The Most Violent Upgrade

Chapter 826 Doomed (Part 3)

As soon as Du Yuesheng said a word, the complexions of the people present could not help but change.

The top master among them just now, an ancestor who had just passed the first level of his body, was unexpectedly killed by Du Yuesheng in a single face-to-face.

This means that Du Yuesheng's strength has far exceeded their expectations.

And now that Du Yuesheng said such words again, I'm afraid their future is in jeopardy!

Under the strong fear, many monks quietly hid behind the crowd, as if they were afraid of being noticed by Du Yuesheng.

"What are you afraid of!" A third-level patriarch stood up and shouted in a cold voice: "Everyone do it immediately, do it together, it's hard for this kid to protect himself, I don't believe he still has time to attack!"

When he was speaking, the third-level patriarch who was out of his body moved immediately, and his figure was erratic like a piece of floating dust, attacking Du Yuesheng from an extremely strange angle.

"Patriarch Qingfeng is waiting for me, I'll come too!" Another patriarch moved, and saw this patriarch turned into a bolt of lightning and blasted towards Du Yuesheng.

"Ancestor Yun, I can't wait anymore!" After saying that, the rest of the ancestors set off together, and they all used their strongest moves to kill Du Yuesheng.

At this moment, the sky and clouds changed color, the sky was dark, and more than a dozen out-of-body masters joined forces to attack. With such power, even the fifth-level out-of-body masters might be hard to stop!

Even Du Yuesheng, who was standing in the center, couldn't help frowning in the face of this siege.

But just about this matter, the system's voice rang: "Ding, the system prompts that a thunder disaster is coming, please take precautions, this thunder disaster will last for ten minutes, and please clean up the surrounding area. characters, otherwise Lei Jie will attack the people around him according to their level of cultivation!"


Hearing this, Du Yuesheng looked up to the sky and burst out laughing, the thunder catastrophe came, and it was exactly as he thought, this time the thunder catastrophe would pull everyone around him into the thunder catastrophe.

And the range is still one mile in radius. Now he is simply a human-shaped bomb with a diameter of one mile. He can explode wherever he goes. Are you amazing? It's useless to be powerful, Lei Jie will increase its power according to your strength, no matter how powerful it is, there will only be a dead end!

Du Yuesheng even regretted why he wasn't near Fengtianzong, so that he could kill Patriarch Teng together!

However, it is useless to regret, and the enemies in front of you are not weak, so kill the group of enemies in front of you first!

It was too late and then too soon, the sky was instantly covered with dark clouds, rumbling thunder resounded in the ears, and lightning flashed through the clouds, making the sky uncertain!

"How is this going?"

The faces of many ancestors who were about to attack Du Yuesheng suddenly changed, and they looked at each other, and read two words from each other's eyes:

Thunder Tribulation!

"This kid is going to be promoted to be out of body at this time?"

"Impossible, all the monks who have advanced to the out of body must practice in seclusion, otherwise it will be difficult to lure the sky thunder. This kid must have come up with a way to escape!"

"Yes, this Thunder Tribulation must be fake!"

Several ancestors looked at each other, and immediately some people did not believe that this was a real thunder disaster, and they still went forward to kill Du Yuesheng.


A bolt of lightning suddenly appeared, pierced the sky, aimed straight at the head of an ancestor rushing in the front, and blasted down.

"Not good!" The patriarch wailed, raised his hand up quickly, and threw out a talisman - a big umbrella.


But as Lei Jie fell, that big umbrella was turned into a piece of fly ash!

Immediately afterwards, there was another click, and a thunder fell from the sky again!

"It's going to die!" The ancestor hurriedly wanted to escape.

But Du Yuesheng sneered, and said: "If you want to escape at this time, isn't it too late!"

While speaking, he stepped on the Immortal Execution Sword and chased after him. Immediately, one after another, the sky thunder continued to fall, directly smashing the ancestor into flying ashes!

"No, run, this kid is really going through a tribulation!"

"We are in the area where he crosses the calamity, and we will be affected by the thunder calamity!"

"What kind of monster is this kid, who can attract thunder without retreating!"

"And isn't he afraid that if he is not fully prepared, he will be bombarded and killed by Lei Jie!"

Seeing this scene, the other ancestors finally came to their senses, their complexions changed again and again, they had no fighting intention at all, and immediately wanted to scatter and run away!

But Du Yuesheng grinned, looked around and said, "I'm sorry, if you want to escape now, it's a bit late. It was just a prelude, and now is the official start!"

These patriarchs besieged Du Yuesheng just now and stopped only a hundred or two hundred meters away from him. How could they escape?

Click click click!

Dozens of extremely powerful lightning bolts fell from the sky almost at the same time, and they were very accurate, blasting and killing those ancestors.

One by one, the ancestors didn't have time to escape, and they all resorted to their most powerful means, trying to escape.

But as the spells they cast became stronger, the power of the sky thunder became stronger.

All of a sudden, the patriarchs, who are usually aloof, were devastated by the thunder.

Look, this old ancestor has disheveled hair and a big bald spot on his head. He could tell that a thunderbolt had hit his head. If it wasn't for the magic weapon protecting his head, he might have died.

Look at this patriarch again, he is covered in ragged clothes, not even a beggar, it is his cassock, he just carried it to resist the thunder, and it became like this!

Look at this ancestor, accidentally, he was directly hit by the sky thunder, and died immediately.



The ancestors yelled and scolded again and again, they have never been so embarrassed for thousands of years.

"Is that bastard devil dead or not? If the devil is dead, the thunder tribulation will stop. If he doesn't die, I won't be able to hold it anymore!" Patriarch Qingfeng yelled.

Many patriarchs took time out to take a look at Du Yuesheng, and it was okay not to look at it, but the patriarchs who could resist the thunder for a while almost died of anger.

At this moment, Du Yuesheng was covered by several bolts of lightning, and the surroundings were completely white, which was extremely dazzling.

But you can still see Du Yuesheng walking leisurely in the lightning, like strolling in a courtyard.

A bolt of lightning fell, he stretched out his hand to grab it, and the lightning disappeared, and two bolts of lightning fell, he opened his mouth and shouted sharply, and the lightning disappeared again.

"How could this happen!" The monks present were stunned and couldn't figure out why.

How did they know that Du Yuesheng's strength at this moment can be compared with a master who is out of the body at the first and second level. How could the lightning that fell according to his Nascent Soul stage cultivation base hurt him?

"Heaven is going to kill me!" An old ancestor looked up to the sky and sighed, and finally couldn't resist the power of the sky thunder, and was blasted into flying ash.

This is just the beginning, when many ancestors found out that Du Yuesheng could face Lei Jie so easily, they were ashamed.

Because they know that this time, they are doomed!

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