The Most Violent Upgrade

Chapter 824 Take You To Kill (Part 1)

For the next time, Du Yuesheng wore a shadow cloak and sat in the forest, watching Xi Le and grandpa working.

Xi Le is a kind little girl. Although she is young, she has never been lazy, and even brought water to grandpa to wipe his sweat.

From time to time, I even worry about whether Du Yuesheng will go to the forest and starve to death, which makes people laugh.

Time flies, today is the tenth day of weakness, and in another twenty minutes, he will be able to recover his cultivation.

But at this moment, Du Yuesheng was not very happy, but frowned.

Because the joy of having to work in the fields every day has not come.

"Did something happen?" Du Yuesheng frowned tightly, remembering his mission-sorrowful joy!

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but brace himself and stood up, trying to find Xile's home along the direction that Xile came every day.

But at this moment, there was a sound of piercing in the sky, and two monks in yellow came down from the sky with their swords on their feet.

After they checked the field for a while, someone suddenly stopped on the wheat field where Du Yuesheng had been lying ten days ago, and shouted loudly:

"Brother, look, here is a piece of wheat that has been flattened, as if someone has fallen over here!"

"Hmph, as expected, I said that we came after the breath of the hundred-day lore order, why did it disappear here!"

"The grandpa and grandson are lying. Du Yuesheng fell into their fields. They must have hidden them. Go back and ask the grandpa and grandson of Du Yuesheng's whereabouts. If they still don't tell me, kill them and arrest them." Soul torture!"

After speaking, the two stood up with their swords, and their figures quickly disappeared in place.

As for Du Yuesheng, wearing the shadow cloak and running leisurely early on.

He thought that wearing the shadow cloak could completely block the effect of the hundred-day lore order, but he didn't expect to attract people in the end, and what's worse, these monks actually wanted to attack Xi Le!

If you can see him at this moment, you will find that his expression has changed from the so-called ferocious, and his eyes are as cold as three or nine days!

"Two bastards, if you dare to attack Xi Le, the Emperor of Heaven will make your life worse than death!"

Running and running, Du Yuesheng simply tore off the shadow cloak and ran.

Twenty minutes is not long or short, just when Du Yuesheng's inner anger could no longer be suppressed, he finally heard that pleasant system prompt:

"Ding, congratulations to the player who passed the ten-day period of weakness, recovered his cultivation, and doubled his strength!"

"Ding, the system prompts, players please pay attention, there is still one hour left before the thunder tribulation arrives, players please be prepared!"

Du Yuesheng didn't pay attention to the second prompt sound at all, he only felt a steady stream of strength pouring out from the deepest part of his body.

That feeling of power made him feel the so-called comfort.

What is always owned is not precious, what is lost is precious.

This time Du Yuesheng lost all his power for ten days, so when he has power again, he will feel so comfortable!

"Joy, the Emperor of Heaven is here!"

But Du Yuesheng didn't waste time to feel this comfort, he just made a quick move, and with a swish, the Zhuxian sword flew up, he jumped up, stepped on the Zhuxian sword, and his whole body directly turned into a long rainbow piercing the sky, and went straight to the direction of joy and go.

In just a dozen or so breaths, he saw a small hut in the distance.

It's just outrageous that the hut is now being consumed by raging fire.

Those two monks in yellow stood in front of the hut, grasping the tears of joy on their faces, and shouted loudly: "Tell me where Du Yuesheng is, if you don't tell me, you will die with your grandfather!"

From afar, Du Yuesheng saw his grandfather lying in a pool of blood.

" attack an ignorant mortal again!" Du Yuesheng's hair stood on end, his eyes were bloodshot, it was the expression of extreme anger: "Destroy me!"

Still a hundred meters away, Du Yuesheng raised his hand to suppress him, not relying on any spells or treasures, but relying on his own powerful cultivation to suppress him!


As if a mountain was coming over the top, the two yellow-clothed monks burst into pieces, and they didn't know who killed them until they died!


At this time, Du Yuesheng fell from the sky.

"Big Brother!" Xi Le burst into tears, ran over and hugged Du Yuesheng tightly: "They killed Grandpa!"

"I have avenged your grandfather, and I will kill all the people related to these two monks!"

Du Yuesheng gritted his teeth and said word by word.

Xi Le broke down in tears, she didn't know what a monk was, and she didn't understand why these people wanted to kill her grandfather.

All she has now is sadness.

When Du Yuesheng saw this, the anger in his heart not only did not decrease by half, on the contrary, it became more and more vigorous.

"Hmph, don't you want to find the Emperor of Heaven? The Emperor of Heaven is here, who dares to come over!"

In the end, Du Yuesheng couldn't bear it any longer, raised his head to the sky and shouted loudly, his voice was mixed with his cultivation, and spread rapidly towards the surroundings.

And the hundred-day lore order above his head also suddenly burst into an extremely dazzling light, not to mention a radius of a hundred miles, even people within a radius of a thousand miles can see it clearly!

In an instant, many monks who were looking for Du Yuesheng within a thousand miles all raised their heads in unison, and looked in the same direction!

"The hundred-day lore order has appeared, over there, let's go!"

"It's strange, why the light of this hundred-day lore is so bright, something is wrong!"

"If something's wrong, just go!"

"Yes, if the demon boss destroys the Longshan Sect, he will eventually find our sect. Either he dies or I die!"

On Du Yuesheng's side, after he used his cultivation to bring out the light of the hundred-day lore order to the extreme, he lowered his head, looked at Xi Le, and said, "Xi Le, come with brother!"

Xi Le shook her head, pointed at Grandpa's corpse, and said, "Big Brother, can you revive Grandpa?"

Du Yuesheng paused, gritted his teeth, and said, "It's not impossible, but it's not possible now, I can't open the Kingdom of God, and it definitely won't work without an altar."

Xi Le looked puzzled, she didn't understand too much.

When Du Yuesheng thought about it, he simply used his spiritual power to protect his grandfather's body. With a flip of his hands, a mountain turned upside down and buried his grandfather's body inside.

Only Du Yuesheng can move mountains into graves.

"Okay, Xile, come back to resurrect Grandpa when you have a chance in the future, now you go with me first!"

After finishing all this, Du Yuesheng turned around and said to Xi Le.

But Joy, whose tears were still wet, had a puzzled expression on his face, and said, "But, big brother, where are you taking me?"

After Du Yuesheng thought about it, he said word by word: "Take you to kill people!"

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