The Most Violent Upgrade

Chapter 829 Opening of the Sky Domain (Part 1)

Just a punch.

Moreover, it was an extremely easy and freehand punch that directly killed Dong Chenfeng.

Suddenly, everyone felt their cheeks burn. The person they were mocking actually had such tyrannical strength.

On the contrary, Du Yuesheng looked indifferent. For him, the third-tier region has no opponents.

Perhaps only the Tier 4 area is a little bit difficult.

He walked over to the sluggish-looking referee and said to him, "Now that I have ascended to the fourth-level region, do I have to ascend to the fourth-level in Seizing the Sky Ranking Tournament?"

The referee was taken aback for a moment, then suddenly realized, and said with a surprised face: "What, you have already ascended to the fourth-level region? Then you should indeed be in the fourth-level seizing the sky ranking battle, but you want to go to the fourth-level ranking To fight, you must have the heart of the mainland in the fourth-level region."

Du Yuesheng paused, and had no choice but to say: "I see, help me arrange the next battle, as soon as possible."

After that, he turned and left.

The referee quickly stopped him and said, "Hey, you haven't received your reward yet."

Du Yuesheng waved his hand: "You keep it for yourself."

It's just a third-level ranking match, no matter how good the reward is, it's useless to Du Yuesheng.

After leaving the ring, Du Yuesheng said directly: "System, send me to Tiannan!"

"Ding, the system prompts that the transmission is starting!"

"Transmission successful!"

The foreground changed rapidly, and soon Du Yuesheng appeared in Tiannan again.

"Heavenly Battle, Joy, wait for me!"

Du Yuesheng said in his heart that he was rushing towards the entrance of the Tianyu War at a high speed.

Soon, he appeared at the entrance of the Tianyu War - Zhongshen Mountain Range!

From a distance, the Zhongshen Mountains are very ordinary, but at the moment it is crowded with people.

At a glance, there are monks all over the mountains and plains, some monks are standing directly with their hands behind their backs, some monks are standing directly on the magic weapon with their magic weapons, some are still joking with their companions, and some are looking straight ahead and motionless.

At the same time, there are still streamers coming here from all directions, and each streamer represents that a monk has arrived here.

At a glance, the number of monks present may have exceeded 300,000 to 400,000, and three days later, when the Tianyu opens, it is unknown how many monks will be here.

This Tianyu battle is probably the most important event in Tiannan!

After Du Yuesheng landed, even though a big "kill" word appeared above his head, it didn't attract many people's attention.

Because there are no less than a thousand monks who have been ordered to kill for a hundred days, he is really inconspicuous among them.

Du Yuesheng stood there quietly, and said to the system in his heart: "System, help me find out what is special about the Zhongshen Mountain Range in front of me!"

"Ding, the system prompts, the investigation begins!"

"Ding, the system prompts that after the investigation is complete, there is a void crack in the Zhongshen Mountains that is expanding. After three days, the void crack will be fully opened, and players can enter it then!"

Du Yuesheng frowned and asked, "Enter the void?"

"Ding, the system prompts that there is a broken continent in the void. Entering the void from here will directly reach this broken continent!"

Hearing this, Du Yuesheng finally understood. It seems that the so-called Tianyu should be this broken continent.

In this shattered continent, there must have been many battles in those years. Naturally, many powerful magic weapons will be left behind.

Maybe because this broken continent is so old, there are still many treasures in it.

To put it bluntly, entering the Heaven Realm is a journey of treasure hunting. For monks, this is an opportunity not to be missed, no wonder so many people come here.

Du Yuesheng grinned, and then sat down quietly, waiting for the opening of Tianyu.

Time passed by every minute and every second.

Three days seemed like a flick of a finger, and during this period, countless masters came. At a glance, there are probably millions of people.

Moreover, among these people, the lowest level of cultivation is the peak of Jindan, there are countless Nascent Soul masters, out-of-body masters abound, and there are even tens of thousands of distraction masters.

Suddenly, a loud shout sounded: "Look, the people from Fengtianzong, one of the top ten sects, have arrived!"

Du Yuesheng raised his eyes and looked over, only to see a rainbow light coming from the sky, stopping over the Zhongshen Mountain Range, motionless, but the rainbow light did not disappear, and it was not clear how many people were in it and how strong they were. How strong.

"This time the top ten sects will definitely come!" Someone said.

Sure enough, next, all the top ten sects arrived one after another, and they were either in the huge magic weapon, or in the dazzling red light, they didn't show up at all.

But even if they don't show up, no one dares to touch the edge of these sects.

But what made Du Yuesheng a little speechless was that the Poxu Sect he wanted to see seemed to be late and hadn't come yet.

Just when he was a little impatient, he heard an earth-shattering explosion.

He turned his head and saw that the Zhongshen Mountains trembled in front of him, and a dark gap suddenly appeared in the air above the mountains.

"Void Cracks Appeared!"

Du Yuesheng frowned.

With the appearance of the void cracks, many monks finally couldn't bear it anymore, and they rose up with their swords and turned into a stream of light, shooting towards the void cracks.

In an instant, the sound of piercing the sky was deafening, covering up the sound of cracks in the void.

And the monks covering the sky directly covered the sky, making it dark.

Du Yuesheng was not in a hurry to go in, he was still waiting.

As time passed, three or four hours passed, and almost all of the millions of monks entered the Tianyu, but he hadn't waited for the one who broke the virtual sect.

But at this moment, a white rainbow came through the sky, as fast as lightning, it appeared from the horizon in an instant, and then entered the sky domain.

Many cultivators who were preparing to enter the Heavenly Territory at the entrance of the crack in the void were unable to dodge in time, and were directly blasted by the long rainbow and turned into fly ash!

"So overbearing, this must be someone from the Shattering Xu Sect!" Someone said enviously.

"Are you there?" Du Yuesheng raised his eyelids, and without any hesitation, he jumped forward, stepped on the Immortal Execution Sword, and flew into the crack in the void.

It was very safe to pass through the void crack, but after more than ten minutes, he got out of the void crack and arrived at the so-called Tianyu.

Looking up, even Du Yuesheng, who was well-informed, was stunned by the scene in front of him.

There are high mountains tens of thousands of feet high everywhere, which are several times larger than the high mountains in the outside world. The trees on the mountains are also towering like clouds, and giant trees with a height of one thousand meters can be seen by looking up.

And not far ahead, there was a huge monster like a small mountain. The monster's body was shining with light, and it was obvious that it was covered with treasures.

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