The Most Violent Upgrade

Chapter 817: Enemy with the world (fourth update)

For a time, blood mist floated all over the sky.

Du Yuesheng stormed out with sword energy, and Ling Kongxu stepped in the blood rain, his expression was so indifferent, but his eyes were so sharp.

It was as if a demon god from hell came out, and just a pair of eyes could frighten everyone present.

When the blood rain dissipated, Du Yuesheng glanced at the surrounding people and said, "What are you waiting for?"

How arrogant, how tyrannical, how domineering.

Being besieged by hundreds of people and even killing the strongest, it was like walking in a garden.

"Everyone, don't be afraid, this kid... This kid has cast so many powerful spells, he must have no spiritual power!"

"Yes, yes, and with so many of us united, even a master at the sixth level of the Nascent Soul can kill it. Killing this kid is absolutely easy!"

Many monks were brave enough for themselves, and they shot together, and magic weapons were flying all over the sky, and the spiritual power radiated dazzlingly.

Countless magic spells struck, Du Yuesheng did not have the slightest fear, instead he yelled, and swung the Immortal Sword: "The Ten Thousand Immortal Sword Formation, I will destroy all of them!"


Countless sword lights condensed in the air, and after a while, they fell with a bang. Suddenly, the sky seemed to be raining, a dense rain of swords.

When the magic weapon touched the sword light, it exploded loudly, and when the spell touched the sword light, it still exploded.

Waves of light surged out, and the billowing air waves scattered in all directions. The colorful lights in the sky were incomparably magnificent and breathtaking.

It's a pity that these magnificent rays of light fall in the eyes of many monks. Not only are they not beautiful, but they also feel as if they have seen ghosts!

"My magic weapon is ruined..."

"How is it possible that he alone can block the spells of so many of us..."

Under the power of the Ten Thousand Immortal Sword Formation, hundreds of cultivators' magic spells were completely blocked, and many of them had higher cultivation levels than Du Yuesheng.

At a glance, one could see that Du Yuesheng's cultivation was only at the third level of Nascent Soul.

How did a person with such a low cultivation level do all this!

"Is it over? It's my turn now!" Du Yuesheng pursed his lips and grinned, as if death was smiling: "System, do I have any means to kill them all in one go?"

"Ding, the system prompts that the magic weapon Netherworld Banner is a group attack magic weapon!"

"Haha, so that's the case, then try the power of the Nether Yellow Spring Banner!" Du Yuesheng waved his hand, and the Nether Yellow Spring Banner jumped into his hand immediately.

The Netherworld Banner is black in color and flutters in the wind. There are black dragons on the flag, and there are black clouds at the feet of the dragons. When you look at it, you can't help but feel chills in your heart.

"Let you have a taste of the Netherworld Flag!"

With a low shout, Du Yuesheng vigorously waved the Netherworld Flag in his hand.

There was only a sound of hula, and a black hurricane flew out of the flag. It was extremely cold. Wherever it went, even the rocks were frozen and cracked instantly. Even if you looked at it from a distance, you could feel life cold.

There were more than a dozen monks who couldn't dodge in time and were swept into the black wind. After the black wind swept past, those people were all frozen into ice cubes and fell to the ground. The ice slag is extremely miserable!

"Haha, the power is good, come again!"

Du Yuesheng laughed out loud, waved the Netherworld Flag again, and there was a muffled hula, only to see a black flame flying out of the Netherworld Flag.

This black flame rose against the wind, and in a blink of an eye, it swelled to a height of more than ten meters and a length of hundreds of meters. At first glance, it looked like a black fire dragon swimming between the sky and the earth.

As soon as the black fire dragon came out, it was invincible. Seven or eight Nascent Soul Fourth Layer masters sacrificed their strongest spells to resist, but they were instantly burned by the black fire dragon, and even their spiritual power was completely burned.

And those seven or eight Nascent Soul 4th-layer monks were instantly burned into a piece of fly ash, which scattered all over the sky!

"Okay, the experiment on the power of the magic weapon is over, let me all die!"

After a loud roar, Du Yuesheng frantically shook the Nether Yellow Spring Banner in his hand, and in an instant, the black wind and black fire dragon flew out of the Nether Yellow Spring Banner continuously.

In this piece of heaven and earth, only the roar of fire dragons and the whistling of black wind can be heard, which makes a ghost cry and wolf howl when the sky changes color.

Seventy or eighty monks died in an instant, and the rest of the monks were frightened and tried to escape, but the speed of the black wind and the black fire dragon was extremely fast, and they chased them down in a blink of an eye, killing the fleeing people. A strangle clean.

At this moment, the sound of the system finally sounded again.

"Ding, congratulations to the player for killing twenty-four monks of the first level of Nascent Soul, and getting 8,026,016 fairy points!"

"Ding, congratulations to the player for killing twenty-six Nascent Soul Second Layer monks and getting 12,567,946 fairy points!"

"Ding, congratulations to the player for killing forty Nascent Soul triple monks and getting 24958765 fairy points!"

"Ding, congratulations to the player for killing the thirteen monks of the Nascent Soul Fourth Stage and getting 8567494 fairy points!"

"Ding, congratulations to the player for killing a Nascent Soul fifth-layer monk, and getting 925,495 fairy points as a reward!"

"Ding, congratulations to the player "Du Yuesheng" for leveling up, the current level is Nascent Soul Fourth Level!"

"Ding, congratulations to the player "Du Yuesheng" for leveling up, the current level is Nascent Soul Fifth Level!"

"Ding, congratulations to the player for triggering the side quest, so what if you are an enemy of the world, the reward for completing the side quest is unknown!"

"Ding, congratulations to the player for getting the reward, break the pill!"


A series of system prompts sounded, but Du Yuesheng didn't stop for a moment. He turned around and went straight to Tenglong. All this started by Tenglong, and it will be ended by him.

"Tenglong, die!"

All the monks around Tenglong were killed, and he was also petrified a long time ago. He never thought that he had a grandfather who was about to reach the level of fusion, and someone would dare to attack him.

He never thought that someone would attack him after he killed a group of mortals who were nothing more than ants in his eyes, and he was such a powerful person!

He regretted it now, regretted it immensely.

Unfortunately, there is no regret medicine in this world.

What is waiting for him now is death, no, not death, but endless suffering. Even an ordinary monk has countless ways to torture a person's soul, let alone Du Yuesheng, a murderous god?

call out!

The sword pierced through the air, as magnificent as a long rainbow piercing the sun. At this moment, Tenglong, who had no power to resist, was directly pierced by the sword through his mind, and died instantly.

But at this moment, Du Yuesheng slowly put away the Nether Yellow Spring Flag and Zhuxian Sword, heaved a long sigh of relief, and said word by word: "Are you an enemy of the people of the world? As long as you follow the emperor's own heart, it's okay to be an enemy of the people of the world! "

With a long roar, it seemed to be announcing that Du Yuesheng, the emperor of heaven, had come today!


The remaining six changes, upload!

Ten chapters broke out today, upload four chapters first!

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