The Most Violent Upgrade

Chapter 830: Out of Body Peak (Second Change)

There are tens of thousands of monks gathered together, blasting and killing this monster, magic weapons are flying all over the sky, and magic spells are rumbling.

But more monks directly bypassed this monster and continued to move forward, looking for greater opportunities in the depths of the sky.

Du Yuesheng is also not interested in these things. His only purpose in going to Tianyu is to find joy again!

But the sky didn't fulfill his wishes, that monster as huge as a mountain suddenly rushed towards him.

"This Heavenly Emperor is not looking for you, but you are here to look for this Heavenly Emperor. System, help me find out how strong this monster is!"

Reading Yueshang said with a sneer.

"Ding, the system prompts, the investigation begins!"

"Ding, the system prompts that the investigation is complete. This monster is named Mountain Beast. It is named for its huge size, and its strength is comparable to that of the eighth-level out-of-body beast."

Du Yuesheng sneered after hearing this: "It's just out of the eightfold!"

He is now at the sixth level of out-of-body cultivation, killing this mountain beast is effortless, with the Zhuxian sword in his hand, he aimed at the mountain beast and slashed it down.

A sword light pierced the sky, and the rushing mountain beast crashed into the sword light, the sword light went straight, and cut the mountain beast in two from the middle!

Seeing this scene, the cultivator who besieged the monster froze in place.

Among the tens of thousands of monks, there are many masters who have left the body, but no one can reach even half of Du Yuesheng's skill!

"Ding, the system prompts, the player kills a "Mountain Beast" and gets 2,548,564 fairy points!"

Du Yuesheng was taken aback when he heard that, there was actually a fairy point reward, and it was probably much higher than killing a human monk of the same realm.

"It's not bad." Du Yuesheng pouted, and didn't bother to take the body of the mountain beast. Even though the skin and scales on the mountain beast were gleaming, one could tell that there were many good treasures.

Du Yuesheng still doesn't like this thing.

But if he doesn't take it, others don't know that he doesn't take it.

A group of monks suddenly rose into the sky and surrounded Du Yuesheng.

"Huh?" Du Yuesheng frowned, did someone come to trouble him again?

After the group of monks surrounded Du Yuesheng, they were not in a hurry to talk to Du Yuesheng. Instead, they turned their heads and shouted to the surrounding monks: "Everyone, we worked together to surround this mountain beast, but this kid will be killed as soon as he comes over." The mountain beast obviously wants to seize the treasure, we can't let him succeed!"

"Damn it!" Du Yuesheng curled his lips, if it wasn't for this mountain beast blocking his way, he wouldn't bother to move, but he was framed by these people as wanting to seize the treasure.

The clay bodhisattva is still angry.

With a big wave of Du Yuesheng's hand, the Netherworld Flag appeared in his hand, and he waved it vigorously.

With a cry, a stream of black fire turned into a fire dragon and roared away, rushing to the corpse of the mountain beast and burning up.

In just a few breaths, the mountain beast that was as big as a hill turned into a pile of fly ash.

A gust of wind blew, and the sky was covered with white ash, as if it was snowing.

"You you you..." A group of monks pointed at Du Yuesheng and trembled angrily.

In their eyes, the extremely precious mountain beast was burned by Du Yuesheng.

"What happened to the Emperor of Heaven?" Du Yuesheng said calmly, as if he was describing a very inconspicuous incident:

"Didn't you say that the Emperor of Heaven wants to steal your things? Well, the Emperor of Heaven will do it, so as not to be wronged by you in vain!"

"court death!"

A monk wearing a Taoist robe and holding a dust whisk was furious. He raised his hand and swept the dust whisk. The wind gusts, and the surrounding trees were directly smashed by the dust whisk.


Du Yuesheng turned the Immortal Execution Sword in his hand, and a sword flower shook out. The sword light bloomed like a flower, and the sword light shone in all directions, and the dust whisk was cut off directly.

The sword light moved forward at a fast speed, instantly chopping the monk in Taoist robe into countless pieces.

As soon as this person died, it was like stabbing a hornet's nest. Hundreds of monks rushed to the sky: "Dare to kill my brother, disciple of Luo Fengzong, come with me!"

"The firefly dares to fight against the sun?" Du Yuesheng sneered, to deal with this group of monks who hadn't even come out of the body, he didn't even bother to use the Zhuxian sword, he just slapped his five fingers, concentrated his spiritual power, and grabbed down.

Suddenly, the situation changed, and a huge hand condensed in the air. Under the palm, hundreds of people became extremely small. With one palm, hundreds of people turned into puddles of flesh!

"This kid destroys our monsters and dares to kill people blatantly. Everyone, come with me and kill him!"

The monks were furious, shouting and about to kill them.

Du Yuesheng sneered again and again: "You really take yourself seriously, are you easy to bully when you are the emperor of heaven?"

As soon as the Youming Huangquan flag moved, black wind and black fire entangled and roared out. Wherever it went, not a single blade of grass grew. Thousands of monks were killed without even being able to utter a word.

In the blink of an eye, the monks who were still clamoring just now were wiped out, there were more than 2,000 people!

The remaining monks were still ready to kill Du Yuesheng with others.

But now that they came, they all froze in place, motionless, not daring to say a word.

"Ding, the system prompts, congratulations to the player for killing 458 Golden Core monks and getting 564895 fairy points!"

"Ding, the system prompts, congratulations to the player for killing 758 Nascent Soul monks and getting 22489222 fairy points!"

"Ding, the system prompts, congratulations to the player for killing 138 out-of-body monks and getting 245,687,592 fairy points."

"Ding, the system prompts, congratulations to the player for killing 56 out-of-body double monks and getting 93584586 fairy points!"

"Ding, the system prompts, congratulations to the player for killing 14 out-of-body triple monks and getting 15893549 fairy points!"

"Ding, congratulations to the player "Du Yuesheng", the level has been improved, and the current level is the seventh level of out-of-body!"

"Ding, congratulations to the player "Du Yuesheng", the level has been improved, and the current level is eight levels out of body!"

"Ding, congratulations to the player "Du Yuesheng", the level has been improved, and the current level is the ninth level of out-of-body!"

"Ding, congratulations to the player "Du Yuesheng", the level has been improved, and the current level is at the peak of out-of-body!"

Hearing the sound of the system prompt, Du Yuesheng was slightly happy. Although these idiots are annoying, the experience value is still good.

It's a pity that there are really few out-of-body monks here, otherwise, the experience points gained will be more, and I'm afraid they can rush towards the distraction state!

Thinking of this, Du Yuesheng didn't bother to deal with these little Nascent Souls anymore, so under the horrified eyes of everyone, he jumped up and walked towards the depths of Tianyu.

The more expert you are, the deeper you will go.

But not long after he walked out, he heard the system's notification sound.

"Ding, the system prompts that a player has been detected entering the sky domain, and the side mission, the master of the sky domain, is activated."

"Lord of the Heaven Domain?" Du Yuesheng frowned, and asked quickly: "System, let me introduce the mission of the Master of the Heaven Domain!"

"Ding, the system prompts, the task of the master of the sky domain, the player is limited to become the master of the sky domain within one month!"

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