The Most Violent Upgrade

Chapter 819 Nascent Soul Peak (Sixth)

As soon as Tuntian came out, the sword light surged up three thousand feet, rolling away like a galaxy. A dozen monks were unable to dodge, and they were all killed and fell from the sky.

The rest of the monks were scared out of their wits by the sudden attack, and they opened their mouths and shouted loudly: "Devil, you actually killed someone!"

"You come to kill this Heavenly Emperor, why can't this Heavenly Emperor take the initiative to kill you?"

Du Yuesheng laughed loudly, the emperor burst out with three steps, and the whole person disappeared in place instantly, appearing in the crowd, the Zhuxian sword swept out, the sword light scattered, and immediately more than a dozen people were cut off by lazy waist, blood and flesh flew all over the place !

"Well, you devil, you are making an enemy of the world!"

Du Yuesheng violently killed more than 30 monks, the rest of the monks were terrified and shouted loudly.

"I have long been prepared to be the enemy of the world, come on, let me see if the world is stronger than me!"

Du Yuesheng didn't move at all, the emperor took three steps and moved again, his figure shuttled through the crowd like lightning, and wherever he went, all the lives were harvested.

Sixty or seventy monks couldn't even resist Du Yuesheng for a moment, just like cutting straw, they were all harvested clean!

As the corpses of these sixty or seventy monks fell from the sky, a sail suddenly appeared in the sky, and it turned out to be a large ship galloping in the sky!

"The devil is attacking again, fellow Taoists, come with me, Tianluozong, and kill this son!"

A loud shout came from the big ship, and in other directions around, all kinds of flying magic weapons gradually appeared. Flying ships are nothing, and flying leaves with a size of several hundred meters also came. A leaf There are hundreds of monks standing on it.

A flying pagoda also came. The pagoda was emitting light, and hundreds of monks stood on it.

There is even an emerald green mountain flying over majestically. There are hundreds of monks in fluttering clothes on the mountain and below!

There are countless other flying treasures that cannot be recognized.

Looking at the past, I am afraid that more than a thousand monks will attack.

This is a grand scene in the world, over a thousand monks move together, covering the sky and blocking out the sun, the sky is filled with streamers of flying treasures, and countless tyrannical auras are intertwined to make gods and ghosts retreat.

And with so many powerful monks dispatched together, the target is actually the same, and it's just one person!

That is Du Yuesheng.

Du Yuesheng stood on the Tianzi Peak with a horizontal sword, the cold wind hit, his gown fluttered, and the murderous intent filled the air!

"The devil, catch him without a fight, this old man will give you a good time!" A monk shouted loudly.

"Thousands of monks are moving together, all the sects within three thousand miles are here, today you have no way to go to heaven!"

"Kill the devil!" Countless monks yelled loudly.

Du Yuesheng closed his eyes slightly, as if he couldn't hear the shouting in his ears.

There are more than a thousand monks, most of whom are Nascent Soul monks. This is a huge challenge and great pressure for him.

It really is not an ordinary difficulty to be an enemy of the people of the world.

But... it's not so refreshing!

Suddenly, Du Yuesheng opened his eyes suddenly, and only one word popped out between his teeth: "Kill!"

With a murderous heart, the body moves with the heart, and in an instant, the Immortal Sword in Du Yuesheng's hand burst out with shocking light: "Sword Formation of Ten Thousand Immortals!"


Countless sword lights were instantly condensed and descended from the sky.

"This devil actually dares to take the initiative!"

A Nascent Soul fifth-layer master showed disdain, and released his spell to block the sword light, but when his spell flew out, it was directly smashed into nothingness by a sword light, and he suddenly realized that this enemy. It seems that I can't stop it!

Even the masters at the fifth level of the Nascent Soul are hard to stop, and the rest of the monks who are less than the fifth level of the Nascent Soul are even more miserable.

Countless sword lights fell, and the monks tried their best, but they could only stop the falling speed of the sword lights for half a second, and then they were pierced through the chest by the sword lights, and died instantly.

Boom boom boom!

Someone frenziedly attacked Jianguang with spells, but it didn't work, and was pierced by Jianguang in the end!

Chi Chi Chi!

The muffled sound of the sword light passing through the body made one's scalp tingle. The Ten Thousand Immortals Sword Formation was fired only once, and the people present were horrified to find that at least seven or eight hundred monks were killed in that instant.

"Let's kill this monster together!" A master of the seventh-layer Nascent Soul saw that he was not good, and quickly sacrificed his talisman to take the lead in rushing forward.

Seeing this, the rest of the Nascent Soul Seventh Layer masters also gritted their teeth, ignoring to help their disciples defend, they simply gritted their teeth and led others to charge over.

They all could see that Du Yuesheng's cultivation was only at the fifth level of Yuanying, if everyone charged up together, Du Yuesheng would definitely be hard to resist.

"Kill, kill, kill!" At least two hundred monks of the fifth and sixth levels of the Nascent Soul who survived the disaster followed closely behind the master of the seventh level of the Nascent Soul, and rushed up.

It seems that they want to completely submerge Du Yuesheng in one go by virtue of cultivation base suppression and crowd tactics!

"Ding, congratulations to the player for killing fifty-six monks in the first level of Nascent Soul and getting 1,756,986 fairy points!"

"Ding, congratulations to the player for killing eighty-seven Nascent Soul second-level monks and getting 458962548 fairy points!"

"Ding, congratulations to the player who killed the 103rd Nascent Soul Triumvirate, and got 956856545 fairy points!"

"Ding, congratulations to the player for killing seventy-two Nascent Soul Fourth Stage monks and getting 45684625 fairy points!"

"Ding, congratulations to the player for killing five Nascent Soul fifth-layer monks and getting 5,489,565 fairy points!"

"Ding, congratulations to the player "Du Yuesheng" for leveling up, the current level is Nascent Soul Level 6!"

"Ding, congratulations to the level up of the player "Du Yuesheng". The current level is the seventh level of Nascent Soul!"

"Ding, congratulations to the player "Du Yuesheng" for leveling up, the current level is Nascent Soul Eightfold!"

"Ding, congratulations to the level up of the player "Du Yuesheng". The current level is Nascent Soul Ninefold!"

"Ding, congratulations to the player "Du Yuesheng" for leveling up, the current level is at the peak of Nascent Soul!"

It is too timely to increase the level at this time.

According to Du Yuesheng's original cultivation level, under the siege of so many multi-infant sixth-level and seventh-level masters, I am afraid that he will really be embarrassed.

But now, in front of him at the peak of the Nascent Soul, these monks with the sixth or seventh level of the Nascent Soul are not much better than ants.

Grinning, Du Yuesheng looked around, and suddenly opened his mouth and shouted: "I will destroy them all!"


As he shouted loudly, a circle of ripples visible to the naked eye centered on him, like water waves, surged away, and the Tianzifeng Sword Discourse Platform below him exploded with a bang, causing landslides and ground cracks.

And the monks affected by the ripples couldn't even resist. With a bang, they exploded into a bloody mist. Those big ships, pagodas, and Lingshan couldn't bear such power, and exploded into pieces!

In an instant, half of the sky was stained red by blood mist, and the sun was setting, this time it was stained red by real blood!

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