The Most Violent Upgrade

Chapter 833 Heavenly Tribulation Sent to This Emperor (Fifth Change)

Sooner or later, the sky was immediately covered by dark clouds.

The bolts of lightning crashed down almost without any preparation, and rushed towards the rain of swords all over the sky in unison.

Seeing this scene, the disciples of the Blue Thunder Sect regained their confidence and shouted in unison: "The ancestor is mighty!"

But in the next second, when the thunder and lightning hit the rain of swords all over the sky, all I could see was a dazzling light erupting from each flying sword.

Under the protection of the dazzling light, Man Tian Jian Yu didn't suffer even the slightest damage, and fell directly.

Ancestor Lan Lei was the first to bear the brunt, and was directly pierced by hundreds of flying swords all over his body. The blood was drained almost instantly, and he couldn't die anymore.

While Jian Yu was still falling, thousands of Blue Thunder Sect disciples were all besieged by Jian Yu, and there was no way they could avoid it.

Some disciples were so remorseful that they immediately shouted for mercy, scolding their own sect and even the eighteen generations of Lan Lei's ancestors.

But Du Yuesheng is merciless, this kind of repeated generation who deceives teachers and exterminates ancestors, killing them is killing harm!

Some disciples cursed Du Yuesheng desperately, Du Yuesheng was naturally even more merciless, and killed him in one fell swoop!

Soon, the sword rain stopped, but the disciples of Lan Leizong were all dead, not one left.

"Ding, the system prompts, congratulations to the player for killing 872 Nascent Soul monks and getting 154898654 fairy points!"

"Ding, the system prompts, congratulations to the player for killing 125 out-of-body monks and getting 597138546 fairy points!"

"Ding, the system prompts, congratulations to the player for killing the ancestor Lan Lei, a monk of the Composite Realm, and got 1564897458 fairy points"

"Ding, the system prompts, congratulations to the player for getting ten card lottery opportunities, and you can draw cards for summoning characters, possession cards, etc."

"Ding, the system prompts that because the player's experience value is full, the level will not be increased for the time being, and the overflow experience will be temporarily stored."

"Ding, the system prompts that because the player's experience value has overflowed, after the thunder tribulation, the player's thunder calamity advances. The countdown counts down for three seconds and lasts for ten minutes. Please be prepared!"

"Damn it!" Before Du Yuesheng had time to rejoice that he was able to get the card again, he heard Lei Jie's advance news.

Three seconds passed in a flash, and the sky, which was still bright just now, suddenly became dark like night.

The thunder and lightning in the clouds kept coming and going, making the sky and the earth flicker.

As expected of Lei Jie, who advanced to the Distraction Realm, the battle is much stronger than the previous promotion to Leaving Body!

Du Yuesheng squinted his eyes and looked at the sky. On the ground, those monks were also frightened by the battle. Many of them carefully asked the people around them:

"Why did the sky suddenly change? Could it be that the sky wants to punish Du Yuesheng, the devil?"

"I don't even understand the fart. This is clearly the Thunder Tribulation. Looking at this battle, at least it's all the Thunder Tribulation of the Advanced Distraction. I didn't expect that I would also hope to witness the appearance of the Lei Jie of the Advanced Distraction!"

"What, you mean that Du Yuesheng is about to advance to the Distraction Realm? This is too scary.

When this kid appeared for the first time, he was still in the Nascent Soul Stage. How long has it been since he was about to advance to the Distraction Realm? "

"This son is definitely the number one genius in Tiannan Region, although the Lan Lei Sect is the weakest of the top ten sects.

But the destruction of the Blue Thunder Sect meant that Du Yuesheng also had the strength to face the other top ten sects! "

"Feng Tianzong has caused a lot of trouble!"

When everyone was discussing, there was a click, and the first thunder finally fell.

This thunder came crashing down, but Du Yuesheng was not afraid of this thunder normally, not to mention that he still has the power of Li Xiaoyao's possession card, a thunder falling is not much stronger than tickling.

"Look, Du Yuesheng doesn't dodge or dodge, he's dead!" Someone voiced his opinion.

But when the first thunder dissipated, Du Yuesheng was safe and sound, his hair fluttering in the wind, and he was indescribably leisurely. Immediately, those monks who thought Du Yuesheng was dead were speechless, their eyes widened. It's like seeing a ghost!

The second thunder came down immediately, several times stronger than the first thunder. This time, everyone held their breaths to see if Du Yuesheng was about to cast a spell or magic weapon for defense.

But what I didn't expect was that Du Yuesheng still stood there motionless.

"This Du Yuesheng is so crazy that he didn't use any tricks?" Someone wondered.

Du Yuesheng told him with practical actions, if he is so crazy, what about Tianlei? I am the Emperor of Heaven!

Rumble, then, countless sky thunders fell one after another, and their power became stronger and stronger. Some of the sky thunders did not hit Du Yuesheng, but fell on the mountain peak, and the mountain peak was directly blown down. This shows that the power of these sky thunders is absolutely tyrannical.

But Du Yuesheng was still not injured at all.

Ten minutes of waiting became really boring, so Du Yuesheng simply stretched out his hand and waved towards the sky, shouting loudly: "Why do you still hit me with such a little power, let me go!"

Just a casual wave of the hand, wanting to dissipate the thunder disaster, in the eyes of ordinary people, this is definitely an act of ants blocking the car.

Even those who admired Du Yuesheng's strength couldn't help frowning, thinking that Du Yuesheng was too arrogant.

But in the next second, a scene that shocked everyone appeared.

Originally, a thunderbolt rushed out of the robbery cloud and was about to strike down, but when Du Yuesheng yelled, the thunderbolt disappeared into the air.

"This, this, this..." The monks watching were stunned.

Just a word to dissipate the thunder calamity that has already fallen?

What kind of prestige is this? I'm afraid there is no such majestic thing in the world anymore, everyone thought in their hearts.

However, thousands of calculations are not as good as heaven's calculations.

Just now, people thought that the most powerful thing in the world was to dissipate the lightning calamity that had been struck by one sentence, but in the next second, something that shocked everyone even more happened.

As the thunder dissipated, Lei Jie, who was hesitating in the clouds, turned out to be like a frightened child, only daring to stand up, and no longer struck down at all.

This stalemate lasted less than ten seconds, and everyone suddenly noticed that the sky seemed to be a little brighter, and after a few seconds, the sky was a little brighter again.

When most people didn't know why, a smart person discovered the reason and couldn't help shouting: "This is the calamity cloud dissipating, and the calamity cloud is dissipating, that means the thunder calamity is coming to an end!"

"What!" The eyeballs of those who heard this almost popped out of their sockets.

Is this a joke, Jieyun is going to dissipate?

Du Yuesheng just scolded, the robbery cloud in the sky was really frightened by him to disperse?

This is too incredible!

This is too majestic.

Looking at the history of Tiannan Continent, who can do this?

What is it to scold a thunderbolt, just scold Jieyun to scatter, and reprimand Lei Jie, that is the real prestige!

At this time, people suddenly felt that Du Yuesheng's madness was a madness with capital, a madness that could make everyone worship him, and the most majestic madness in the world!

At that moment, countless people glanced at Du Yuesheng who stood proudly between the heaven and the earth, but they didn't dare to raise their heads, for fear of touching the power of the emperor of heaven!


I finally finished writing the fifth watch all night.

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