The Most Violent Upgrade

Chapter 822: Crushing Out-of-Body Cultivators (Ninth Change)

When Du Yuesheng rushed over to Longshan Sect, he had already started thinking about how to face this battle.

It was at that time that he knew the effect of Po Li Dan.

After taking Poli Dan, within three minutes, the player will enter the potential squeeze mode, bursting out with ten times the normal strength. After three minutes, the player will enter a weak state, and the strength is not even as good as an ordinary mortal!

But after ten hours of weakness, the protagonist's strength will be doubled forever!

This is breaking and then standing!

Following Du Yuesheng's roar, Po Lidan immediately appeared in his hand.

Without the slightest hesitation, he directly swallowed Po Lidan in one mouthful!

"Hmph, do you still want to swallow pills to improve your strength? In this world, there is no pill that can bridge the gap between great realms!"

Seeing Du Yuesheng taking Poli Dan, the ancestor of Longshan was full of disdain, and raised his hand to grab it. The dragon under his feet stretched out a dragon claw that was the size of a house, and grabbed Du Yuesheng!

Seeing that the ancestor of Longshan had the upper hand, countless disciples of the Longshan sect knelt down and shouted: "The ancestor is mighty, let me honor the name of Longshan!"


But at this moment, the Poli Pill had already taken effect in the body, and at that moment, Du Yuesheng felt a steady stream of power gushing out from the elixir in his belly, filling his limbs and bones.

At this moment, Du Yuesheng even had an illusion that there was nothing in this world that could stop him!

"Haha! The feeling of being full of's so cool!" Du Yuesheng laughed loudly, and moved the Zhuxian sword in his hand randomly, and the sword light flashed across, and a gap suddenly appeared on the seemingly tyrannical dragon's claw.

Afterwards, the gap became bigger and bigger, and after a closer look, I suddenly discovered that it was Du Yuesheng who cut off the dragon claw with a single sword!

Jiaolong let out a long cry of pain, and it was rare for him to fly steadily. Patriarch Longshan's complexion changed, and he jumped up directly.

As soon as he flew away, he saw a beam of sword light shooting up from under the dragon's head. Immediately, the dragon's head was cut in two.

In an instant, the phantom of the flood dragon, which was still majestic just now, shattered like a bubble and turned into a palm-sized spell!

"The devil, how dare you destroy my dragon talisman!" Patriarch Longshan was extremely sad and indignant, forming seals with his hands, only to see the situation suddenly changed, and white lightning flashed in the clouds: "The devil, I swear to kill you! "

"Really!" Du Yuesheng shouted in a low voice, from bottom to top, raised his sword to kill, his whole body exuded a breathtaking light.

For a moment, Longshan Patriarch thought that a god really appeared.

But this time he was not soft, he clasped his five fingers, and there was a rumbling thunder, only to see hundreds of arm-thin lightnings falling from the sky, forming a dense network of lightning and killing Du Yuesheng.

"Excalibur Yulei Jue!"

Du Yuesheng was not relentless, he pointed his long sword at the sky, and a three-foot-thick lightning bolt was guided by Zhu Xianjian, and directly killed Longshan Patriarch.

For a moment, from the point of view of the lightning, Du Yuesheng actually had the absolute upper hand!

"Boy, your spells are really powerful, but unfortunately my cultivation base is higher than yours, so your spells are just superficial!"

But Patriarch Longshan had a disdainful smile on his face, and he didn't seem to care at all!

It's a pity that although Du Yuesheng's current cultivation base is still at the peak of Nascent Soul, he has taken Po Li Dan, and his strength has increased tenfold.


The silver thunder and lightning criss-crossed, like silver snakes fighting in the air, dazzling light constantly flashed between the sky and the earth.

Countless disciples of Longshan Sect were so frightened that they trembled all over and did not dare to move.

The smile on Longshan Patriarch's face gradually disappeared.

Because the thunder and lightning summoned by Du Yuesheng became more and more courageous as he fought, and he had already shattered several lightning bolts.

What's more terrible is that at this moment Du Yuesheng stretched out his hand and threw out three small black beads. Not only were the small black beads not afraid of the lightning attack, but they directly absorbed all the lightning wherever they went.


Patriarch Longshan was stunned. When he was still about to speak, he heard Du Yuesheng shout: "The emperor takes three steps!"


Du Yuesheng's whole body turned into an afterimage, and he appeared in front of Longshan Patriarch in an instant.

"Swallow the sky!"

With one sword strike, everything is destroyed, the old ancestor of the backer frowned, and repeated the same trick, he slapped out with a palm, trying to block it.

But this time, Du Yuesheng's sword was sharp and unparalleled, and he slashed across, directly cutting off the backing ancestor's palm, and was still going forward, directly wiping the backing ancestor's neck!

After a momentary pause, Patriarch Backer was horrified to find that he saw his own body—and it was a headless body.

Only at this time did he know that his head had been severed by Du Yuesheng's sword!


"Old Ancestor..."

"Impossible, how could the ancestor die?"

"Impossible, the ancestor cannot be killed by a devil!"

The disciples of Longshan Sect saw this scene, their eyes were tearing apart, and they couldn't believe the scene in front of them!

"Hmph, die to me!" It took more than a minute to kill the backer patriarch, and in less than two minutes, he will enter a weak state, and these people cannot be spared, otherwise he will It's dangerous!

So he directly took out his Nether Yellow Spring Banner and waved it with all his strength. With the increase of ten times his strength, the power of the Nether Yellow Spring Banner was instantly raised to the extreme.

A whirring gust of wind flew out, and even directly covered the entire gate of Longshan Zong.

The black wind dissipated in an instant. At this moment, I saw that the entire Longshan Sect was frozen into ice, and countless disciples were buried in it. Then I waved the Netherworld Flag, and the black fire flew down and rolled away. The entire Longshan Sect evaporated in an instant. !

Looking from a distance, the original Longshan Sect has been razed to the ground, which is extremely terrifying!

"I'm about to enter a weak state in more than a minute, I can't stay here!"

After killing Longshan Sect, Du Yuesheng did not relax at all, stepped on the Zhuxian Sword, turned into a stream of light, and fled far away.

At the same time, beside his ear, there was a sound of system notification.

"Ding, the system prompts, kill five hundred and seventy-three monks at the golden core stage, and get 566,792 fairy points!"

"Ding, the system prompts, kill 372 monks of the first level of Yuanying, and get 94488424 fairy points!"

"Ding, the system prompts, kill 232 Nascent Soul second-level monks, and get 35689462 fairy points!"

"Ding, the system prompts, kill one hundred and eighty-six Yuanying triple monks, and get 54568726 fairy points..."

"Ding, the system prompts,..."

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