The Most Violent Upgrade

Chapter 825 Say You Die, You Die (Second)

Take you to kill!

Just five words are enough to show the anger in Du Yuesheng's heart.

He casually took out a elixir for washing the marrow and cutting the bones and fed it to Xi Le.

Of course, for Du Yuesheng, a random elixir is also the existence that makes this group of people in the comprehension world overwhelmed.

If the calculation is correct, Xi Le will be able to embark on the path of cultivation after taking this elixir.

"What kind of candy is this? Why is it tasteless!" Xi Le asked suspiciously.

Du Yuesheng laughed, and said: "That's a pill. From now on, you'll be a cultivator. Okay, don't talk about it. Go, I'll take it to kill people!"

After finishing speaking, Du Yuesheng grasped the joy and soared into the sky.

As a result, before flying fifty miles away, a group of monks surrounded him from a distance.

"Devil, let me see where you can escape this time!"

There are seventy or eighty monks in this group, and the lowest level of cultivation is the seventh level of the Nascent Soul. It is definitely a tyrannical fighting force. Unfortunately, in Du Yuesheng's eyes, this is a group of ants!

He didn't even bother to say a word to them, he just raised his hand and clapped it, and suddenly an invisible big hand condensed in the sky.

The big hand fell, and a gust of wind was blown up, and the dozens of Nascent Soul masters were shot to death without even a chance to speak.

"Big brother is amazing!" Xi Le was shocked.

Du Yuesheng grinned, didn't speak, and continued to move forward.

In the distance, seeing this scene, a group of monks were so frightened that they quickly hid themselves and did not dare to show their heads. They even lowered their voices when they spoke:

"Everyone, this devil's strength is getting stronger every time. I'm afraid we are looking for death when we go up. What do you think we should do?"

The crowd fell silent. They couldn't beat so many masters with one palm.

Suddenly, someone directly said: "Then call our ancestors to join forces. The ancestor of Longshan was killed alone, but it doesn't mean that this kid can defeat the ancestors of so many sects with his own strength!"

"It makes sense, I will immediately notify the ancestor, with our ancestor's strength, we can get here in a quarter of an hour at most!"

"Our ancestors are also..."

"Our ancestors are not slow..."

Soon, the monks made up their minds to ask the ancestor to come and kill Du Yuesheng.

After they crushed the sound transmission jade slips one by one and passed the news back, they were about to breathe a sigh of relief when they suddenly heard a voice ringing in their ears: "Have you all called your ancestors over here? ?”

"Called!" Several monks replied subconsciously.

But after they finished answering, they realized that something was wrong, and quickly raised their heads to look, only to realize that Du Yuesheng had come behind them at some point.

These monks are also masters at the eighth or even ninth level of the Nascent Soul. Seeing this scene, they couldn't help sweating profusely. They were about to explain, but they heard Du Yuesheng sneered and said: "In this case, you can die, Zhu Xian, swallow the sky! "

With a swing of the sword, the sword light danced, and all the monks present had no strength to resist, and were directly chopped into a pile of minced meat.

Then Du Yuesheng returned to Xi Le, took out the shadow cloak, handed it to Xi Le, and said: "Xi Le, my brother is going to do something on the mountain ahead, and you are here. Wear this cloak to look at me, okay? "

Xi Le nodded, and cleverly took the shadow cloak and put it on, and immediately she disappeared in place, even Du Yuesheng couldn't feel where she was.

"Xi Le, if I don't let you come out, don't come out, understand?" Du Yuesheng could only speak to the air.

Then a joyful voice sounded: "Got it!"

After arranging Xile, Du Yuesheng rose directly with the sword, stayed away from Xile, and waited quietly.

At the same time, he also asked in his heart: "System, how long is the thunder disaster coming?"

"Ding, the system prompts that there are still 20 minutes left before the thunder tribulation arrives, players please be prepared!"

Hearing this, a sneer appeared on the corner of Du Yuesheng's mouth. In the past, I always saw people saying that the thunder calamity must be endured alone. If anyone dared to appear within the range of the thunder calamity, he would be attacked by the thunder calamity.

And the stronger the person who came, the stronger the thunder that fell on him.

This time, it is a good opportunity to test this legend.

call out!

A sound of piercing suddenly came from a distance. Looking up, there were monks appearing in the south, and there were quite a few monks densely packed, covering the sky and the sun. At a glance, there might be thousands of monks.

Suddenly, the sound of sword energy piercing through the air came from the east. Before Du Yuesheng could take a closer look, countless monks also appeared from the west and north.

At this time, after looking again, Du Yuesheng discovered that there were thousands of monks appearing in all directions around him. In total, there were probably four to five thousand monks who had arrived here.

And after a quick look, he found that among the monks who came here this time, the one with the lowest strength was also the fifth stage of the Nascent Soul.

The most powerful ones are the dozen or so old men flying in the front. Each of them has a strong aura and a majestic aura, and they are definitely monks in the realm of leaving their bodies.

"Nineteen ancestors... Hehe, it seems that as long as I kill these nineteen ancestors, and then kill all the disciples they brought, the task of becoming an enemy of the world will be completed!"

Thinking of this, the smile on the corner of Du Yuesheng's mouth became colder and colder.

Nearly 5,000 monks surrounded it, and without anyone casting a spell to release a magic weapon, it was already covering the sky and blocking out the sun.

Sword lights of various colors are hesitating, illuminating the entire sky in a colorful and incomparably gorgeous way.

"Hmph, devil, death is imminent, why are you still laughing!" an old ancestor who was out of his body at the first level stood up and shouted in a cold voice.

"I'm laughing that you are going to die." Du Yuesheng said lightly.

The patriarch of the 1st stage of ecstasy suddenly became furious, and shouted: "Bold devil, today our nineteen sects joined forces, all the elites came out, and none of the dozen or so patriarchs of ecstasy came here, how dare you speak nonsense! Is the old man going to die?"

"You still don't believe me when I say I want you to die?" Du Yuesheng raised his head: "Diwei!"

In an instant, the strength increased by ten times, and the body was added instantly, and after taking Po Li Dan, Du Yuesheng's strength was permanently doubled, that is to say, the current ten times bonus is equivalent to ten times before ten days ago addition!

That's why Du Yuesheng didn't use it to guard against Emperor Wei and Furen that day, but used Poli Dan!

At this moment, Du Yuesheng's power was so powerful that it far surpassed everyone present!

He just had a thought, and heard a bang. His speed was so fast that it had already surpassed the speed of sound, and there was a burst of sonic boom.

And in the next second, he appeared in front of the ancestor who was out of his body, and punched out with a punch without fancy.

With a bang, the ancestor's head was smashed like a watermelon, and he died instantly.

At this time, Du Yuesheng grinned, turned his head to look at the others, and said word by word: "Look, the Emperor of Heaven said that he was going to die, so he died, and now the Emperor of Heaven are all going to die!"

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