The Most Violent Upgrade

Chapter 820 I Did It On Purpose (Seventh)

In the world of comprehension, a monk with a higher level can kill a monk with a lower level without making a move, all he needs to do is release his cultivation base and let out a loud roar!

If there is no necessary life-saving means, high-level monks even need to glance away, and low-level monks will be killed. There is a special word to describe the second-level means-see kill!

And Du Yuesheng's strength was already higher than that of ordinary monks. When his level was low, he was not afraid of high-level monks. This time, when his level was raised, naturally he only needed a shout mixed with cultivation to kill all the monks present!

"Ding, congratulations to the player for killing 207 Nascent Soul sixth-layer monks and getting 195,648,657 fairy points!"

"Ding, congratulations to the player for killing fifteen Nascent Soul seventh-layer monks and getting 15689463 fairy points!"

"Ding, the system prompts that since the player's experience value has reached the upper limit of Nascent Soul, the experience value is automatically stored, and the level will not be increased for the time being."

"Ding, the system prompts that since the player's experience value has reached the upper limit of Nascent Soul, the Thunder Tribulation is coming, please prepare for it!"

"Ding, the system prompts that after the player has experienced the thunder calamity, all experience points including the third-level regional experience points will be distributed together, and the protagonist's level will be directly raised to the second level of out-of-body state!"

"Ding, the system prompts, the task, the enemy of the world has entered the later stage, players are requested to uproot the sects participating in the siege!"

Hearing the system prompt, Du Yuesheng was a little taken aback for a moment. To upgrade the level in the realm of comprehension, he still has to go through thunder calamity?

This is very novel, presumably the thunder disaster is nothing, and Du Yuesheng is not worried.

The most interesting thing is that the mission of being an enemy of the people of the world has entered the final stage. I don't know what the reward for this mission is, and it won't be too bad if I think about it.

After all, the mission this time is not easy. There are thousands of monks who participated in the siege just now. If the sects of these monks are to be wiped out one by one, the enemy may have tens of thousands of monks.

And once he kills many sects, he will definitely affect his whole body, attracting almost all the monks of sects who can name him in Tiannan to come to kill him.

Not to mention that there is another ancestor Teng who is about to hit the Fusion Realm and succeed.

This made his situation even more dangerous.

Du Yuesheng smiled slightly, with a look of indifference, and said: "The fourth-level region is really thrilling, but the emperor likes it. I really want to stand at the peak of the fourth-level region one day, what it will be like!"

Suddenly, Du Yuesheng's eyes froze, and when he lowered his head, he saw a figure still squirming among the broken stones of Tianzi Peak that had already collapsed.

It seemed that the monk who hadn't died just now wanted to take the opportunity to escape.

"Hehe, I am worried that I can't find where your sect is, so you will send it to your door!"

Du Yuesheng praised his good luck, then swooped down and grabbed the undead monk into the air.

The monk was scared out of his wits, and shouted: "Don't, don't, don't kill me, senior. Whatever you want, as long as you have the little ones, give them to you!"

"You still want to cultivate with such guts? What's your name!" Du Yuesheng's face was full of disdain. Cultivation is going against the sky. If you want to ignore life and death, if you are frightened by something, the road to cultivation will not be long.

"The boy's name is Hu Sheng. What is the order of the senior? As long as the senior doesn't kill the kid, the kid is willing to do anything. Even if the senior wants to kill the kid's parents, the kid will definitely give it to him!" Hu Sheng hurriedly begged for mercy.

Du Yuesheng curled his lips, he was too lazy to talk to this villain who even dared to abandon his own parents, with the movement of Zhu Xianjian, a bloodstain appeared on Hu Sheng's neck, and his breath was also cut off at this moment.

"System, hand over this kid's soul to the underworld for interrogation, and find out where his sect is." Then Du Yuesheng ordered.

Soon, a system prompt was issued, and the judge of the underworld appeared in front of Du Yuesheng, and said respectfully: "I tell the emperor, Hu Sheng's sect is three hundred miles to the southeast, named Longshan sect, inside the sect There are like clouds of masters, there are dozens of Nascent Soul Seventh, Eighth and Ninth Layers, and there is a Longshan Patriarch who is out of the body at the Second Layer!"

"Is there a Longshan patriarch who is out of body at the second level?" Du Yuesheng frowned. He is about to experience the thunder calamity. After the thunder calamity, his cultivation has reached the second level of out of body. It's as simple as coming at your fingertips.

"Ding, the system prompts, so what if the mission is against the people of the world, it needs to be accelerated. Players are requested to kill a sect that participated in the siege of the player within one day, otherwise the mission will fail, and the punishment for failure is unknown!"

"I rely on it!"

Hearing the system prompt, Du Yuesheng almost bit off his tongue.

He just wanted to slow down before continuing the task, but he didn't expect the system to chase after him, and he was required to kill a sect within a day.

But now I know the position of Longshan Sect, and there are so many masters in Longshan Sect, it is really troublesome.

There was no other way, Du Yuesheng could only grit his teeth, and said: "Okay, you are the system and you are good, damn it, just go, I don't believe that I can't beat that Longshan patriarch!"

After finishing speaking, he turned his gaze to the southeast, raised his sword, and headed straight for Longshanzong.

At this moment, the Longshan Sect was in a bleak state. They sent more than 80 monks to participate in the encirclement and suppression of the devil, led by an elder at the seventh level of Nascent Soul.

But not long ago, they suddenly discovered that the soul jade slips of these cultivators who besieged the devil had all exploded almost at the same time.

If the soul jade slip is broken, it means that the person is dead.

It would be fine if there were one or two, but so many people died almost at the same time, which is really unexpected.

Although this force is not the strongest in Longshan Sect, it can be regarded as the backbone.

Therefore, after the deaths of these monks, the entire Longshan Sect was enveloped in a sense of sadness!

"Revenge, we want to avenge our brothers and elders!"

"Yes, we must kill that devil!"

"I heard that the devil is very protective of mortals. Hmph, everyone, who would like to go with me to slaughter those mortal villages at the foot of the mountain?"

Just when a group of disciples of the Golden Core Stage of Longshan Zong clamored to go down the mountain and slaughter several mortal villages, they saw a sword descending from the sky like a meteorite. Strong storm.

The disciples who were 100 meters away from the sword, including the disciples who had just clamored to kill the mortal village, were all crushed by the storm at this moment. Only then did people realize that the powerful storm was actually a sword. gas!

Someone unexpectedly came to Longshan Sect. In an instant, Longshan Sect shook up and down, and almost everyone looked in the direction of the sword.

I saw Du Yuesheng walking leisurely from the sky step by step to the ground, pulled out the Zhuxian sword, glanced at the corpses of Jindanqi disciples everywhere, grinned, and said:

"Sorry, I did it on purpose!"

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