world, what arrogance, how unrestrained, how magnificent!

This is the real Du Yuesheng, this is the true heart of the Emperor of Heaven!

Seeing this, many members of the Ziyang Sect couldn't help but gritted their teeth and said, "Since Fellow Daoists want to die, there's nothing we can do about it!"

"I'm looking for death?" Du Yuesheng moved the Immortal Execution Sword in Du Yuesheng's hand, and countless sword lights shot out: "You guys are looking for death! Tuntian!"

The sword light flew away, extremely fast and unparalleled in sharpness. Many disciples of the Ziyang Sect wanted to block it, but when the sword light came in front of them and pierced through their magic weapons and spells, they realized how big a mistake they had made!

Chi Chi Chi!

In the blink of an eye, more than a dozen Ziyangmen cultivators of the first and second levels of the Nascent Soul died cleanly, and Du Yuesheng's speed was not hindered in the slightest!

Even the phantom image of Teng Patriarch who is at the third level of Yuanying can't stop Du Yuesheng, let alone these monks who are only at the first and second level of Yuanying? Killing them with one sword is a waste!

"Ding, the system prompts, congratulations to the player for killing seven Nascent Soul first level monks and getting 2630012 fairy points!"

"Ding, the system prompts, congratulations to the player for killing eight Nascent Soul Second Layer monks and getting 3,500,422 fairy points!"

"Ding, the system prompts, congratulations to the player who killed ten people in the Tier 4 area, and got the reward magic weapon, Netherworld Banner!"

"Ding, the system prompts, congratulations to the player "Du Yuesheng" for leveling up, the current level is Nascent Soul Second Level!"

"Ding, the system prompts, congratulations to the player "Du Yuesheng" for leveling up, the current level is Nascent Soul Triple Level!"

"Haha!" Hearing the voice from the system, Du Yuesheng looked up to the sky and laughed loudly. He didn't expect that even though the experience rewards obtained by beheading these Ziyangmen were halved, it would still allow him to advance two levels in a row.

Of course, this is also inseparable from the fairy points contributed by Patriarch Teng!

The best thing is that he even got a magic weapon Netherworld Banner, but he doesn't know how powerful this magic weapon is, and he doesn't have time to look at it now.

But this made Du Yuesheng even more eager to kill Tenglong for revenge, and then check what kind of magic weapon the Nether Yellow Spring Flag he got is!

When more than a dozen monks from Ziyangmen died, the few remaining monks were so frightened that they almost wanted to leave Tenglong and run away.

Teng Long was also frightened and froze. He grabbed a monk beside him and dared not let go, for fear of being left behind, and he even yelled:

"Senior Du Yuesheng, I was wrong. I didn't kill those mortals on purpose. If you let me go, I will erect a monument for them and enshrine them every year, so that they will die well!"

"It's too late to regret it now!" Not long after, Du Yuesheng was less than 30 meters away from Tenglong, and he could be chopped off with a single blow!

But at this moment, a loud shout suddenly came from a distance: "You dare to hurt my Tenglong nephew, you want to die!"

This shout was accompanied by a strong piercing sound, and Du Yuesheng felt a chill in his heart, and he steered his horse sideways to dodge without hesitation.


He had just left the position just now when he heard a bang, looked up, and saw a huge square seal appearing in front of him at some point!

The whole body of this big seal is emerald green, as if it was made of jade, the most terrible thing is that this jade seal is almost the size of a small mountain.

If it is hit by this jade seal, I am afraid that people will directly become flesh!

It seems that another powerful enemy is coming!

Du Yuesheng looked up, only to see hundreds of streamers approaching here not far away, everyone's aura is very domineering, at least there are four or five reasons, one can tell at a glance that they are not ordinary people!

"Nephew Tenglong, don't be afraid, I am here from Tianlongmen!"

"And I, Changfengmen!"

"There is also the Xuemei Gate!"

As soon as those people opened their mouths, Du Yuesheng realized that three more sects had come, and the ones who came were the tyrannical fighting power of the sects.

The most incredible thing is that these people are still shouting: "Nephew Tenglong, not only our three sects, as far as I know, all eighteen sects with a radius of thousands of miles have come, and all of them have been mobilized. Don't worry, we will definitely protect you!"

"Hahahaha!" Surviving a desperate situation, for a moment, Tenglong soared to the sky, laughed for a long time before saying loudly:

"Du Yuesheng, my help is here, I see what you have to kill me, masters and uncles, do it, kill this kid, my grandfather will not treat you badly!"

Du Yuesheng looked at these monks coldly. Not only was he not afraid, but the smile on his face became more and more crazy: "Sure enough, he is an enemy of the world. Hehe, so what, the Emperor of Heaven will be afraid of you?"

"You still dare to be rampant!" An old man with a green mountain fluttering in the sky and a childlike face flew out from the crowd. you!"

As soon as the words fell, the jade seal shot up into the sky, and pressed towards Du Yuesheng again.

Du Yuesheng suddenly remembered the name of this mission, and couldn't help laughing up to the sky: "Hahahaha, so that's the case, my monks, why should I fight and kill you!"

After finishing speaking, Zhu Xian moved his sword: "Zhu Xian, swing for nine days!"


Countless sword qi burst out, wrapped around Du Yuesheng's body, forming a storm of sword qi, and immediately after, he shouted: "Rage!"

In an instant, the meridians all over his body surged, and in the next second, he stepped forward: "Diwei takes three steps!"

With a bang, Du Yuesheng disappeared directly in place.

All the moves were issued in an instant, so everyone didn't see clearly, and only thought that Du Yuesheng disappeared in an instant!

"Where is the person?" The old man in green was still wondering, no matter how powerful the jade seal is, what's the use of not being able to find someone?

"Are you looking for me?" Du Yuesheng's voice suddenly sounded, and it was actually beside the old man in Tsing Yi.

The old man in Tsing Yi was startled, and wanted to speak, but he had no chance. The hurricane of sword energy wrapped around Du Yuesheng's body had already chopped him to pieces!

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