The Most Violent Upgrade

Chapter 823 'Joy' (Tenth)

After a burst of hints for obtaining fairy points, the level hints followed.

"Ding, the system prompts that after the player has experienced the thunder calamity, all experience points including the third-level regional experience points will be distributed together, and the protagonist's level will be directly raised to the third-level state of out-of-body!"

"Ding, the system prompts, because the player has stored too much experience, the thunder tribulation arrived early, and the remaining time is ten days!"

"Ding, the system prompts, the task is to be an enemy of the world, and one-twentieth of it is completed, and the player gets a spell, Nirvana and Desolation!"

"Ding, the system mentions that the spell Nirvana Desolation Art absorbs the vitality of the world and transforms it into a spiritual attack. The lowest casting level is four levels of out-of-body!"

Hearing this, Du Yuesheng was overjoyed. Although the battle this time was dangerous, since he had gained so many experience points, it was not a loss.

You must know that all the experience points he gained in the main task of the battle between our monks and Xi are halved.

What is even more gratifying is that he got the spell of Nirvana and Desolation.

Now he understands that all the things obtained in the fourth-level area are good things. There is a Netherworld Banner in front of it, and there is a Poli Dan, so it can be seen that the Nirvana Desolation Art must also be a good thing that can kill people!

But before Du Yuesheng was happy for a long time, he heard another notification sound: "Ding, the system prompts that the player is in a weak state due to the aftereffect of using Poli Dan, and there are still 30 seconds left!"

"Damn it!" Du Yuesheng was taken aback immediately, at this moment he was still in the sky, if he suddenly entered a weak state, he would fall to death at such a height.

"Ding, the system prompts that the player is in a weak state after using Po Li Dan, and there are still 29 seconds left!"

"Ding, the system prompts that the player is in a weak state after using Po Li Dan, and there are still 28 seconds left!"


The countdown sound of the system was like a reminder to die. Du Yuesheng hurriedly lowered his altitude, but before he could return to the ground, he heard the voice of the system: "Ding, the system prompts that the countdown is over, and the player will immediately enter a weak state!"

Hearing this, Du Yuesheng felt like a dead soul, and couldn't help shouting out: "Ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, don't you have eight seconds left? Hey, hey, hey system, what kind of plane are you doing!"

"Ding, the system prompts that because the player has cast too many spells and caused a lot of consumption, there is an error in the timing."

"Damn..." Du Yuesheng only had time to yell, and felt all the power in his body recede like a tide, waves of powerlessness came from the deepest part of his body, and then his eyes went dark, and he lost consciousness completely. The whole person fell from the sky like a stone.


I don't know how long it took before Du Yuesheng opened his eyes suddenly, with almost no strength in his whole body, even lifting his eyelids felt laborious.

After wasting a lot of time, he barely managed to stand up, and when he looked up, there was a flat wheat field all around him, with a gust of wind blowing and the waves of wheat rolling, which was considered beautiful.

It's just that he is not in the mood to look at the beautiful scenery at the moment: "System, tell me how long I have been lying here!"

"Ding, the system prompts that the player has been in a coma for exactly one day."

Du Yuesheng couldn't help but let out a long sigh, it's only been a day, and there are still nine days of weakness.

Fortunately, although he fell into a weak state, his basic physical fitness was still there, otherwise he would have to starve to the ground this day.

Then he was ready to find a direction to leave here.

He destroyed Longshan Sect, there must be many people looking for him now, they must be careful to hide to be safe.

But at this moment, a voice of conversation suddenly came from the side of the farmland: "Grandpa, look, there are more people coming out of our field!"

Du Yuesheng turned his head to look, only to see an old man bowed and trembling beside the farmland, holding a cute little girl in calico clothes, looking at him.

For a moment, Du Yuesheng felt a little embarrassed. He fell from the sky and must have smashed other people's wheat.

He hurriedly and cautiously stepped out of the field, ready to leave.

Unexpectedly, the little girl said again: "Hey, big brother, are you hungry?"

Du Yuesheng was taken aback, then turned around and asked, "Why do you say that?"

"Because big brother, you are staggering when you walk, and it looks like you are hungry and have no energy!" The little girl said with a smile.

As she said that, the little girl also took out a piece of bread and a pot of water from the basket behind her, ran over bouncingly, and stuffed them to Du Yuesheng.

Du Yuesheng was stunned for a moment, he couldn't laugh or cry at once, he was a majestic emperor, and his existence of turning clouds and rains with waving hands, was now regarded by a little girl as a homeless man with no food.

"Eat, you don't need money!" The little girl didn't see Du Yuesheng's helplessness, and thought that Du Yuesheng didn't have money if he didn't eat.

In desperation, Du Yuesheng could only take two bites of the cake and drank some water, and the little girl laughed.

Du Yuesheng thought for a while, and then said: "The Emperor of Heaven remembers you. If you have any wishes, you can tell the Emperor of Heaven. After nine days, the Emperor of Heaven will come to help you realize your wishes!"

The little girl's eyes opened wide, and her eyes were full of disbelief: "Big brother, are you hungry and dizzy?"

Du Yuesheng was speechless again, unexpectedly being despised by this little girl again.

The little girl's grandfather limped over with a cane and said, "Xi Le, let's go, we still have to weed the field."

Du Yuesheng didn't continue to persuade, but just asked: "Little girl, is your name Xile?"

"Yes!" The little girl nodded and said, "Because my life is very bitter, so grandpa named me Xile. Hey, big brother, you said you can help me realize my wish, so can I ask my daddy to come back? He Gone when I was born!"

It's not difficult to find someone.

Du Yuesheng patted his chest and said, "No problem!"

"Ding, the system prompts, the main task, our monks and Xi's battle, enter the second stage, sad joy, nine days later, joy will enter the test of life and death, players please prepare!"

"Damn it!" Du Yuesheng's eyes widened. He never thought that a random little girl would be the second step of the main mission. It was really speechless.

And the name of this task seems to reveal some news. Nine days later, when Du Yuesheng resumed his cultivation, Xi Le will enter the test of life and death. No, we must protect Xi Le!

Du Yuesheng already loves and loves this kind little girl from the bottom of his heart, and he will never let her get hurt in the slightest.

So Du Yuesheng bit the bread and drank cold water, walked slowly to the dense forest next to the land, took out the shadow cloak and put it on, his breath and figure were completely covered.

In this way, in the remaining nine days, even a tyrannical enemy like Patriarch Teng would not be able to find him, so he can slowly wait for his cultivation to recover!


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