The Most Violent Upgrade

Chapter 831 Distracted and slaughtered like a dog (third update)

"Do you want to become the Lord of the Sky Domain within a month?"

Du Yuesheng felt dizzy for a while, he was just looking for joy, how could he still receive the task, and he still received such a powerful task.

There are millions of monks in Tianyu, and there are many strong people. I am afraid that there are many masters in the combined state.

How can it be easy to grab Tianyu from this group of people?

But after thinking about it carefully, Du Yuesheng became more heroic: "Hey, the more difficult the task, the more I like it. I am afraid that he will do something, so let the storm come more violently. Write it. I will definitely become a god!" Lord of the Domain!"

With a long howl, it flew more than ten miles away, extremely relaxed and freehand.

"Hmph, it's a ridiculous thing for an unknown person to want to become the Lord of the Heaven Realm!"

A sneering voice suddenly came from above the mountain in front, and following that sarcasm, there was also a stream of light.

Du Yuesheng took a closer look, only to find that there was a person in the streamer, and this person was extremely powerful, his cultivation level definitely surpassed that of the out-of-body, at least he was a master of distraction.

This place is not particularly deep, there are still many monks around. Seeing this scene, many monks sneered at Du Yuesheng.

"However, it's really stupid to dare to claim to be the master of the Heavenly Domain just after leaving the Aperture Realm!"

"Hey, now he has hit the iron plate, the person in the streamer seems to be a master of distraction!"

"It must be the daring lunatic who left the body that made Senior Distracted unhappy, and that lunatic must have no good fruit to eat!"

The comments from the people around did not change Du Yuesheng's complexion, but when he saw the distracted master, Du Yuesheng's eyes lit up.

"I'm worried about where to find experience to upgrade, and the experience will come. If I kill this master of distraction, I'm afraid I should enter the realm of distraction!"

Du Yuesheng's body immediately activated the Nirvana and Desolation Realm.

If someone looked carefully around Du Yuesheng, they would find that the ground centered on him, the flowers, plants and trees suddenly began to wither slowly.

And as time goes by, the scope of the withering is getting bigger and bigger.

At this moment, the master of distraction also came in front of Du Yuesheng, snorted disdainfully, and said to Du Yuesheng: "Boy, you are crazy, now I will let you kneel down and take back what you just said, otherwise I will blame you for being rude!"

Du Yuesheng laughed, and said: "So what if the Emperor is crazy? Now the Emperor said that since you are rude to the Emperor, the Emperor will kill you!"

The distracted master was furious, he slapped his forehead, and opened his mouth to spit out a spirit sword: "Bold madman, kill me!"

As soon as the words fell, the spirit sword leaped up, turned into a snake, and moved forward with a fast speed, attacking and killing Du Yuesheng.

"This is the only way for a master of distraction?" Du Yuesheng snorted disdainfully, spread his five fingers, and grasped downward.

I saw that the withering speed of the ground under him suddenly increased thousands of times. In the blink of an eye, the ground for dozens of miles around turned into a withered yellow patch, the petals withered, the leaves turned yellow, the river stopped flowing, and the ground cracked.

And with the withering of the earth, strands of cyan energy directly rose into the air and fell into Du Yuesheng's hands.

In an instant, a cyan energy ball directly appeared in Du Yuesheng's hands, and the cyan energy ball was shining with light, which was extremely beautiful. Just by looking at it, one could tell that it contained extremely powerful power!

Once the decision is made, the earth will be barren, and the world will die!

Seeing this scene, many monks who watched the show were dumbfounded, they never thought that such powerful spells existed.

The complexion of the master of distraction also changed, but soon he insisted and said: "It's a bit weird, but you still can't escape the power of my Spirit Snake Sword today. You must know that distraction and getting out of the body are two different things." The gap in the big realm!"

"Really?" Du Yuesheng laughed, raised his hand, and the cyan energy ball flew out directly.

The master of distraction immediately raised his hand to control the Spirit Snake Sword to stab it, trying to destroy the energy ball.

But when the energy ball collided with the Spirit Snake Sword, the seemingly incomparably sharp Spirit Snake Sword was as fragile and weak as a toy knife at this moment, and was directly crushed into pieces by the energy ball.

Immediately afterwards, the energy ball went forward indomitably, and came straight to the distracted master.

The flying speed of the energy ball is not fast, but it gives people a sense of inevitability. The distracted master gritted his teeth, clasped his hands together, and burst out with spiritual power, forming a light curtain in front of him: "Feng Hai wall!"

This is his life-saving spell, even the sea can be blocked.

It's a pity, after the energy ball flew past, with just a light bump, the sea-sealing wall that should have been extremely hard cracked and shattered, and the energy ball also directly hit the body of the distracted master.

With a bang, the energy ball finally exploded, and the intense light caused everyone present to close their eyes, not daring to look any further.

When the light dissipated, everyone saw that the distracted master had long since disappeared. There was only a huge sinkhole left in place. All the surrounding trees fell backwards, and the forest with a radius of ten miles was razed to the ground. !

"Ding, the system prompts, congratulations to the player for killing a master of the first level of distraction and getting 14589568 fairy points!"

"Ding, the system prompts that since the player's experience value has reached the upper limit of the out-of-body experience, the thunder tribulation is coming, please prepare for it!"

Du Yuesheng grinned, sure enough, after killing this master of distraction, the experience points just filled up, and then as long as the thunder calamity arrives, he can enter the distraction.

He hurriedly asked: "System, how long will it be before the thunder tribulation arrives?"

"Ding, the system prompts that there is still one hour before the thunder disaster arrives!"

"What, so fast this time?" Du Yuesheng's eyes lit up, he was extremely happy, his strength far surpassed the average out-of-body peak master, so Lei Jie still couldn't cause any harm to him, the faster Lei Jie came, he would advance faster!

He hadn't been happy for a long time, when he suddenly heard a burst of angry shouting: "Bold madman, you actually killed our uncle, do you know which sect we are disciples from!"

A group of monks in the distance rushed over aggressively, as if they wanted to accuse Du Yuesheng.

Du Yuesheng let out a long breath, this sky domain is really not as big as the outside world, if someone is killed, his senior brother will rush over immediately, there is no way, but it's okay, the level will be improved faster this way!

So, he turned his head to look at the group of monks wearing uniform uniforms, and said, "The Emperor of Heaven doesn't care which disciple you are, if you kill him, you will be killed, who dares to refuse!"

"Arrogant boy, we are the Blue Thunder Sect, one of the top ten sects in Tiannan. Don't you dare to wait for a while. When my elders arrive, we will surely pierce your heart with ten thousand swords and die!"

"Oh? Still want to kill this Heavenly Emperor? Then this Heavenly Emperor will take your lives first!" Du Yuesheng raised his hand and pressed down, and the group of Blue Thunder Sect disciples sounded like they were hit by a Mount Tai. It fell to the ground in a flash!

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